Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - American fortune teller predicts China's death _ Is it true that American fortune teller predicted China's death?

American fortune teller predicts China's death _ Is it true that American fortune teller predicted China's death?

Is the forecast of 20 10 true? Why is it a little scary?

The United States reported in the early morning of 25th that some strange behaviors of children suddenly appeared in several big cities such as Washington, new york and LA. They all speak some languages that humans don't understand, and the survey found that they are all dark blue children without exception. It is said that someone deciphered their prediction for the first time, and the translation is as follows:

(1) 20103-May, a new round of H 1N 1 variant broke out all over the world. When many secrets died, the state officially confirmed them through the media so as not to cause social panic before. By the end of May, at least 30,000 people around the world will die of H 1N 1, among which the United States and Canada are the most serious, followed by China.

(2) From March to September in 2065438+00, about a quarter of China will suffer from drought for half a year, mainly in the southwest, and the most serious drought will appear in Yunnan Province in June. The drought lasting for half a year will cause about 1000 deaths in China.

(3) In May 2065438+00, the global icebergs will melt one after another, which will lead to sea level rise in some areas, including South America and Asia, with Japan and Shanghai bearing the brunt.

(4) In June, 2065438+ 00, catra volcano will erupt on a large scale after Eyjafjallajokull volcano, causing 30,000 deaths and 65438+10,000 homeless people. Volcanic ash will affect Iceland and even the whole Atlantic coastal cities. 1 year later, 20,000 people will die of respiratory diseases.

(5) From September, 2065438+00 to September, 10, high temperatures persisted in many parts of the world, with the highest temperature in Africa being 42.6 degrees, and the highest temperature in Shanghai being 4 1.2 degrees, exceeding the historical level in the same period.

(6) At the end of 2065438+00, a new round of financial crisis broke out in the world, and the reason of public opinion was the construction of Noah's Ark. It is said that the real construction site is not in China, but in Russia. However, in addition to going overseas, China also secretly set up shelters in various places. There will be a large number of planes coming in and out of Lhasa, and public opinion has turned the construction site of the ark to Lhasa.

(7) In February, 2065438+01,G20 Summit was held to discuss how to deal with the financial crisis. At least 200 super-rich people will attend the summit, which will be held in San Francisco, USA. Finally, an agreement was reached. On the one hand, the government lowered the bank interest rate, on the other hand, it ensured the construction of the Infinite Ark. In this way, Russian, American, China and other countries will gradually occupy the leading position in finance, while Canadian and Japanese will gradually become developing countries.

(8) In March of 2065438+01year, a 9.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Los Angeles, USA, and the death toll soared to 6.5438+0.8 million. Less than half a month later, another earthquake occurred in Tangshan, with a magnitude of 8.7 and a death toll of 1 1 10,000. Experts say that the world will enter an active period of the crust.

(9) After May 2011,earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred in various countries and regions. Among them, Mount Fuji in Japan will erupt in August, and lava will flood half of Osaka, causing at least160,000 deaths and disappearances.

(10)20 1 1 In September, geographers said that the earth's magnetic field was rapidly weakening, and in June of 438+0 1, a solar particle storm invaded the earth's magnetosphere, during which many plane crashes and underwater submarine collisions occurred in various countries.

(11) 2011February, the world's most famous alien event will happen. A formation of 1 stars will arrive in 5 1 area of the United States to discuss global disaster response. The President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense will attend the meeting in secret. Afterwards, the United Nations asked the United States to open the negotiation video.

(12)20 12 In February, experts from the International Observatory discovered that an asteroid 300 million light-years away from the Earth was invading the solar system, and its volume was one third of that of the Earth. It is predicted that it will hit the earth on June 1 12, and global experts will discuss countermeasures.

(13)20 12 In March, a 9.8-magnitude super earthquake occurred in the Philippines, and it was felt in Chinese mainland, Taiwan Province Province of China and Japan. Coupled with the tsunami, 500,000 people were killed and 1 10,000 people were homeless.

(14)20 12 In April, the United Nations officially declared that the world had entered a period of disaster. In May, geographical experts found that the earth's magnetic field is completely bipolar, and time and space are staggered in many areas. Some futurists appeared and told modern people that a disaster happened on the earth in the early morning of February 22, 20 12, and he himself was a survivor at that time, from 2025.

