Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Narrative details are described in small scenes and detailed diaries.

Narrative details are described in small scenes and detailed diaries.

1. I hope you like and adopt the composition of more than 500 words: teach writing first and then give an example: what is "seeing the big from the small"? "Seeing the big from the small" means expressing the big theme with small themes.

Take "water" as the topic. Based on this, the following topics can be drawn up: I am walking by the river, I am an orphan fish, the last glass of water.

Among them, "The Last Glass of Water" is like this: The time is at noon 50 years later, the place is in the desert Central Plains, and the characters are me and two best friends. The thing is that we found the last glass of water on the earth. The central event is that we discussed how to use this glass of water and finally decided to use it to cultivate oases.

This last glass of water is a prop and clue in the article, which can focus on describing the protagonist's language and manner. Take "family" as the topic.

A classmate wrote "What to eat tomorrow". The time is one night and the place is at home. The thing is, my parents are discussing what to prepare for my exam tomorrow morning. The dialogue between characters is described delicately, truly and interestingly.

The composition "Paper Plane" recalls how grandpa folded many kinds of small planes for me before his death. Although the plane is small, it shows my grandfather's sincere and broad love. Take "happiness" as the topic.

A classmate wrote about the love of mom and dad. The article mainly describes that when mom and dad were moving furniture, dad's hand seemed to be touched. My mother's concern and their mutual understanding made me have a deeper understanding of my parents' love and happiness. In addition, some students wrote a fairy tale "I am a happy puppy", in which the hero puppy left the poor family angrily. Through his experience, this paper shows the profound theme that "money does not necessarily lead to happiness".

Through the above examples, we should be able to roughly understand how to use the writing technique of "seeing the big from the small". So, what can I do to make my article better "see the big picture from the small"? It is believed that the following points should be achieved: ① Careful observation of life and reasonable selection of materials.

② Write valuable "little things in life". (3) Connecting with practice, and excavating the highlights of materials.

(4) Pay attention to the description of details, and see the spirit in details. ⑤ Choose the way of thinking.

6. Open your eyes and rise to the height of the times. ⑦ Reasonably imagine association and improve the material level.

The technique of writing is to see the big from the small: the technique of looking at the leopard in the tube shows that "small" means to see the big from the small. "Small" is both a concrete case and a typical case.

"Big" is the theme of the article. Seeing the big from the small is to reflect the general from the individual and reflect a big theme with some small concrete examples.

It is characterized by writing far-reaching and meaningful articles from small images and small stories, which plays the role of ideological education and embodies a major theme. However, in life, vigorous events are rare, and all around us are trivial things.

But we can find "bright spots" from small things, realize the truth and reveal the theme. Introducing "seeing the big from the small" into writing skills will help us find the "bright spots" of characters from small things, inspire the author to write people with true feelings, make the characters vivid and vivid, and make the emotional expression profound, delicate and touching.

It is better to highlight the character by looking at ordinary but extraordinary things, thus revealing unexpected themes and deepening them. Test center 1, the major theme expressed in the article, and the selection of materials in small places; Large-scale theme, small pen and ink; There are many materials, choose typical ones; Focusing on small things, describing details, etc. can all reflect "seeing the big from the small"

2. Seeing the big from the small is a highlight of writing skills. 3, seemingly ordinary but extraordinary things can often find unexpected "bright spots."

4. Find the "bright spot" in small things, realize the truth and reveal the theme. Example: This outstretched hand was bathed in the morning light, and I went to school.

It's still early, and there is no one else on the road. It rained at night, the road was wet and slippery, and there were many crystal drops on the leaves on the roadside.

I walked carefully. In front of me, a limping figure jumped into my eyes. Is that her? The short and thin head and faltering steps confirmed to me that it was her.

Although we are in the same class, we don't talk to each other because of the difference between men and women; Besides, it may be because of that sick leg that she is more silent in class. I stepped up my pace-I can't walk behind a girl, of course, not because she is slow, all boys do.

This is a subconscious drive. Approaching gradually, in front of her, limping, limping, step by step, staggering ... struggling.

