Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How long can Shel's fortune-telling last _ How powerful is Shel?

How long can Shel's fortune-telling last _ How powerful is Shel?

How long can a person live?

Question 1: How long can people live? At present, the average life expectancy of China people is 72 years. On this basis, answer the following questions, add and subtract, and finally you can get your possible life expectancy. 1. If it is male, it will be reduced by 3 years; Female 1 year. 2. Living in an urban area with more than 6,543,800 people, minus 2 years; Living in a small town or rural area with a population of less than 6.5438+0 million, plus 2 years old. 3. 1 grandparents live to be 85 years old; Plus 2 years old; All four grandparents lived to be 80 years old, plus 6 years old. 4. 1 parents died of stroke or heart disease before the age of 50, MINUS 4 years; If any parent, brother or sister has cancer or abnormal heart before the age of 50, or has diabetes since childhood, it will be reduced by 3 years. If you are rich, subtract 2 years. 6. If you graduate from university, add 1 year; 65 years old and still working, plus 3 years old. 7. If you have a spouse and live together, add 5 years; If not, from the age of 25 every 10 years, minus 1 year. 8. If you often work at your desk, you will be reduced by 3 years; Those who often engage in manual labor will be added 3 years. 9. If you play ball, swim, run, etc. 5 times a week, add 4 years old; Twice a week plus 2 years old. 10. If you sleep more than 10 hours every night, then subtract 4 years. 1 1. Often nervous, irritable and impatient, reduced by 3 years; I feel that life is easy and I can cope with my work. I am three years old. 12. If you often feel happy, add 1 year; I often feel unhappy and lost it for 2 years. 13. If you smoke, 2 packs a day, MINUS 8 years old; 65438+ 0-2 packs per day, minus 6 years; Less than 1 bag, minus 3 years. 14. If you drink 50- 100 ml of white wine every day, then you are 1 year old. 15. If the weight exceeds 5 kg, it will be reduced by 2 years; /kloc-more than 0/5 kg, minus 4 years; If it exceeds 25 kilograms, it will be reduced by 8 years. 16. Have you calculated your life expectancy? Don't be discouraged if your results are not satisfactory. From now on, change bad habits, quit smoking and drinking, exercise correctly and live an optimistic life, and your life will be prolonged. The key to life is in your own hands. .

Question 2: How long can a person live only by drinking water every day ... If a person only drinks water and doesn't eat, the diagnosis shows that he can live for about 7 days, and if he keeps sleeping, he can live for about half a month.

Please accept it, thank you!