(15) On June 2012, it was found that similar events such as the Bermuda Triangle were the result of the temporal and spatial transfer of the local zero magnetic field on the earth, and crop circles were the masterpieces of aliens, including the slaughter of cattle, and the results of alien research on human genes.

(16)20 12 In July, the United Nations announced the successful construction of Noah's Ark. There are three in Russia and two in China, each of which can accommodate1100,000 people, and can resist the attacks of tsunami, earthquake and volcanic lava. At the end of July, with the help of alien forces, three super ships were built in 5 1 area of the United States, each of which can be used.

(17)20 12 In August, the United Nations officially announced that the end of the world would come in the next five months, and began to select specific people to board Noah's Ark and super spacecraft. Among them, the head of state, the best experts in all aspects of the country and people of deep blue descent will be selected, and tickets will be sold publicly. Tickets for Noah's Ark and Super Spacecraft will be 2 billion euros.

(18)20 12 in September, astronomers predicted that an asteroid would hit the earth three months later, and predicted that it would hit the Atlantic Ocean, and the tsunami would spread to half the earth, and none of them were spared.

(19)20 12 At the end of September, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.5 occurred in Chicago, USA, resulting in the death of100000 people in the United States. The earthquake affected Canada and other countries, with 300,000 deaths in Canada and 0/70,000 deaths in Mexico. The tsunami in the Caribbean caused numerous casualties in neighboring Cuba and Alaska.

(20) On 201210, the solar storm raged again, causing large-scale power grids in Asia, South America and other regions to be paralyzed and blacked out. Since then, half the countries on the earth have entered the dark ages. Experts predict that the next strongest solar storm will hit the earth at the end of 65438+February, when the global power grid will be completely paralyzed. From 65438+ 10 to 65438+ February, the number of deaths due to solar radiation will increase to 65438+billion.

(21) 20121,the world population is 3.7 billion, and the population of 20 10 has been negative since August. In the past three years, the population has decreased by 3 billion.

(22)20 12 12 in early February, the tickets for the ark and the super spaceship were all sold out. The estimated number of people boarding the ship in various countries is: China 1 10,000, Russia 950,000, the United States10.5 million, and Japan 200,000. It is estimated that the number of people boarding the super spaceship is 800,000 in the United States, 500,000 in China and 200,000 in Russia. In order to ensure that humans and species can continue to reproduce after the end. Boarding time is from 65438+February 15 to 65438+February 20th.

(23)1February 5, 20021February 21February 3, a very large earthquake occurred in the United States, China and Japan, which affected neighboring countries. Many cities were in ruins, the main earthquake country was almost paralyzed, and the whole earth was in a state of near destruction.

(24) 10 On February 20th, five ark were on standby, and three spaceships had flown to Mars. 65438+February 2 1 afternoon US time 17: 00, the strongest solar storm broke out, and the swept solar wind sprayed solar lava to the earth. In an instant, Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and other places were in flames, and the disaster caused 654.38+05 billion people who did not board the ship to die.

(25) From February 1 year to the early morning of February 221year, human beings have been struggling in the sea of fire, lava and tsunami. The sky turns dark gray and flashes from time to time. The atmosphere is destroyed, and the air composition changes, which will be replaced by carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The rest of the humans who didn't board the ship will suffocate to death.

(26) At 04: 00 a.m. on February 22nd, 65438, a large number of alien spacecraft suddenly intervened. The sky is full of large and small alien spacecraft, shining with colorful light. It is said that they come from hundreds of planets at the headquarters of the Milky Way. Their purpose is only to clean up the mess. They killed all the people in the ark, but after ensuring the continued reproduction of human beings, the earth will enter an era of alien rule. Since February 22, 65438. However, dominated by alien life and entering a civilization that had nothing to do with it before, the sun could do nothing to illuminate the earth. Light and energy will be provided by alien space, which can transform the light sources and energy of other galaxies into the earth. In the next 30 years, people on earth will die slowly, and finally, the earth will become the territory of aliens in the galaxy.

The movie 20 12 tells a story about the end of the world.

According to the records of Mayan civilization, 20 12 12 2 1 is the end of the world. When darkness falls on this day, the dawn of the next day will never come. The film quotes various "scientific statements" from NASA to confirm the doomsday theory. Some viewers believed the story in the movie. They logged on to major websites and left messages accusing NASA of concealing the fact that Nibiru, the tenth largest planet, was about to collide with the Earth.