Oh, what a pity! Closer, only five or six steps away. I was about to speed up and overtake her again when she suddenly leaned over, slipped her left foot forward and fell down! Fall in front of me! Unconsciously, I stopped and waited quietly for a while. Not far behind me, people laughed and laughed. What should I do? -Leave her alone and walk away? No, of course not.

More than ten years of education, parents, teachers, classmates, society, books, all have conveyed the concept of good and evil to me, and I can't turn a blind eye. -So, go up and help her? No, you can't do that either.

Not because I haven't talked to her, but because: she is a girl and I am a boy! In addition, it seems that someone is coming ... what a sad picture: a female classmate with a disabled leg fell five or six steps in front of me; And I, however, just stand, stand! Want to help, can't, want to stop, can't! Just a moment's sight, a moment's thought. Laughter behind me urged me to make a choice in confusion-not to help her! In a hurry, I took a step and passed.

But I stopped at once, facing the road ahead, where will I go? Can I go along this road? Turning back is doomed to turn back. I turned around.

She tried to stand up. Reach out, reach out, she grabbed a tree around her, pulled hard, raised her body slightly, raised her hand slightly … gradually, slowly, she stood up.

I'm so poor: I'm worse than a tree! The rain accumulated on the tree dripped under her pull, as if crying. Who are you crying for, tree? -You should cry for her. She fell down and no one helped her up! You should also cry for me. A disabled female classmate fell in front of me and I just watched her stand up! However, you should cry for Qian Qian, her and me, and for the whole world! She took another firm step.

2. Close to life, ordinary trivial matters, or writing a narrative composition with a small view of the big, and hearing similar exhortations will always be regarded as sensational. When I personally experienced that I lost some opportunities because of my carelessness and inattention to details, it was too late to regret it. I thought that I was careless when I took part in the math contest this year, and I made mistakes in writing 6 as 9 and 0 as 6, which eventually led to my ineligibility for the semi-finals. For another example, I have to do one thing repeatedly every morning-looking for a comb, because I often forget things, and as a result, I have delayed a lot of time because I am looking for things, which is really not worth the candle. Therefore, I should pay attention to the small details in my life and study, and don't repeat the same mistakes, so as to improve the success rate.

How can I pay attention to details? First of all, you need to make a subdivision, that is, you should learn to observe things carefully with your eyes, and you can't flash everything. The eyes are the windows to people's hearts, which help us to collect the appearances of things around us and store them in our brains. Secondly, be careful, so that you can know where you often make mistakes, and then check whether you have made similar small mistakes every day. If so, we should correct it immediately. At the same time, we should analyze what we see, discard the false and retain the true, and extract the essence from the rough. Do it again carefully, think twice before you do anything, sum up good and successful experiences and apply them to life, study and work to be foolproof.

Details determine success or failure. Many people want to do great things, but few people are willing to do small things. There are many great strategists and few excellent executors; There are many rules and regulations, but they are rarely strictly enforced. We should change our impetuous and superficial habits, pay attention to details, start from small things and be a person who contributes to society!

3. Unforgettable affection on the first day. There are many small fish in my heart, which constitute my unforgettable affection, but my most unforgettable affection is the golden goldfish ... I remember that when I was in the third grade, I went to school just after the New Year, and my classmates talked happily about the beautiful scenery of spring, but I felt bad.

Because I go to school in the cold spring, my teeth tremble with cold in the morning. The whole class said, "Look, her lips are blue."

After several classes, I got home very uncomfortable and fell asleep in bed. I heard a familiar voice in my sleep, "Get up! Xiao Yan! " I woke up and saw my mother.

I said, "I seem to have a fever." My mother quickly measured me with a thermometer, and my "temperature was 40 degrees" and my mother immediately became nervous.

I called the class teacher to ask for leave, and then my mother hurriedly picked up a cup and gave me water to drink antipyretic. I found out carefully that there was sweat on my mother's forehead. I think, mom, this must be urgent. I must get sick early.

Log on to the composition network, and you can also contribute. I don't know how to keep a high fever. I drank the medicine and sweated. My mother is busy changing towels to wipe my back. I was so busy at noon that I couldn't even eat. I fell asleep again ... I felt my mother went to the hospital behind my back.

