Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What do human hands do?

What do human hands do?

What do human hands do?

The most important thing is labor.

But judging from your name, the answer I should give you is playing basketball, right? Hmm. How interesting

What is the function of manpower?

Hit people and get things. . . . . . Scratch. . . . . .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of people with big hands?

Blessed is the man with big hands. The disadvantage is that it is not good-looking and has little impact.

What are the benefits of clapping your hands to your health?

Clapping therapy, also known as sonar qigong, is similar to acupuncture, massage and pedicure in traditional Chinese medicine. Its function lies in the meridian points and hand reflex areas of both hands and palms, which are all responses to general health (see figure). By dredging channels and collaterals, vibrating arterial qi, strengthening blood circulation, improving human immune function, the yin, cold and dirty qi on the body are discharged from the fingertips of ten fingers.

Professor Chen Boda of Taiwan Province Province said in the article "The Way of All-round Health": "People who have a cold will clap their hands until they sweat (about 20 minutes), and the cold will recover immediately; Drunk people clap their hands and sweat, and when they are drunk, they will stay away from people who love to drive. Stop the car properly and clap your hands for a while, and the drowsiness will be eliminated; People with weak heart and arrhythmia clap their hands for two or three months, diabetes will improve, and blood sugar indicators will gradually become normal; People with numb or trembling fingers will recover after clapping their hands for a month or two; People with high blood pressure clap their hands and their blood pressure will drop; People with low blood pressure clap their hands and their blood pressure will rise; People with gout, headache, dizziness and allergic nose will gradually recover by clapping their hands; People who are depressed, tired and angry easily will gradually get better if they clap their hands; Clapping hands for children and adolescents can eliminate' stubbornness' and violent tendencies and improve reading efficiency ... "Clapping hands therapy can improve chronic diseases, including joint pain, cold hands and feet in winter, dizziness, headache, weakness, palpitation and cold sweat, anxiety and fear, obesity, hypertension, hypotension, diabetes, uremia, liver disease, stomach trouble, asthma, myocardial infarction, nightmares, slow response, mental decline of the elderly and amnesia.

What are the benefits of left-handed exercise for people?

Left-handed people are more agile

Left-handed agility has become a permanent topic in sports. Generally speaking, for sports that don't need face-to-face fighting, such as swimming, track and field, shooting, etc. The proportion of left-handed athletes is not high compared with their proportion in the population.

However, for those face-to-face fighting events that bring players closer in the competition, such as fencing, table tennis and basketball, the proportion of left-handed athletes in the population is much higher than that of left-handed athletes.

In fencing, the most typical fighting event, between 1979 and 1993, half of the male players reached the quarterfinals of the World Championships, and one third of the female players were left-handed. The title picture is a photo of our national fencing team training. Table tennis has been dominated by lefties for many years, and tennis has been dominated by lefties for a long time. The NBA professional basketball game in the United States is also particularly prominent.

One explanation is that the left hand is commanded by the right brain, which is responsible for sensing space and sensing functions, which makes it easier for left-handed people to exert their visual and spatial sensing functions, and to shoot faster, more accurately and more ruthlessly. From the speed of nerve transmission, from "seeing" to "moving", right-handed people take the route of "right hemisphere-left hemisphere-right hand", while left-handed people take the route of "right hemisphere-left hand".

It can be seen that left-handed people took a shortcut in the process of nerve transmission. The speed at which the brain transmits information to the left side of the body through the central nervous system is fifteen thousandths of a second faster than that to the right side, which makes left-handed people move faster.

What is the function of handprint? Does anyone have no fingerprints?

Everyone has fingerprints, and they are all different. Handprints record the changes in three periods of a person's life, "People change in disguise, people change in disguise".

Functions, such as:

1. The fingerprint on the finger is one of the characteristics of people, which varies from person to person. A foreign scientist investigated the fingerprints of hundreds of thousands of people and found that none of them are the same, even twin brothers and sisters. Using fingerprints to catch criminals has become a method for public security organs to solve crimes.

The palm accounts for about 1/2 of the whole hand area, and it also contributes a lot to the completion of human hand movements.

The epidermis of the palm is the thickest part of human skin, about 4 mm; The skin on the back of the hand is very thin, soft and elastic, which is very conducive to holding things. Where the palm is often rubbed, the skin layer will thicken and form small protrusions to protect the endothelium. This is the "callus", which also shows that the palm has the function of holding things.

