Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does Hongjun Wealth _ Hongjun mean?

What does Hongjun Wealth _ Hongjun mean?

Who's Jiang Ziya?

Jiang Ziya, also known as Jiang Shang, is from the East China Sea. His ancestors used to be officials of Sishan and helped Yu Xia to control water and soil. Shun and Yu were blocked.

Half-life, Jiang Ziya

In Ludi (now Nanyang West, Henan Province), it is also called Lushang. Some were sealed in Shen, surnamed Jiang. During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, Shen, Lu and others were sealed as descendants and some became civilians, and Lu Shang was their distant descendant. Lu Shang was originally surnamed Jiang, and was named after the fief, so he was called Lu Shang.

When Jiang Ziya was born, his family had already declined, so when Jiang Ziya was young, he worked as a butcher who slaughtered cattle and sold meat, and also opened a hotel to sell wine. However, Jiang Ziya people are not lacking in ambition. Whether they are slaughtering cattle or doing business, they always diligently study astronomy, geography and military strategies, and study the way to run the country and make it safe. They hope to display their talents for the country one day, but until they are 70 years old, they still do nothing and stay at home.

Prospering Zhou and destroying business.

Taigong fishing is willing to take the bait.

At the age of 72, Jiang Ziya fished in Panxi (now Baoji, Shaanxi) on the bank of Weihe River, and asked for an audience with Ji Chang. Before hunting, Ji Chang divined a divination and said, "The prey is neither a dragon nor a thorn, nor a tiger nor a bear; The income is the assistant minister who has achieved the hegemony. " Ji Chang went hunting and met Jiang Ziya on the north bank of Weihe River. After talking with Jiang Ziya, Ji Chang was overjoyed and thought that Jiang Taigong was a wizard. He said: "Since our country's great grandfather said,' A saint will come to Zhou, and Zhou will flourish.' Is that you? We have been expecting you for a long time. Therefore, Jiang Ziya was called "King Tai Gong", and they rode home together, honoring them as surnames. Some people say that Jiang Ziya is knowledgeable and once worked for Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Shang and Zhou had no choice, so Jiang Ziya left. Lobbying the governors of other countries, I don't know who I met, and finally I went west to Ji Chang. Some people say that Jiang Ziya is Chu Shi, living in seclusion by the sea. When Ji Chang was imprisoned in prison, Ji Chang's ministers Sanyisheng and Yao Hongjiu heard the news of Jiang Ziya and called him. Jiang Ziya also believes that "I heard that Jichang Xiande has always respected and cared for the elderly. Why not go? " In order to rescue Ji Chang, three people found a beautiful treasure and gave it to Zhou Wang to redeem Ji Chang. Ji Chang was released and returned to Zhou. Although there are different opinions about the legend that Jiang Ziya returned to Zhou, it is generally believed that Jiang Ziya is Ji Changhe's teacher.

Taigong assisted King Wen.

After Ji Chang returned from prison, he and Jiang Ziya secretly planned how to implement the policy of virtue to overthrow the regime of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, among which there was no lack of tactical ingenuity. Jiang Ziya assisted Ji Changji Mountain Xiu De and Ming Dow Star people; Foreign countries urged Ji Chang to contact other dissatisfied vassal States to pay tribute to Zhou Wang, which made Zhou Wang relax its vigilance; Default the policy of loving the people, do things beneficial to the people, advocate production and train the army; Therefore, those who talk about the methods of warfare and the secret politics of the Zhou Dynasty respect Jiang Ziya's basic strategy. He was praised by the poet as impartial to the government, especially after the territorial dispute between Yu and Rui. Ji Chang also crusaded against the worship of the country, dense beards and dogs, and built Fengyi on a large scale. Two-thirds of the princes in the world took refuge in Zhou, which was mostly the result of squire's planning.

After the death of Chang, Ji Fa acceded to the throne. In nine years, Ji Fa wanted to continue to accomplish the great cause of Jichang, and marched to Shang and Zhou Dynasties to see if the vassals rallied to respond. On the occasion of the departure of the army, Jiang Ziya, who was honored as "a teacher and a father", took Huang Yue by the left hand and White by the right hand, saying, "Cang Tong Cang Tong, lead all the soldiers, assemble the ships, and the latecomers will be beheaded." So the soldiers went to Jin Meng. As many as 800 governors came uninvited. The governors all said, "We can conquer Shang and Zhou Dynasties." Ji Fa said, "Not yet." Move troops and return, and Jiang Ziya wrote "A surname".

