Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the main content of Jane Eyre?

What is the main content of Jane Eyre?

Specific summary:

1, Jane Eyre's father is a poor priest. When she was a child, both her parents died of typhoid fever. Jane Eyre was sent to Gateshead Manor and raised by her wife, menstruation Reed. She was bullied by her cousin.

After her uncle Mr. Reed died in the red house, Jane Eyre lived a life of discrimination and abuse for 10 years. Once, Jane was put in the red house for resisting her cousin's beating. Physical pain and mental humiliation and fear made her seriously ill.

My aunt regarded her as a thorn in her side, isolated her from her children and decided to send her to Dallowood orphanage.

Because her confrontation with her aunt is more open and resolute, Mrs. Reed quickens the pace of sending Jane Eyre to the orphanage. In order to get rid of Jane Eyre, she slandered Jane Eyre everywhere in front of Mr. Brocklehurst and destroyed her reputation.

The orphanage has strict rules and a hard life, and the dean is a cold hypocrite. Jane Eyre continues to be devastated mentally and physically. Not enough to eat, not warm to wear, and suffering from inhuman torture.

6. Jane Eyre became friends with the orphan Helen, and Miss Temple, the teacher, was very concerned about her.

7. Jane Eyre accidentally broke the slate, was punished for standing on a stool, and was humiliated by Mr. Brocklehurst in public.

8. Sad Jane Eyre didn't get off the stool until after school. She was very angry, and Helen brought her coffee and bread, and kept enlightening her. Miss Tan Bo invited her as a guest and talked with her about past lives. Helen was impressed by her profound knowledge.

Due to the poor living conditions in the orphanage, infectious typhus broke out and Helen died of lung disease, which was a great blow to Jane Eyre.

Since then, the living conditions in orphanages have been greatly improved. Jane received six years' education in the new environment and taught in this school for two years. Because of Miss Temple's departure, Jane got tired of life in an orphanage and advertised for a governess.

1 1. The housekeeper of Thornfield Manor hired her. Jane Eyre's student is a girl under 65,438+00 years old, Aadilah Huaron, and Mr. Rochester is her protector.

12 One evening, when Jane Eyre went to town to post a letter, she met Rochester who had just returned from abroad. This is the first time they have met. Rochester fell off his frightened horse, and Jane helped him get on. When she got home, Jane realized that he was Rochester, the owner of the manor.

13, Adele is not easy to teach and doesn't care. She looks for excuses to find Mr. Rochester everywhere. Mr. Rochester communicated with Jane Eyre face to face, learned about Jane Eyre's past, and made comments on Jane Eyre's paintings.

Jane Eyre talks to Mr. Rochester, but Jane Eyre finds Rochester a moody and eccentric person.

15. At night, Jane Eyre was awakened by a strange laugh and found Rochester's door open and her bed on fire. She woke Rochester and put out the fire. Rochester asked her to keep a secret.

16, Jane Eyre wants to know the cause of the fire, but no one wants to tell her. After Rochester went to Rees, she wanted to see Robert, but she couldn't expect him.

17. After Rochester came back, family dinners were often held, and Thornfield Manor began to get busy up and down. At a family dinner, he courted a beautiful lady named Ingram, and Jane was called to the living room. The guests are very arrogant about Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre was snubbed by Blanche's mother and daughter. She endured humiliation and left the living room.

18, Rochester went out, and an old gypsy woman with a veil wanted to tell the fortune of all unmarried women present.

19. When it was Jane Eyre's turn to tell fortune, Jane Eyre discovered that Rochester pretended to be a gypsy in order to test Jane Eyre's feelings for him.

20. A stranger named Mei Sen came to the manor. He was bitten by a mysterious woman on the third floor that night. Jane Eyre took care of him all night and secretly sent him away with Rochester.