Most people have three or four palm prints on their palms, which naturally wrinkle when they are clenched. Although different, they are all irregular arcs and inclined to each other. A doctor who is committed to the study of genetic function found that more than 70% of the palmprints of children with congenital malformation and their parents are parallel straight lines, so he put forward a set of theories to study the genetic causes with palmprints.

2. 1, lifeline-also known as instinctive line. It naturally extends from the central starting point of the tiger's mouth to the wrist, and the palmprint line surrounded by the thumb is called the lifeline. The standard lifeline is deep, clear and uninterrupted, and does not exceed the vertical line below the middle line of the middle finger. It represents people's life span, physique, vitality, ability, energy, health and disease. You can't talk about the length of life by its length and thickness. If there is an interruption, bifurcation or obstacle line, it means that there is a serious illness. See figure 2.

2, wisdom line-also known as the brain line. It represents the brain, intelligence, cardiovascular system, nervous system and otolaryngology, and is related to genetic factors. It is the line from the starting point of the lifeline to the vertical line of the ring finger, which is wisdom line. The standard wisdom line is smooth, and will not break and split. See figure 2.

3. Emotional line-Take an arc from the lower side of Kun position to the middle vertical line of middle finger. The standard emotional line is smooth and clear, representing the heart, breathing, optic nerve function, sexual relationship and so on. See figure 2.

4, fate line-also known as the Yuzhu line, the middle of the palm mound gives birth to a straight line in the direction of the middle finger, called fate line. This line is related to heredity. Represents chronic diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and the rise and fall of human energy.

5. Bridge line-The line connecting the emotional line and wisdom line is called the bridge line. This line represents susceptibility to heart disease.

6, fingerprints-also known as ventral prints. Refers to the innate natural lines of the abdomen, which are generally divided into vortex lines, basket lines, bow lines, account lines and so on. This tattoo remains unchanged for life and is often used in public security cases.

7. knuckles-that is, several horizontal lines at the junction of ten knuckles. If the knuckles are smooth, it means that this person has poor intelligence. ,

Germ grain: refers to the upper part of the instinctive grain near the palm side, and there are several small lines of exposed seedlings arranged upward on the grain. This tattoo is common in patients with deficiency of both qi and blood, low blood pressure, poor physique, easy to catch a cold and mental work. It is suggested to pay attention to nutrition and strengthen physical exercise.

Plaid-indicates that some dirty function is declining and the condition may be aggravated. Kun has this tattoo, and the explanatory decline. Grain of rice-irregular grain of rice in a certain area indicates that the corresponding organs have blood stasis and qi stagnation. For example, the abnormal texture and shape of the palm and the plaid pattern of common symbols indicate that some dirty function is declining and the condition may be aggravated. Kun has this tattoo, and the explanatory decline. Grain of rice-irregular grain of rice in a certain area indicates that the corresponding organs have blood stasis and qi stagnation. If there is a grain of rice at the end of a short lifeline, it means that you had a serious illness when you were young. If there is a tattoo on the wisdom line, it means headache or head injury. If the herringbone appears in Xun position, it indicates cholecystitis or lithiasis. Island pattern-There is a signal of tumor or cyst in an organ of the body. Cross-X means that the disease is mild, and the cross is a symbol of the disease no matter which line it appears on. Stellate striation-Stellate indicates ischemic cerebrovascular disease. The star pattern on the wisdom line indicates a headache. A star line appears on the life line, indicating a headache. A star line appears on the life line, suggesting that you may have a sudden illness. Ring pattern-indicates the injury history of soft objects. Clinically, it is found that the middle part of the emotional line is covered by a ring pattern, suggesting lung disease. Triangle pattern-the appearance of a certain part indicates that the relevant organs may be sick. The appearance of palms indicates coronary heart disease. Tick-tock-tock indicates chronic inflammatory disease. Earthquake tic-tac-toe game ......

What is the function of 10 fingers of human hand, what can be accomplished respectively, and what is the difference?

Is a whole, * * * with the completion of some pinching, clamping and fine activities.

The thumb and the other four fingers can be pinched together, which is called palm to palm. You can pinch together and take things. Therefore, the thumb is the most important. Without the thumb, it is unstable to hold things with four fingers, and the strength will be weak. It will be more difficult to pinch small things with only four fingers.