Jiang Ziya in the Battle of Makino

Two years later, Shang and Zhou killed Prince Bigan and imprisoned Ji Zi. At this time of Zhou Wang, dissolute and tyrannical to the extreme. When Jiang Ziya saw the time was ripe, he proposed to Ji Fa to cut down the trees. Ji Fa then informed the governors to conquer together. Jiang Ziya selected 300 personnel carriers, 3,000 warriors and 45,000 soldiers to form a cutting force. When Ji Fa sent his troops, he thought the tortoise was unlucky. On the March, another storm happened, and the determination of Ji Fa and his ministers was once shaken. Jiang Ziya through the crowd, enhance the confidence of chop weeks. On Jiazi Day in the first month of the eleventh year, Zhou Jun arrived at Konoha, 70 miles outside Shangdu, and all the governors led four thousand chariots to meet him. Shang Zhouwang also assembled 700,000 troops (170,000) to March on Konoha. As soon as the curtain was raised, Jiang Ziya personally led a few elites as pioneers to challenge the front, and then Ji Fa led a great army to attack Shang Zhouwang's army. The Shang army was outnumbered, but the foot soldiers abandoned and fled. When Zhou Wang saw the tide ebbing, he hurried back to Chao Ge, boarded the deer platform and set himself on fire. Jiang Ziya led Ji Fa to sing in Yindu, telling the world that the Shang Dynasty was dead and the Zhou Dynasty was born.

The next day, standing on the altar, the ministers held Mingshui, Wei Kangshu sealed the colorful seats, and the stone led him to sacrifice. Shi Yi prayed according to the Raiders Book and told the gods about the crusade against the evil Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Distribute the coins accumulated by Shang and Zhou Dynasties in Lutai, and distribute the grain accumulated by Shang and Zhou Dynasties in Giant Bridge to help the poor. Build a tomb, raise the height, and release the imprisoned Ji Zi. When Jiuding, the symbol of the highest power in the world, was moved to Zhou State, Zhou State's government affairs were restored and a new era was opened together with the people in the world.

Feng Guo an bang

After King Wu destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he negotiated with Jiang Ziya and others to divide the whole country into several vassal states, which were enfeoffed by the Emperor of Zhou to the relatives of Ji who contributed to the great cause of destroying the Shang Dynasty, and the capital was established as the barrier of the ruling center of the Zhou Dynasty, that is, the so-called "feudal relatives protected the Zhou Dynasty with vassals". Because of Jiang Ziya's outstanding achievements in prospering the Zhou Dynasty and destroying the business, he first established the State of Qi in Diqi Yingqiu (now Linzi District of Zibo City) to stabilize the East.

Jiang Ziya at the beginning of the founding of Qi.

BC 1045, Jiang Ziya led his troops to Yingqiu. Due to the fatigue of the journey, this group of people moved slowly. One evening, they came to camp not far from the camp and prepared to arrive at the camp tomorrow. Someone said, "There is a saying that opportunities are rare. These people sleep soundly, just like building a capital in the countryside. " Hearing this, Jiang Ziya was all wide awake. Ordered to rectify the army, Dai Yue rushed to Yingqiu. At dawn, I came to the west bank of the Zi River and saw that the troops from other countries were struggling to make their way to Yingshan. The situation was very critical. It turns out that the country of origin is close to Yingqiu, and it belongs to Shang Zhouwang. Later, I wanted to seize the camp hill when Jiang Ziya was on shaky ground. The two armies fought on the west bank of the Zi River. Jiang Ziya commanded calmly, and the soldiers were brave and tenacious. Lai Jun was killed and walked back. Qi was formally established in this way.

After the establishment of Qi State, Jiang Ziya first ruled by law to stabilize people's hearts. Tang Yang of the Sikou camp disobeyed, took bribes to harm the people, spread rumors to mislead the people, and claimed to rule Qi with so-called "benevolence and righteousness", so people beheaded Tang Yang of the camp and made an imperial decree. In the East China Sea, there were lunatics and China brothers, who were called "sages" by people at that time. They did not submit to the emperor, nor did they work for the princes, and peacefully confronted the newly born Qi State with an uncooperative attitude. Jiang Ziya thought they were selfish, not loyal to the country, and were "black sheep", so he ordered them to be killed. At this time, Qi never dared to disobey orders and laws, and the chaotic situation was quickly solved. Only five months later, Jiang Ziya went to see Duke Zhou and reported his achievements in bringing peace and stability to the country.