Unexpectedly, I was hospitalized for a week and four days. Log on to the composition network, and you can also contribute.

Every day I open my eyes and see my mother by my side. When I got well, I found that my mother's eyes were dark and her silver hair was a little bit more ... My parents seemed to write essays about their mothers from childhood, describing their gentleness, kindness and love.

We always intentionally or unintentionally ignore another person who is equally important to our lives-father. A father's love for his children is always reserved. He doesn't like to talk about love like his mother. He just expressed it with actions.

When I grew up, I met some people and things. I began to get to know my father with the idea of getting rich. More and more, I feel that every father has a warm heart and gives his children 100% affection, no matter how much pressure they are under. Xiao Qiao and Aqiao are my good friends, so I got to know their father vaguely.

Ying is the happiest of the three of us. At least she has a very complete family. Jane's father married a northern woman in the educated youth era and settled there.

My father is a university professor, a typical intellectual-gentle, without desire or desire. To this end, Jane often says that her mother is not worthy of her father, and she never hides her admiration for her father.

So I always laughed at her deep love for her father. Every Wednesday, when his father comes to visit the school, Jane always walks around the campus holding his father's arm, chatting and kissing his father's cheek before leaving.

This is hard for me to imagine. I don't know which fortune-telling book I read. She said that if she could receive a silver ring from a boy on her birthday this year, she would be happy all her life.

She really wore a ring at the birthday party, which was very delicate. Aqiao proudly told Xiao Qiao and me that my father bought it with his own private money when he went to Beijing to see friends, but my mother didn't know.

At that moment, I was in a trance. I imagine that a middle-aged man may be too poor to buy a gold-plated ring for his new wife 20 years ago, but 20 years later he will wander in front of the gold and silver jewelry counter and carefully select it just to satisfy his daughter's childlike desire. I can imagine Jane's father sitting on the train. He has no money to buy gifts for others except a ring he wears. However, there is no anxiety in his heart that will be blamed by his wife, because he protects his daughter from even a trivial sense of loss.

This is enough to make Aqiao proud and move me. At this time, Xiao Qiao said with a smile, Aqiao is still like a child.

I understand Xiao Qiao's feelings when he said this. She is undoubtedly the most precocious of the three of us. Xiao Qiao's mother's sudden death in junior high school hit her hard and hurt her forever.

But Xiao Qiao is stronger than anyone thought, which may be influenced by his father who was born in the army. Xiao Qiao's family style is very strict. His father always disciplines Xiao Qiao by running the army, and demands Xiao Qiao by the standards of boys, sometimes even unkind.

For example, after mom died, dad didn't even allow Xiao Qiao to wear black sleeves. It sounds cruel, but it does help Xiao Qiao get out of his grief as soon as possible.

Xiao Qiao said that she always remembers what her father said to her-the best memory of the living for the dead is to live well. Every time I think of my mother, she will think of this sentence at the same time.

Xiao Qiao still has no stepmother. In fact, she doesn't object to her father's remarriage, but her father doesn't seem to have any plans to have a second wife. I have read some articles about the stress of middle-aged people in the newspaper. I understand that after entering the age of no doubt, there will be a lot of confusion. The stress of work and mental loneliness can make people breathless. In addition, his wife died and his daughter lived on campus. I don't know how Xiao Qiao's father endures the lifeless loneliness in the house after coming home from work every day, so that his daughter won't be hurt at all.

After listening to their stories, I can't help thinking of myself. If Joe is her father who worships her and Joe is her father who fears, then I can only have deep pity for my father.

Yes, unfortunately. Father is the kind of person who has little education and little money.

Family may be his last spiritual sustenance, but only a year ago, this only sustenance also fell apart. I have vaguely heard some stories about my parents when they were young-at that time, my parents almost died because of my grandmother's resolute opposition, so I believe that my parents really loved each other at that time, so I can fully understand how deeply my mother felt for my father after choosing the lifestyle she wanted. For this reason, I stayed with my father and didn't want to see the end of his painstaking 20-year separation. Then,

But over the past year, my relationship with my father has not been very harmonious because we live alone. In the final analysis, it is still for the word "money".

After my mother left, there was not much money left at home, and my father didn't have much salary.

