Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is it really a "ghost pinch green" to bruise your body for no reason?

Is it really a "ghost pinch green" to bruise your body for no reason?

Some people always have some bruises, especially on their arms or legs, without collision or any trauma. But the elders at home or some elderly people call this phenomenon "pinching ghosts." It must be emphasized here. The so-called ghost-pinching is just a superstition and can't be believed at all. So why are there bruises for no reason? Here are the details.

One; Purpura on the skin

I believe everyone is not familiar with the word "purple epilepsy", but it often happens on our skin or our bodies. Purpura in medicine refers to our thrombocytopenia, or some pathological changes that change our blood will lead to the phenomenon of sub-electricity. This sub-electric phenomenon is reflected in the formation of bruises on the skin, even if there is no trauma, the body will be bruised.

Second; There is something wrong with the capillaries.

The human body is composed of many blood vessels, and the so-called capillaries are usually the thinnest part of our blood vessels, and capillaries are also prone to bleeding symptoms, which is called capillary damage. So at this time, our blood is easy to flow out of capillaries to subcutaneous tissues, which will also cause bruises on our skin, and the probability of this happening is very high, probably because some drugs we take or some foods we eat lead to capillary lesions.

Third; Caused by other diseases

There is also a situation that will cause innocent public opinion in the body, that is, it is very likely that our body suffers from some kind of disease, which will lead to visceral bleeding, come to subcutaneous tissue and produce bruises, such as severe liver disease or lung disease, and some blood diseases will probably lead to internal bleeding, thus showing a lot of bruises on our skin.