The other four fingers have similar functions, all of which form an opposite palm with the thumb, but the second finger is more important than the third finger in terms of strength and distance from the thumb, and so on.

In a way, the little finger is the least important. The book says that it accounts for 9% of the whole hand function, while the thumb is 36%.

Some aliens only need two fingers, just like pliers.

The little finger has the least effect. . Even if it is gone, it will not have much impact on the work, of course, it is not beautiful. .

There are also some fine movements that need five fingers to cooperate. When you write with a pen, five fingers can have many gestures, so you can write very personalized fonts.

Of course, five fingers have more patterns when turning the pen, but one finger can't turn it.

It takes every finger to type a keyboard on the internet, and it is very troublesome to lose one. .

Each finger also has some functions and feelings. Close your eyes. As soon as you touch another person's face with your hand, you feel the temperature on his face.

A big hand can warm a small hand, and ten fingers are clasped.

Fingers can also be hooked, and it is with the little tail finger.

There are other functions, such as fingerprints on fingers, which are unique and used for identification.

Some people can dance with their fingers,

What are the benefits of nails to people?

Let me tell you something. Changes in the five internal organs of the human body will also be reflected on the nails accordingly. As long as we pay attention to the subtle changes of nails, we can predict a person's health. If you look at health from nails, the key lies in the color and shape of nails. Healthy nails should be smooth and flat, with no vertical and horizontal grooves on the nail surface, no interference spots on the nail, symmetrical nails, no deviation, no depression or upturned ends. As far as normal nails are concerned, although there are many kinds, there are not exactly the same nails. Generally speaking, healthy nails can be divided into: ordinary nails, big nails, small nails, long nails, short nails, wide nails, narrow nails and so on. Usually, nails account for 3/5 of the fingers, arched in a rectangular shape, and the transverse diameter at the top is slightly larger than that at the base. The white half-moon part of the nail root is called nail half-moon, which is also commonly known as nail white in folk, just located in the center of each finger, and there is no big deviation. Speaking of it, when all fingernails have proper nail whitening, it can be inferred that human health is in good condition. If 10 fingernails are not or only a little white, it means that the body is exhausted or sick. The ideal nail polish should account for about 1/5 of the nail area. Too much or no nail polish doesn't mean you are strong. The growth and shape of nails will be affected by physical changes at any time. Especially from the color of nails, whether there is normal white nails, we can see whether I am healthy or sick. In addition, some clues can be seen from the following 10 different pathological nails. We should pay attention to this, adopt correct treatment methods and try to correct it as soon as possible. First, nail brittle crack must first find out its reasons: First, nails have been in contact with water for too long; Second, protein and calcium, sulfur, zinc and other elements or vitamins A, B and C in the diet are insufficient; Third, chronic diseases or emotional stress; Fourth, oral contraceptives; Fifth, polish nails or use abrasives. May wish to adopt the following correction methods respectively. 1. Take two tablespoons of yeast and 1000 mg of choline orally every day. It is best to add these nutrients to liquid or milk for oral administration, which will help improve the strength of nails. 2. In view of the fact that iron deficiency can lead to dry and fragile nails, it is best to eat more iron-rich foods and take vitamin C to improve the ability to absorb iron. 3. Soak and polish the flawless nails with warm malt oil or other natural oil for about 5- 10 minutes every day, and then * * * from the fingertips to the cuticle on the surface. If the nail surface is slightly scratched by the sand board, grease can easily penetrate into it. Soak your fingers with vinegar diluent every night, which is a good way to prevent nails from cracking easily. Using white iodine above and below the nail tip can not only restore the elasticity and strength of the nail, but also hinder the nail from being cut off. Second, nails become fish and colorful. People with chronic diseases, long-term depression, smoking or finger contact with carbon paper, hair dye and other chemical pollutants can discolor or stain their nails. If the nails are deeply dyed, it's best to wait until the new nails grow. If you want to remove surface stains in time, you can rub your fingertips repeatedly with a piece of lemon, and then wash and dry. Third, the nails are grotesque. If you lack protein or iron for a long time, it is usually easy to cause spoon-shaped or flat nails, which can be corrected by improving diet and nutrition. It is said that wearing artificial nails can soften the water stored in nails and cause them to bend upwards. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriately increase nutrition and remove the artificial nails worn. Fourth, the nails are dull. If the nails are wavy and dull, it may indicate a lack of protein, vitamins A and B or minerals. This can improve the daily diet and supplement multivitamins every day. Add vitamin B6 and zinc 15g. The black and white nails indicate that you may have liver disease. At this time, you can ask a doctor to check and help you make a diagnosis. 5. Pale nails This may be a sign of lack of zinc and vitamin B6, or it may be caused by anemia. After improving diet and nutrition, the symptoms of pale nails still exist, so you should consult a doctor to find out the reason. Six, the dent on the nail. The symptoms of this disease show that the body lacks calcium, protein and sulfur. These nutrients can be obtained from eggs and garlic, and it is better to eat them often. Seven, ridge, ditch, ditch nails If you wear artificial nails or do not pay attention to the cuticle of the appearance, it may cause problems with ridges, bad nails and ditch nails. These abnormal signs may be caused by diseases and nutritional deficiencies, so symptomatic treatment is appropriate. ......