4. A composition with more than 300 words. It is best to describe it in detail and show maternal love. Some people say that maternal love is an endless book, which is true.

Motherly love is like the rain and dew in spring, which moistens your heart quietly and takes root in your heart. It brought a piece of green and gained joy. It is growing up bit by bit, hiding great power and seems unfathomable. This needs to be felt with heart.

Motherly love is also like the sea breeze in summer, blowing your heart slightly and relaxing yourself in the spiritual world. It gives you spiritual comfort and kind care. Just like a rain, it washes away all the troubles and sorrows.

Motherly love is like a bright moon in the late autumn night sky, quiet but not lonely. Is to encourage you silently, support you, so that you do not feel lonely. In the curtain of the night, it is a kind of warmth and love to shoot a concerned moonlight on your body.

Motherly love is more like a heater in the cold winter. This is warm love and the best gift. Do you feel warm and caring when the fire shines on your face? This is the greatest and most powerful love in the world. It can melt everything and remove all obstacles to progress.

Motherly love is boundless, and there is maternal love everywhere in life.

Motherly love is a cup of hot water in the morning; It is a warning before going out; It is a greeting after returning to China; Winter is a coat; It is a towel after exercise; It is "good night" before going to bed; it is ...

When the eastern red sun rises in Ran Ran, when the western sunset gradually fades; When the geese in the north return, when the fishing boats in the south drift away. Motherly love never leaves. No matter where you are, your mother's heart will always be concerned, and that line is maternal love.

Motherly love is priceless, silent and never ends.

5. A short essay describing the details of parents' or grandparents' love for us (from small to large) is more than 600 words 1. My father is very strict with me and often says, "You should study hard,' If you don't work hard, the boss will be sad'". , listen to the ears grieved. However, my father also cares about me in life and study. Log on to the composition network, and you can also contribute.

In the first grade, the book Eddie English Teacher was popular all over the country, and almost nine times out of ten people knew it. One day, my father and I went to the Chenghuang Temple to buy a suit. He came to the door of a shop, walked in, looked around, found a very casual suit and smiled. I can see from my father's expression that he really likes that dress, but he just didn't say it. But I ran around and wandered around, and I came across a temporary booth selling Eddie's English teacher. Somehow, I instinctively ran to my father's side, pulled his skirt, pointed to the distant booth and said mysteriously, "Come here." Then, the two of us walked over. Father seems to have guessed the purpose of my calling him, and his steps are a little heavy because he may not be able to buy a suit. Log on to the composition network, and you can also contribute.

When they arrived at the booth, two waiters kept introducing its benefits to their father, and from time to time they took a sample for demonstration. After learning that it was a learning tool to improve English, my father sold a set without hesitation. Log on to the composition network, and you can also contribute.

When I got home, I asked my father, "Do you still buy clothes?" Dad just shook his head and smiled. ...

I have an amiable father. He is tall and thin, and always has a smile on his kind face.

However, if I do something wrong, the smile on my father's face will disappear immediately and become a serious look to educate me severely. My father is an excellent driver. He is not careless in his work. He always works carefully. Dad not only works hard, but also cares about and loves me. He always gives me delicious food first. When he sees my delicious food, there is always a bright smile on his face.

I remember once, I suddenly had a high fever at night and my face was flushed. My father gave me a thermometer. To my great surprise, my temperature reached 40 degrees. My father immediately picked me up and went straight to the hospital. On the way, my father almost fell down several times. I opened my eyes slightly and saw my father running anxiously behind me. My eyes are full of tears. After a while, we arrived at the hospital. The doctor gave me an infusion bag, and my father helped me find a hospital bed. I fell asleep in bed. When I opened my eyes again, I saw my father and mother sitting by my bed. My father's face seems to be much older, but he still has a smile on his face. At this time, my father said, "Jiajia, your face is red and your hands and feet are cold. You really scared us to death." Suddenly, I saw some gauze wrapped around my father's feet. I was surprised and asked, "Mom, what happened to Dad's foot?" Mom said, "It's not because of you. When dad carried you just now, he accidentally cut his foot by the glass because he was in a hurry. " I listened, my eyes filled with tears again and I threw myself into my father's arms!