Strengthen the country and enrich the people

Jiang Ziya pursues the policy of respecting the virtuous and valuing the meritorious in politics. It is to select talents to be officials, and absorb a large number of local talents from Dongyi to join the ruling class of Qi State, so that they can play their due role in national construction. Those who pass the examination and meet the selection criteria, regardless of relatives and friends, should give full play to their strengths and maximize their positive creativity. This route of employing people broke the shackles of the orthodox thought of "respecting relatives" based on blood relationship in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Jiang Taigong also promoted employment to the height of national rise and fall, and put forward the talent theory of "six guards", "eight signs" and "six don't need". Practice has proved that his thought of employing people not only created the precedent of appointing people on merit, but also laid the foundation for Qi to dominate other countries later.

Jiang Ziya after Qi became rich and strong.

Culturally, it pursues an enlightened policy of "simplicity due to customs". "Custom" refers to "foreign custom", that is, the lifestyle of local Dongyi people at that time; "Li" refers to "Yi Li", that is, the etiquette system of local Dongyi people at that time. Taigong believes that if Qi vigorously promotes the ceremony of etiquette and law, it will easily lead to ethnic conflicts, which is not conducive to governing and safeguarding the country. After careful consideration, he decided to proceed from the reality of Qi and the local area, be simple and polite, and pragmatically create a new system that can be accepted by Qi people without violating the rites of Zhou.

According to "History of Han Geography", "Carrying the sea together (X brake), there are few people and less food." "On Salt and Iron" said: "In the past, Taigong sealed Yingshan, and the grass was clear. The land is thin and there are few people. " Faced with extremely harsh natural conditions, Jiang Taigong has adapted to local conditions since the founding of Qi. While attaching importance to the development of millet and rice production, we should make full use of China's rich mineral resources and fish and salt resources to vigorously develop handicrafts such as smelting, silk and linen textile, fishery and salt industry. It also makes use of the convenient transportation of Qi State and the people's tradition of attaching importance to commerce, vigorously develops commerce, and carries out the policy of foreign trade in other countries' currencies. Under the guidance of this macro strategy of "agriculture, industry and commerce", the crowns, belts, clothes and shoes made by Qi sell well all over the world, fish and salt are circulated in various countries, and governors come to worship in succession. Qi has gradually developed from a remote and desolate small and poor country into a big and rich country living in the East.

Periventricular diazepam

Jiang Ziya assisted the Duke of Zhou in his crusade.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Ziya, as the "Taishi" of the Central Government of the Zhou Dynasty, spent quite a long time in Haojiang, assisting his grandson Zhou Chengwang Song Ji and great-grandson Zhou Kangwang Zhao Ji. His eldest sons, Ding Gong and Jiang Ji of Qi, did not go to Linzi to govern Qi. On the contrary, he has been Hu Ben's position in Haojing, leading the garrison in the palace. For more than 30 years after the founding of Qi, Yingqiu was basically guarded by his third son, Qiu Mugong. During the period of the King of Qi, Guan Shu, Cai Shu and Huo Shu were in the "Three Supervisors' Chaos", Huai Yi, Xu Yi and the "Five Emperors of Yin Dong" rose up against the Zhou Dynasty, and Jiang Taigong and his son assisted Zhou Gongdan or sat in Kyoto to plan; Or lead the troops to run around and take the lead; Or left and right echo, east and west attack, quickly put down the rebellion, and made great contributions to the second security week. Later, after Zhou Chengwang's death, Jiang Ziya and his son accepted the task of being the king, shouldering the heavy responsibility of assisting the prince, and later helped Prince Zhao Ji ascend to the throne with other ministers, known as Zhou Kangwang in history.

Shou zhong Hao Jing

Jiang Ziya in Good Scenes

In the sixth year of Zhou Kangwang, Jiang Ziya died in Haojing, the capital of Zhou Dynasty, at the age of 139, and his son Ding Gong and Jiang Ji succeeded him. Ding Qi Palace general level continued to assist Zhou Kangwang, becoming the second assistant after that, leading the elite troops of the Zhou Dynasty with 3,000 warriors to defend.