What are the benefits of men having ice?

Men who hold ice probably belong to cold constitution. To improve this situation, we should start with diet, choose hot food, balance physical fitness, strengthen physical exercise and promote blood circulation, which will improve your current situation.

The feeling of cold hands and feet in winter is really annoying. As if your hands and feet don't belong to you. What can I do to get rid of the cold feeling?

Acupoint * * *: The soles of the feet are opposite to each other, rubbing the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet can drive away the cold. If you find it difficult to rub your feet, rub your feet with your hands. Yongquan point is on the sole of the foot, which is a depression where the toes bend and the sole appears.

Dietary assistance: Eat foods rich in vitamin E, iron and protein, as well as hot foods such as sesame, litchi and longan. Also, when it's cold, it's more direct and immediate to drink a little wine and feel the warmth. But don't drink too much.

Exercise: This is the best way. Because exercise can make blood circulation smooth, promote metabolism and help cold hands and feet. Such as jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. Of course, it is best to achieve the effect of sweating, panting and rapid heartbeat.

It is common for some people to feel cold hands and feet in winter. This is mainly because the natural temperature drops, the yang is insufficient, the human body itself is also insufficient, and the body appears yang deficiency. In addition, due to the cold weather, the ability of vasoconstriction and blood return will be weakened, which will make the blood circulation of hands and feet, especially fingertips, not smooth, which is often called "poor circulation of nerve endings", resulting in the feeling of cold hands and feet. This situation generally happens to women, especially women over middle age. Mental workers are more likely to have cold hands and feet than manual workers, but they are rare among healthy young men.

Generally speaking, anemia and gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition or hypothyroidism cause systemic or local poor blood circulation, or limb peripheral blood circulation disorder will lead to cold hands and feet. Especially in the menstrual period of pregnancy and childbirth, women are more likely to cause cold hands and feet because of their weak constitution.

In medicine, frequent and long-term cold hands and feet can be called "chills".

It can be prevented and self-regulated if it is not very serious (generally not very serious, not unbearable biting cold).

First, strengthen physical exercise.

Especially those who sit for a long time or stand for a long time, we must pay attention to intermittent exercise, do more hands and feet and waist activities, and strengthen blood circulation.

Second, pay attention to diet.

Eat more warm food to improve the body's cold tolerance. Common warm foods are: cow, sheep, dog, chicken, garlic, pepper, ginger, onion, yam, longan and so on.

Third, three recipes

1. Fried mutton with shredded ginger

Slice the mutton. Shred ginger.

Add a little oil to the pot and bring it to a high fire. When the oil smokes, add pepper and star anise, stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded ginger, stir-fry, add mutton slices, add salt and monosodium glutamate, and pour sesame oil out of the pot.

2. Red dates and wolfberry mutton soup

Cut the mutton into eight pieces and soak the bleeding water in a boiling pot for later use. Wash jujube and wolfberry for later use.

Add water to the pot, add mutton, onion, ginger and aniseed and cook together. When it is half cooked, add jujube, medlar and salt, and then cook. If you don't like the taste of mutton, you can add one or two pieces of orange peel to increase dates to reduce the smell.

3. Three spice peppers

Red pepper (choose pepper varieties according to the spicy degree of food), put it on the fire and dry it until it is close to burnt; Peanuts, fried until crisp (sesame seeds are also acceptable); Bake the scallion on the fire until the outer layer is burnt, and peel off the outer layer.

Mash the above three raw materials in a mortar, then mix them together and add salt and monosodium glutamate.