Question 3: How long can a person live without sleep? Afterwards, Claire admitted that the game was very painful and she had hallucinations. Medical experts also condemned that this kind of competition should not be held, which is harmful to human health. Because 178 hours without sleep means memory disorders, endocrine disorders, organ damage, skin aging, decreased immunity ... What impact does sleep have on people's physiology and psychology? In this regard, American researchers have done experiments. The results show that if people don't sleep for 40 hours in a row, their mental work ability such as dealing with numbers, saying color names correctly and recalling something will be obviously reduced. If you don't sleep for 50 hours, your activity ability, physical strength and personality will decline; If the subject is put in a room alone on this basis, the subject will have psychotic hallucinations and behave like a child; If you don't sleep for 70 hours in a row, your attention and feelings will be paralyzed; /kloc-after 0/20 hours, people will fall into a state of insanity. This is the experimental result of artificially disturbing sleep and making people unable to sleep. Although the data obtained are extreme, it shows how important sleep is for the healthy life of human beings. Even if you don't stay up late, if you don't get enough sleep, your attention, feelings and thinking will be greatly reduced. Sleep is so important because when you fall asleep, your body is repairing in a limited time. ◆ Eyes protect eyesight and nourish eyeballs. Sleeping is a more effective "eye-catching" measure than watching green plants. When you close your eyes and go to sleep, the tired ciliary muscles finally get a rest, preventing vision loss and presbyopia from being reported in advance. At this time, the secretion of lacrimal glands, which was suppressed during the day, also increased, and began to moisturize the eyes that were dry due to long-term use of eyes; Corneal temperature also rises, and its cell metabolism is accelerated. ◆ Immune enhancement and disease resistance. Sick people are always particularly sleepy, because the body suppresses other physiological functions through sleep, highlights immune functions and helps the human body recover as soon as possible. This shows that adequate sleep can enhance human immunity. Medical experiments also found that if people reduce their sleep for 4 hours, the vitality of immune cells in the body will be weakened by 28%; And you can recover with enough sleep. ◆ Endocrine laws secrete hormones. In the sleep state, various hormones secreted regularly play an active role. Take growth hormone as an example. When you enter a deep sleep state 1 hour, its secretion reaches a peak, which is more than three times that of daytime. In addition to promoting growth, this hormone can also accelerate the burning of body fat. On the contrary, if sleep is insufficient, endocrine disorders and hormone secretion are abnormal, not only emotions become easily excited, but also fertility may be affected. ◆ Skin breeds beautiful skin. The metabolism is most vigorous during sleep. Because when you are asleep, the consumption of muscles and internal organs is reduced, its blood vessels are in a relatively bottleneck state, while the skin blood vessels are completely open, allowing blood to fully reach the skin, providing it with nutrition, self-repairing and renewing cells, and delaying skin aging. If you miss the "sleep", the best opportunity to breed beauty, the skin will easily become dry, rough, dull and wrinkled, especially around the eyes. It is hard to imagine how the brain forms and consolidates memories. Human memory is completely formed and consolidated in sleep. But when you are asleep, your brain is really playing back, analyzing and storing the affairs of the day, leaving traces of memory. Even more surprising, the nerve changes in the brain during sleep are twice as great as those during waking. The signals of some neural pathways are enhanced and new connections are formed between cells, while the signals of other pathways are weakened and disconnected, which makes the memory in the brain much clearer than when working continuously. ◆ Autonomic nerves relax internal organs. Except the brain, most internal organs of the human body, such as the heart and stomach, are dominated by autonomic nerves. Vegetative nerves are divided into sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. During the day, sympathetic nerve is active, heartbeat and gastrointestinal peristalsis are accelerated; When you fall asleep, the sympathetic nerve becomes depressed, the parasympathetic nerve becomes active, and the internal organs get rest and relaxation. If you don't sleep when you are tired, not only the internal organs can't rest, but also the autonomic nerves are easily irritated by overwork, laying a hidden danger of insomnia. ◆ Hair is nourished. The time you sleep is also the key time for your hair to get nutrition. Because only one day's cerebral cortex activity consumes 1/4 all the nutrients needed by human metabolism and daily activities, most of the blood transported by carotid artery is concentrated in the brain, and less blood is transported to the collateral branches, while scalp tissue only relies on the collateral branches of carotid artery to provide nutrition. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time and don't supply enough blood to your hair at night, your hair will become scarce and inelastic. The ancients said: Heaven ... >>

Question 4: How long can a person live without eating? A draft game of CCTV4 is called "Very Young". One of the questions asked, "How long can a person live without eating or drinking?" Choose the answer, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days. The correct answer of CCTV is 90 days. So I asked myself, how long can people live if they only drink water and don't eat? If you ask a doctor, if he is knowledgeable enough, the answer is four to six weeks, but the question is not that simple. Some doctors and psychologists have actually studied this problem seriously, but because no volunteers stand up and say (the parents of volunteers are unwilling), many of them are the result of speculation. Psychologists say that how long a person can live without eating or drinking depends largely on his willpower to live. For example, Xu Yunfeng and Jiang Jie can live for a long time. Indian Mahatma Gandhi went on a hunger strike for three weeks in the 1970s, and some people who didn't want to live could end their lives in less than two weeks. So in this extreme situation, how long people can live, people's desire to survive can play a great role, but it is not a decisive factor. The decisive factor depends on the person's health and obesity at the beginning of the hunger strike. Three days before the start of the hunger strike, glycogen stored in the liver began to break down into glucose to provide energy for the body. After three days, the glycogen in the liver is exhausted and the fat stored in the body begins to be consumed. At this time, the advantages of fat people are revealed, and how fat lasts for a long time. This is why people advocated obesity in the past. When the fat is exhausted, people begin to consume muscles, increase the degradation of protein, and use oxidized amino acids to provide energy. At this time, people will become very sick, have a headache and dizziness, and become extremely weak. Organs in the body will fail one after another. Hunger strikers have had examples of kidney failure, and then death will come. For the average person, this time is about 4 to 6 weeks. Of course, there are many variables here. For example, a person's own metabolic level can also play a great role. People with hyperthyroidism live many days less than those with hypothyroidism, because the basal metabolic rate is too high and energy consumption is too fast. Big fat man, who only drinks water and doesn't eat, is said to live up to 25 weeks. Some terminal patients can hardly last for a few days. I remember it was reported in the past that several students were traveling in the mountains and fell into a cave. A month later, people found these people. Only one person was alive, because there were some chocolates in this person's pocket. This person lived for 30 days on the water and chocolate in the cave, but he had multiple organ failure, and others could not live for 30 days. Experiments in this unexpected situation prove that people can only live less than 30 days in fear and despair by drinking water without eating. But there are exceptions I remember a few years ago, an old Sichuan doctor of traditional Chinese medicine lived for more than 200 days by drinking only one kind of "liquid" every day in a cage. He is still very healthy. I guess this liquid is similar to something to eat, such as pearl jade white jade soup. Someone asked, how long can you live only by drinking beer and not eating? I don't know.