My father is such a person, always caring for me and loving me. When I grow up, I must repay my parents' kindness to me!

6. I am deeply touched by the narrative composition (800 words). "When encountering setbacks and failures, don't lose heart, don't be discouraged, and try to overcome difficulties." Yes, I had a similar experience in my study: when I first entered school, I was always careless about problems because I was playful, thinking: No matter right or wrong, I can play as soon as I finish it. Anyway, the teacher will comment, there is no need to think for yourself! And I despise those students who think hard: what a fool! Look, how smart I am! Over time, I have developed the bad habit of not using my head and being careless when encountering difficulties. I didn't know my grades were poor until I finished the exam, but those students who I dismissed as "really stupid" got excellent grades one by one. For the first time, I couldn't help thinking seriously: where is the reason? I'm confused. After the education of teachers and mothers, I realized that "I don't think when things happen, and I have no perseverance in learning" is my biggest shortcoming. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. With the help of my mother, I read some books and learned that "Tong Dizhou studied hard and studied hard, and finally completed a difficult frog egg peeling operation, which is famous at home and abroad", "Li Shizhen was not afraid of suffering and death, and studied hard, leaving a masterpiece of pharmacology for the medical community in China-"Compendium of Materia Medica ","Sima Guang used the police pillow to practice calligraphy and study, and became a famous doctor when he grew up, and was educated by teachers. Under the reminder of my mother, after half a year's hard work, my grades finally caught up with everyone. Now, I am sensible and know more truths: "A drop of water wears through a stone", "As long as you work hard, the iron pestle grinds into a needle" and so on.

Han Yu said in "The Solution of Learning": "Being diligent and lazy in business is ruined by thinking." This sentence not only tells us that "study needs diligence", but also tells us that "the cultivation of civilized behavior needs more thinking and practice". Some students are discouraged when they encounter some setbacks and failures, and choose to escape when they encounter difficulties, which is not good. Haven't you learned my profound lesson? Here, I want to remind those students who are still stubborn as a "learned lesson": "Wake up! Don't repeat my mistakes! "

This is how civilized behavior is developed, from small to large, and so are other aspects.

The cultivation of civilized behavior must rely on everyone to learn from each other, help each other and supervise each other. "Choose its goodness and follow it, and change its inferiority."

7. Write a short composition and go to bed on a small scale.

Campus life is rich and colorful. Even the slightest thing sometimes makes everyone happy and sometimes arouses excitement among us. Take the fact that students who live on campus turn off the lights when they sleep. Although we can live in harmony on weekdays, when we go to bed, we will stage a farce of turning off the lights, and everyone will express their opinions and show their "cleverness."

At nine o'clock in the evening, with the sound of sleeping, some students released the last madness-sang a strong song: "I can't catch love ..." Someone will pick up something like "Who has an ear spoon?" Everyone should sleep in their own "embassy" at school. Turn off the lights when you sleep, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. So, here's the question-who will turn off the lights? A battle of wits and wits began.

Glasses Liu said: "it is obligatory to turn off the lights, which is what our boss must do." The so-called king of a country loves the people first. " Do you think it makes sense? "Glasses are notoriously contradicting superiors, but they want to enjoy public service but not public servants.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the head of the dormitory immediately objected: "Fairness and justice are principles. Officials pit people wrong, people pit officials. Equality and mutual understanding between the government and the people is the general trend. It is better to turn off the lights in turn in the future. " Thin Ayun asked, "Lei Feng spirit. We often say verbally, isn't there anyone in the dormitory willing to act and perform? " Obviously, this "we" does not include him. At this time, Xiao Pang expressed his high opinion: "Stop arguing. Since no one is willing to do good deeds, it is also a waste of manpower to take turns. I think it is better to choose a lantern. " Monkey A Xiang immediately echoed: "Well, what's the salary? What treatment? *** ! "The whole dormitory burst out laughing. After everyone laughed, Glasses Liu reiterated: "Water can carry a boat and also overturn it. It is not ordinary people who are brought up by officials. They should worry about the world before enjoying it. To get everyone's support, we must shoulder our due obligations. " This, of course, was more strongly opposed by the dormitory manager. ...