165438+1October 9, NASA publicly stated in official website that 20 12 65438+2 2 1 is not the end of the world. Scientists have scientifically interpreted the mysterious Mayan prophecy for the general public one by one: this is just a fictional plot of the film, and there is no such thing at all. "There will be no devastating disaster in 20 12 years. So far, our planet has been stable for 4 billion years, and prestigious scientists all over the world know that 20 12 years poses no threat to the earth. " Scientists say so. Moreover, this incident aroused the anger of many Mayan descendants and condemned the doomsday theory, claiming that there was no such thing at all.

Over the years, it has been circulated in the world that Maya predicted thousands of years ago that 65438+February 2002, 65438+February 265438 +0, and 2065438 would be the time limit for the disappearance of earth civilization. Many people are worried that the end of the world is coming, and Hollywood even made a big movie about it. According to Dongsen News Network of Taiwan Province Province, facing the legend of western busybodies and the panic of ordinary people, picton, a Mayan elder, seems a little uncomfortable. He quickly clarified that this is only the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year.

Remember the doomsday rumors of 1999 and 2000? Every once in a while, the western world will hear the saying that the end of the world is coming, and the Mayan prophecy of 20 12 is the one that scares people the most. In this regard, Guatemalan Mayan elder picton finally jumped out and said: "There is no such thing at all!" He even said that the doomsday theory originated in the west, and the Mayans never had such an idea.

The ancient Mayan civilization originated in Central America was first distributed in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and other places. Although the Mayan civilization formed more than 2000 BC has long been annihilated by various natural and man-made disasters, it has retained amazing Mayan calendars and accurate predictions. According to the report, as for the Maya's 20 12 years, it should refer to the awakening and transformation of human beings in spirit and consciousness, thus entering a new civilization.

Mysterious prophecy: the end of the world

For the first time, scientists used the Mayan calendar to debunk the so-called "doomsday" prophecy. The Mayan calendar did not end in 20 12, so the Mayans themselves did not regard this year as the end of the world. However, 20 12 12 2 1 (winter solstice) is definitely an important day for the Mayans. Anthony Avini, an archaeologist at Colgate University in the United States, is an expert on Mayan culture. Avini said, "In the Mayan calendar, 1872000 days is a cycle, that is, 5 125.37 years."

Maya counted time more carefully than many other cultures. Avini said that the Mayans once invented the so-called "long calendar", which traced the initial calculation time back to the origin time of Mayan culture, that is, 3 1 1 August 4 BC11year. According to the "long calendar", the winter solstice of 20 12 means that the time of the current era is over, that is, a cycle of 5 125.37 years has been completed. So the long calendar starts from the "zero day" and starts a new cycle. Avini believes that "this is just an idea of re-timing, which is exactly the same as restarting our life for a year or a week every New Year's Day or Monday morning."

In Avini's view, Maya's prediction that 20 12 12 2 1 is the end of the world is a misunderstood statement. That day is the "zero day" in the Mayan calendar, which means the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new era, not the end of the world. At the same time, Mayan elder picton finally jumped out and said, "There is no such thing at all!" He even said that the doomsday theory originated in the west, and the Mayans never had such an idea. The Maya said 20 12 years should refer to the awakening and transformation of human beings in spirit and consciousness, thus entering a new civilization.

One of the related mysterious prophecies: bipolar inversion

Some predictions about the end of the world claim that by 20 12, the earth's poles will reverse, the crust and the surface will suddenly separate, and magma will gush out from the core. Separated continents will fill the sea with the whole mankind, and disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes will appear together.

Scientists refuted these so-called predictions. Adam Malouf, a geologist at Princeton University in the United States, has made in-depth research on "bipolar exchange" and Mayan prophecy. Maarouf believes that some magnetic signs in rocks indicate that the earth may have experienced such drastic magnetic field changes, but this process is a slow process that lasts for millions of years, so slow that human beings simply do not feel this change.