Hope to adopt

Question 5: How many days can a person live on average in his life? How many days can a person live in his life?

2008-08-0121:57: 33 In my spare time, I sometimes unconsciously think of such a question-how many days can a person have in his life? When you get used to where you will go, you feel that life is not easy. Assuming that the average life expectancy of people is 80 years, then we will live for 29,200 days in our lifetime. Time in the world is really short. We sleep an average of 7 hours a day, so the lifetime sleep time is about 204,400 hours, which is 85 16 days. Our real waking time is about 20000 days. In these more than 20 thousand days, we have to work, study and socialize ... how much leisure time do we have? So most white-collar workers will feel nervous and tired at work. I always feel that I have no time to rest. Every day, my nerves feel tense and tense. As a result, some people have palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, and sub-health has emerged. Man's life is short. My opinion is: while doing a good job, we should pay attention to the combination of work and rest and be kind to ourselves.

Question 6: How long can people live? Theoretically, he can live to be 1.50 years old. Longest life expectancy: 1.30 years old. India discovers the oldest person in the world (Ocean Forum on July 365, 438+0, 65, 438+00: 34, 2002). Devi is at least 130 years old. If her age can be confirmed, she will be the oldest person in the world, 14 years older than the oldest woman known in China. How long can we live? American scientists believe that even with the continuous progress of science, human life expectancy will hardly reach 100 years, at least in the next century. The average life expectancy of people born in this century is 85 years. Oleshanski, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois at Chicago, said that there are no magic drugs, hormones, antioxidants, genetic engineering or biotechnology in the world today, which can increase the life span of human beings to 120 years or 150 years, as predicted by some people. Follick, an expert on longevity at the University of California, San Francisco, totally agrees with Oleshansky's point of view, saying that human beings are "super longevity" is simply "nonsense". But Oleshansky does not deny that there are some encouraging facts. He told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Development of Science in San Francisco that since 1900, the average life expectancy of human beings has increased by 30 years due to the improvement of medical standards. For example, the life expectancy of American girls born in 1900 is only 48.9 years, while the life expectancy of girls born in 1995 is 79 years. Ole Shanski reported in the forthcoming issue of Science this week that it will take at least 200 years for French and Japanese-born babies to live to 1000. It will be 600 years before babies born in America can join this century-old club. The reason for this difference is that in these three countries, the rate of death rate decline is different. From 1985 to 1995, the mortality rate in France decreased by 1.5%, in Japan by 1.2%, and in the United States by only 0.4%. According to this data, the average life expectancy of French people will reach 85 years in 2033, Japan in 2035 and the United States in 2 182. According to records, the person who has lived the longest so far is a French woman named Calmet, who died on 1997 at the age of 122.45. The Queen of England is also one of the few examples of longevity. Professor Follick said that life expectancy and life expectancy are two concepts. Life span refers to how long a person can live; Life expectancy refers to the average life expectancy of people born in a certain year. The longest life span of human beings is about 125 years old. Even if the most common causes of death such as cancer, heart disease and stroke are excluded, the average life expectancy will increase by at most 15 years, and then people will die of old age. He believes that only when biological researchers find a way to delay the aging process and make this discovery serve all mankind will the next great leap in human life appear. Oleshansky said that the most realistic way at present is to study how to prolong the healthy period of human beings. Today, the health status of 65-year-old people is the same as that of 60-year-old people in 1960. For human beings, the quality of life is the most precious. Living in a building, there is a longevity village in Hubei, where there are many centenarians. Five cities live together. If you want to seek the secret of longevity, you might as well go there and read the following. Maybe you can find many experienced long-lived old people there, and maybe you can discover the mystery of human immortality. But I know you're not here to live forever. I can tell you, if you want to know this question, I'm afraid you'll have to run around.