For friends who like spicy and coarse grains, this dish is the most delicious-the participation of three spices in pancakes and stuttering is the most enjoyable. When eating "Golden Pagoda" (Wotou), it is also a pleasure to put three spices in the hole of Wotou!

The above dishes must be useful for friends who are afraid of the cold. Try them. ...

What are the characteristics of lefties?

The origin of left-handed: Now we have to answer the question itself: Why does the right hand become the dominant hand of most people? Why do left-handers still exist, although they are a minority? When we try to explain hand bias, one explanation is as reasonable and fragile as the other. A new theory appears as quickly as it disappears. However, in the end, these theories fall into two categories. One theory uses environment, education, training and similar external forces exerted on one hand to explain why one hand is more dominant than the other. The other theory tries to go deep into our nature and look for the internal root of hand deviation from the characteristics inherited from our ancestors. Now let's take a look at various theories that explore the causes of left-handedness. -Are lefties really smarter? Maybe we can leave medical problems to experts in brain nerve and cognitive behavior to study. However, here are some things that have proved to excite supporters: * Thinking differently from others. Left-handers often think of shaped images in their minds before writing or drawing, and many left-handers will try their best to reassemble the bits and pieces they can't remember into pages of pictures and remember them. Just like Buruli, the father of modern architecture, in the14th century, he was able to put forward digital graphics to explain how to build Florence Dome Cathedral. "I have thought about what it will look like when it is finished," he said, defeating bidders from all over Europe. Some people think that this ability explains why many left-handed people are outstanding in matters involving space and art * They have strong abilities in mathematics, visual perspective and space, which is conducive to the development of mathematics and architecture. 1990 Annet &; Manning's research found a correlation between right-handedness and lack of mathematical ability. * Right-handed people with close relatives (such as brothers and sisters) are left-handed and have better memories than all right-handed people. According to a study by the University of Toledo, Ohio, right-handed people who are close relatives of left-handed people show strong situational memory (such as where to put their keys after entering the door). Although the semantic memory stored in the database (for example, the years since World War II) is poor, it may be because the information itself has a left brain, while the spatio-temporal background information of things has a right brain, so combining the two can enhance the situational memory. Researchers suspect that the corpus callosum that may connect the left and right brains is very large, indicating that your brain structure is a mixture of the left and right halves. * Left-handed people seem to perform well in sports that require quick response and correct spatial judgment. People who are more flexible and stronger with their left hand, left foot and left eye, especially in tennis, football and golf, often perform better than others. Tennis celebrities such as Naratinova, Connors, Mackenzie, etc. Left-handers have another advantage, because right-handers are not used to playing with his balls. Some left-handers can even switch to the right hand to swing or swing when necessary, which most right-handers can't do. Like fencing, a sport in which two people fight each other, left-handed people also have special advantages, and the proportion of winning the championship is very high. * People who have a strong left hand but a strong right foot and a strong right eye may have the problem of uncoordinated integration, which especially affects the action of swinging the racket, because sometimes the field of vision may be limited. But it is conducive to gymnastics, running, basketball and other games that require a strong sense of physical balance. * Right-handed people do things with their left hands, which is much more difficult than left-handed people who want to do things with their right hands. Moreover, left-handed people are more willing to listen, accept or consider other people's opinions and ideas. This is related to the fact that left-handed people have been adapting to the environment all their lives, learning when to cross their bodies with their left hands or when to switch to their right hands, and overcoming difficulties is related to constant practice. Thirdly, there are many related studies, but they have not reached the final stage, including: * poor autoimmune system, including asthma, migraine, diabetes, autism and learning disabilities. However, in 199 1, another study refutes this theory. * The Royal Free University School of Medicine in London recently suspected that left-handed people are twice as likely as right-handed people to suffer from inflammatory intestinal diseases (such as Crohn's disease, with symptoms of pain, severe diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, weight loss and fever). 1860 French surgeon Brock said that the left brain of left-handed people is underdeveloped, which affects their language ability. However, some people retort that it is too simplistic and irresponsible to draw the relationship between breakup and brain in this way. /kloc-many studies in the 1970s found that most left-handed people, like others, have the same specialized language area in their left brain, and only a small number of left-handed people have different language areas. So using the left hand will not cause literacy or arithmetic difficulties. If the child has a problem, find out the real problem. * Left-handed people live 9 years less than right-handed people on average. 12 ......