Mysterious prophecy related 2: celestial body overlap

Some astrologers believe that there will be "astronomical overlap" in 20 12. This "celestial overlapping" phenomenon occurs every 26,000 years. According to the prediction of "overlapping celestial bodies", the route of the sun in the sky will pass through the center of the Milky Way. Many people worry that this dislocation of celestial bodies will lead the earth to be pulled by more powerful unknown cosmic forces and accelerate the destruction of the earth. Either it may lead to the exchange of the earth's poles, or it may form a huge black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

Morrison firmly denied this statement. He explained, "In 20 12 years, there will never be such a terrible phenomenon of' sky overlapping', or only some normal sky phenomena will appear. For example, every winter solstice, when the sun looks from the earth, it looks like it is in the center of the Milky Way. Some astrologers may be excited about this phenomenon, but for scientists, this phenomenon is nothing special. It will not cause changes in the gravity of the earth, solar radiation, planetary orbits and other things, nor will it have any impact on life on the earth. This is nothing strange. Only people who think that the world will end will regard these ordinary astronomical phenomena as threats. "

Regarding the problem of "celestial overlapping", David Stewart, a Maya expert at the University of Texas, said, "No ancient Mayan books or works of art mentioned this problem." Avini also believes that the long Mayan calendar ends with the winter solstice of 20 12 years, which reflects the astronomical achievements of Mayan culture. Many people learned how to accurately predict the solar eclipse and other astronomical phenomena by observing the astronomical phenomena, and also mastered the relationship between agricultural seasonal cycle and some astronomical phenomena, and Mayan calendar is closely related to agricultural seasonal cycle.

Mysterious prophecy related three: unknown planets hit the earth

It is predicted that a mysterious planet X is flying towards the earth. It is said that if the planet hits the earth head on, the earth will disappear. Even if the two are just brushed lightly, it will cause changes in the gravity of the earth, leading to a large number of asteroids hitting the earth. Will this unknown planet really appear at 20 12?

Morrison gave a negative answer to this question. "Impossible. It can be said most directly that there is no such celestial body. "

This prediction about an unknown planet hitting the earth first appeared in 2003. A woman claimed that she had received a message from a planet in the universe. Morrison stressed, "It has been several years since 2003. If such a planet really exists in the solar system, astronomers must have begun to study it in the past ten years. We should be able to see it with the naked eye. Therefore, this so-called unknown planet does not exist. "

Mysterious prophecy related 4: solar storm hits the earth

In many disaster predictions about 20 12, the sun is the most important enemy of the earth. It is said that it will produce a fatal solar flare in 20 12, which will scorch the human beings on the earth.

In fact, solar flares are regular, and their outbreak period is about 1 1 year. Violent solar flares may destroy communication facilities and other things on the earth, but scientists have never said that the sun will release a solar storm strong enough to scorch the whole earth, unless the sun obviously does not follow its activity cycle. Solar storms last for a short time, and last for a long time unless they violate their cycles. But that's unlikely. )

Moreover, scientists predict that the peak of the next solar flare cycle will not be 20 12, but one or two years later. "

Mysterious prophecy related to 5: Did the Mayans predict it?

Did the Mayans predict the end of the world in 20 12? Did the Mayans ever predict that 20 12 would be the end of the world? If so, what year did they accurately predict? Many scholars have conducted in-depth research on some evidences of Mayan culture and found that in fact, the Mayans did not leave any clear records about what will happen in 20 12 years.

However, the Mayans did inherit a handwritten scroll, which is the famous Dresden Codex. On the last page of the Dresden manuscript, there is a description of the doomsday scene. This scenario assumes that a flood will destroy the whole world. However, this assumption of the end of the world exists in many cultures, not just Mayan predictions. Avini believes that this idea can not be regarded as evidence, let alone as a prophecy.

On the contrary, Avini thinks that the Mayans were actually not good at prophecy. He explained, "Their understanding of time is mostly about the past, not the future. When you learn about the records of long calendars, you will find that most of them are about the relationship between Mayan rulers and their ancestors. The more the rulers talk about their origins, the more they can explain the legitimacy and legitimacy of their position. I think this is why Maya rulers used long calendars. So the long calendar is not to predict the future, but to prove the past. "

The ultimate conjecture of Mayan civilization

There is almost no deviation between Mayan calendar and actual calendar events. As for the prediction of destruction, it is impossible, just like the end of a year and the beginning of a year. Perhaps after rebirth, we can transcend the existing wisdom and let mankind move towards peace without disputes. Maybe this is an expectation. Let's look forward to this day with peace of mind.