2 1. Soon, Mrs. Reed sent for Jane, saying that she was dying and wanted to meet Jane. When she returned to menstruation's home, Mrs Reed gave her a letter, which was sent by Jane's uncle three years ago, asking about her niece and giving her inheritance to Jane Eyre. Mrs reed lied that Jane died in an orphanage, and it was not until her deathbed that her conscience realized that she was going to tell Jane the truth.

22. Jane Eyre returns to Thornfield Manor. Mr. Rochester asked Jane what she was doing at Gateshead House this month, and then let her rest. She feels at home.

Rochester pretends to let Jane Eyre leave. Jane Eyre can't help expressing her love to Rochester. Rochester proposed to Jane Eyre, and Jane Eyre agreed.

24. Rochester and Jane Eyre prepare for the wedding. Robert dotes on Jane Eyre very much, but Jane Eyre doesn't want to do so and still stays in front of her tutor.

On the eve of the wedding, Jane Eyre woke up from a dream and saw a tall and disgusting woman wearing her wedding dress, and then tore the mask of the wedding dress to pieces. Rochester told her it was just a dream, but when Jane woke up the next day, she found that the mask of the wedding dress was really in pieces.

26. The wedding took place as scheduled. An unexpected guest broke into the church and claimed that the wedding could not be held. He said, 15 years ago, Rochester married Bertha Mei Sen, Mr. Mei Sen's sister. Rochester admitted this fact and showed people the crazy woman who was locked up on the third floor. That's his lawful wife. She has a history of hereditary mental illness, that is, she set fire to Rochester's room and tore up the mask of Jane's wedding dress.

27. Jane Eyre refuses to be a third party. She turned down Rochester. On a stormy night, I left Thornfield Hall sadly.

28. After her only savings were spent, she slept on the street and begged along the way. Finally, she fainted in front of Father St. John's house and was rescued by St. John and his two sisters.

After sleeping for three days and nights, Jane Eyre finally woke up and gradually recovered her strength under the care of the St. John family. St John took Jane Eyre in and found her a job as a village teacher.

30. Jane Eyre is getting familiar with everything here. Soon, Jane learned that her uncle had passed away and left her a legacy. At the same time, she found that St. John's brother and sister were her cousins. Jane decided to divide the property equally.

3 1. A farmhouse in a mountain village became Jane's home. She has twenty students, of whom only three can read and none can write and calculate. Jane's responsibility is to cultivate this bud. At dusk, Jane looked at the sunset and comforted herself. At this moment, St. John Rivers came over and asked Jane how she felt on her first day at work.

32. Jane Eyre devoted herself to being a rural female teacher and gradually became the darling of the villagers in that area. In those days, Jane Eyre was calm on the surface, but she often met Mr. Roberts in her dreams, and her heart was restless.

33. The fanatical St. John planned to go to India to preach, and proposed to Jane Eyre before he left, but he told her frankly that he wanted to marry her not because he loved her, but because he needed a well-educated assistant.

Jane felt that she should repay his kindness, but she refused to promise him. That night, St. John waited for Jane Eyre's answer in the wasteland. Just as Jane Eyre was preparing to make a decision, she seemed to hear Rochester calling her name in the distance. ......

35. St. John is very confident that Jane Eyre will follow him and makes every effort to help Jane Eyre make up her mind to marry him as soon as possible. Inspired by the sage, Jane Eyre almost lost the courage to fight. At that moment, Jane Eyre felt a voice calling her constantly, which made Jane Eyre irresistible. Jane understands how she should choose.

36. Jane Eyre felt something in her heart and hurried back to Thornfield Manor, which was in ruins. She learned that the crazy woman set fire to the building and died, and Rochester was injured and disabled, living alone on a farm dozens of miles away.

37. That night, Jane Eyre found Mr. Rochester who was blind in a carriage. Rochester proposed to Jane Eyre, and Jane Eyre agreed.

After Jane Eyre and Rochester were married for two years, a doctor cured his eyes and they lived happily together.


Baidu encyclopedia-Jane Eyre