The light has been on for a long time. Who will turn it off? -People are still arguing.

The teacher on duty knocked at the door: "Why don't you turn off the lights?" "I'm talking about who will close it!" "This still use to discuss? Next to the switch, of course ... "While speaking, the voice has gone.

But the bed has two floors. Is it closed upstairs or downstairs? The argument continues.

Of course, the light was finally turned off. Who turned it off? I won't tell you!

It's a sunny Saturday. Birds are singing happily, the stream is flowing quietly, and the mood is getting more and more comfortable. I want to play games this morning, clean my room in the afternoon and do my homework in the evening. At the thought of this plan, my mood is full of joy, because I think I have some busy and fulfilling things today.

In a blink of an eye, it was already noon. I am cleaning my room. I happened to find a candle burned out by the drawer. "ah! Why do you still have such a short candle? " I said silently. Then I threw it in the trash without thinking.

In the evening, after dinner, my mother told me earnestly, "I'm going to work now, and my father is not at home." You should take good care of yourself and do your homework early! "I hate her, so I closed the door at once. After that, I came to my desk and began to "fight"

I worked for a while, but suddenly the power went out, and the room was dark and opaque. I was so scared that my heart was full of fear. I thought: What should I do? Now that mom and dad are not at home, what should we do in the dark? The problem is that I haven't done my homework.

I got up and started looking for a flashlight. I took a lighter with mosquito-repellent incense and put it all over the room. There's no sign. I sat helplessly on the bed. I am very desperate. Suddenly, I remembered the candle I threw away in the morning.

I stumbled into my hand and lit it like a treasure. It is like a beautiful red flower, tearing a corner of the thick night. I feel like a frightened baby being touched by its mother. My heart was immediately calmed down, and after the value was over, I joined the "battle" with this weak and radiant light source.

From this little thing, we can know that everything in the world has its greatness. For example, this candle was burned only once, but it saved me from mental pain.

(Excerpted from Dictionary Composition Network)

9. When I saw the composition from small to large, my eyes were colorful when I looked out of the window with 600 words.

When the wind blows gently, with the heat of summer and the freshness of flowers and plants, tell me that the color in my eyes is youth and the color of my youth is changing. Diligent green is wood and green is grass.

Trees, with hard work, make themselves prosperous; Excellent grass, with diligence, make yourself green and swaying; I, on the other hand, branded myself with youthful green. The ivory tower in my dream is long, like the green in my eyes, shining firmly in the dark.

For the dream, I work hard, for the dream, I struggle. In the morning, I was greeted by the first ray of golden light in the morning; At night, there is a bright moon everywhere.

At the foot of learning, I take diligence as the road; In the sea of knowledge, I built a boat with suffering. The fierce red volume shrinks and the pulse flows.

Lotus, swaying, makes itself curly and vivid; Aquatic plants, with floating, make themselves warm and affectionate; I use the red of youth to give myself a lively shadow. For the shadow, I am active in every corner of the campus.

Physical education class, I run and jump. After class, my shadow is a moving point in the sun. I am eager to make friends, I am eager to talk to people, I am eager to express my views, and I am eager to be noticed.

Lively, the true color of my youth; Warm, the background color of my youth, red, the highlight of my youth. The blue independent bridge is full of sleeves, and Lin Ping returns to the new moon.

Independent and lonely, the bridge is lonely, the cold wind blows, the night is getting up, and there are no pedestrians. On the small bridge, I am alone in the confusion and helplessness that I can't get rid of and want to return.

Although youth is dazzling, it is also mixed with blue of depression. Some helplessness in life, occasional incomprehension of elders and some difficulties in learning all make my sky blue but not cold.

Melancholy blue is the most helpless loneliness in youth. The world marks my life day by day, and the gears of the years have worn away my traces. That is youth, which makes my picture scroll colorful and youthful, and makes my dreams transparent and pure; It is youth that makes my mind pious and uplifting.

Youth's dream is a burning torch, youth's vision is a turbulent sea, youth's life is brilliant, youth's emotional world is profound, and youth's dream world is the sunset and loneliness in Qi Fei. Through the window lattice, I saw the color in my eyes.