Question 7: How long can people live? When will the world end? Who knows? You'll know when it will. Oh, how long can a person live? Why do you ask? Don't you think it's unnecessary? There is no conclusion at all. If you want to commit suicide and ensure success, you can be sure how long you can live. It's hard to say if there is an accident, maybe the next second. Maybe it's too far away for you to feel at all. The correct answer is that you will die. The last song' Don't ask me how high the sun is, I'll tell you how high it is. Don't ask me how many stars I have, I'll tell you a lot. Don't think so much. Just be happy, just be unhappy, and try to calm your heart. Forget it. It's no use wasting brain cells. Not worth it.

Question 8: How long can a person live without eating? A draft game of CCTV4 is called "Extraordinary Teenager", and one of the questions asks "How long can people live without food or water?" Choose the answer, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days. The correct answer of CCTV is 90 days.

So I asked myself, how long can people live if they only drink water and don't eat?

If you ask a doctor, if he is knowledgeable enough, the answer is four to six weeks, but the question is not that simple.

Some doctors and psychologists have actually studied this problem seriously, but because no volunteers stand up and say (the parents of volunteers are unwilling), many of them are the result of speculation. Psychologists say that how long a person can live without eating or drinking depends largely on his willpower to live. For example, Xu Yunfeng and Jiang Jie can live for a long time. Indian Mahatma Gandhi went on a hunger strike for three weeks in the 1970s, and some people who didn't want to live could end their lives in less than two weeks. So in this extreme situation, how long people can live, people's desire to survive can play a great role, but it is not a decisive factor.

The decisive factor depends on the person's health and obesity at the beginning of the hunger strike. Three days before the start of the hunger strike, glycogen stored in the liver began to break down into glucose to provide energy for the body. After three days, the glycogen in the liver is exhausted and the fat stored in the body begins to be consumed. At this time, the advantages of fat people are revealed, and how fat lasts for a long time. This is why people advocated obesity in the past. When the fat is exhausted, people begin to consume muscles, increase the degradation of protein, and use oxidized amino acids to provide energy. At this time, people will become very sick, have a headache and dizziness, and become extremely weak. Organs in the body will fail one after another. Hunger strikers have had examples of kidney failure, and then death will come. For the average person, this time is about 4 to 6 weeks.

Of course, there are many variables here. For example, a person's own metabolic level can also play a great role. People with hyperthyroidism live many days less than those with hypothyroidism, because the basal metabolic rate is too high and energy consumption is too fast. Big fat man, who only drinks water and doesn't eat, is said to live up to 25 weeks. Some terminal patients can hardly last for a few days.

I remember it was reported in the past that several students were traveling in the mountains and fell into a cave. A month later, people found these people, only one person was alive, because this person had a few pieces of chocolate in his pocket and lived for 30 days on the water and chocolate in the cave, but he had multiple organ failure, and others could not live for 30 days. Experiments in this unexpected situation prove that people can only live less than 30 days in fear and despair by drinking water without eating.

But there are exceptions I remember a few years ago, an old Sichuan doctor of traditional Chinese medicine lived for more than 200 days by drinking only one kind of "liquid" every day in a cage. He is still very healthy. I guess this liquid is similar to something to eat, such as pearl jade white jade soup. Someone asked, how long can you live only by drinking beer and not eating? I don't know.

Question 9: How long can a person live? .

You can live for 500 years. .

More than 800. .

As long as you become a fairy, it is infinite. .