Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The most accurate magician in the entertainment circle now _ Who is the most accurate magician in the entertainment circle now?

The most accurate magician in the entertainment circle now _ Who is the most accurate magician in the entertainment circle now?

What do you think of fortune telling? Master Miao Shan enlightened me.

Living Buddha talks about life. Many people in the world are happy to visit fortune tellers and tell their fortune. Especially we women in China are more superstitious. There are often some very stingy women. However, she did not hesitate to pay for a fortune teller. In their hearts, no matter big or small, they have to ask a fortune teller to feel at ease. It seems that everything is arranged by fate, and only fortune tellers know life. There are endless people who make such wishful thinking.

I remember when I was living with a living Buddha, Mrs. Hu was superstitious about fortune telling, and she went to the Confucius Temple to tell her daughter-in-law's fortune from time to time. At that time, there was a famous fortune teller named "Iron abacus" in the Confucius Temple. It is generally said that the "iron abacus" looked at the fortune-telling fortune and was as clever as a living fairy, so some wives and husbands of dignitaries were glad to find it at that time. Mrs. Hu is naturally one of the clients of Iron Abacus. Every time she comes back from fortune telling, she says something to her family as usual. She speaks vividly and interestingly. Speaking of good places, she smiled, as if the "gold ingot" was going to fall from the sky and become a monopoly tomorrow. When it comes to shortcomings, she complains and sighs, as if disaster is coming soon.

On one occasion, Mrs. Hu's eldest grandson, Hu Dadong, was ready to get engaged. Of course, she still has to find an "iron abacus" to calculate whether it is suitable for the woman's life. She came back after all, happy! Listen to the "iron abacus" and say that their "eight characters" are made in heaven and are sky-high. There will be five men and two women in the future. It is really a "seven-child reunion" with endless benefits. According to the original rules of "iron abacus", the price of "soaring year" is five yuan, and the number of "eight characters" is ten yuan, because Mrs. Hu heard that.

I heard the living Buddha say jokingly, "I don't want to count one or two people's lives." I want to count the lives of most people. It is best to count the lives of all people in the world ... "Before Mrs. Hu finished, she immediately asked," What's that about? How do you calculate? " The living Buddha said, "Naturally, it makes sense. I naturally have my own algorithm. Those fortune tellers think that people in the world have different lives and are different. In my opinion, there is no difference. Not only people's lives are the same, but even the lives of birds, animals and even fish and insects are no different from people. " Mrs. Hu shouted, "Living Buddha, the more you talk, the more fantastic it is!" The living Buddha said, "Seriously! Seriously! " Mrs. Hu said with a smile, "Then, let's calculate the lives of the world!" The living Buddha nodded and said, "Easy! Relax. You want me to count, I'll count. " Then I closed my eyes and stopped talking. The great storyteller just got up and walked off the stage.

At this time, everyone was anxious and shouted, "Forget it, living Buddha!" " After a while, the living Buddha opened his eyes and said seriously, "I tell fortune. I don't rank the words A, B, C, D and E, but I count people's lives. There is only one word, called karma. Most people are talking about fate, and Buddha is talking about karma. "

"You all think that this person who can talk, dress, eat and walk is life, and the theory of Buddhism is' reporting'. Because there were karma in the past, there are two kinds of karma, namely' clean karma' and' polluted karma', which are' bad karma' and were created in the past. The living Buddha went on to say, "People in the world are all human beings. Why do some people enjoy happiness and others suffer? This is because everyone's place of residence is different, not only everyone's place of residence is different, but also the children born to a mother have different experiences. They also have different looks, good natures and bad behaviors, all kinds of behaviors. Why do beautiful couples have ugly children? Some parents are ugly, but their children are straight? This is the difference in the' karma' created by everyone in the past, so it is different now. "

The living Buddha paused for a moment and then said, "This karma is neither foreign nor natural. It's all internal, it's all made by ourselves ... "Mrs. Hu asked," Is it an artificial karma? Handicraft industry Nose industry? " The living Buddha smiled and said, "Not at all. Your eyes, ears, nose and tongue can't do karma. It is your heart that can create karma. Everything is created by your heart. For example, your old lady Hu used to paint landscapes, but now she likes to paint Guanyin. It's all because of your heart, but the hand of painting is influenced by your heart. If you don't want to see anything in your heart, your eyes can't see the color of the scenery outside; If you don't want to hear anything in your heart, you can't hear anything in your ears; If you don't want to smell anything in your heart, your nose won't smell anything; If you don't know the difference in your heart, your body doesn't know whether it is cold or hot. Everything is dominated by your heart, and everything is dominated by it. "

I'm afraid the living Buddha is too abstruse to understand here, so Mrs. Hu changed the topic and said, "All the people want to get rich and have more children and grandchildren, but they don't know that their children and grandchildren were repaired in previous lives, not by accident, not knowing in advance or asking for them." If you have good deeds in your last life, you will naturally enjoy a long life and have children in your last life. In this life, there will naturally be children, and he will naturally come. You don't want him. " You can't ask for anything If you want to know what you did in your last life, you can understand what you have suffered in this life. If you ask what will be your future result? Let's see how you feel now. If you understand this truth, you can stop telling fortune. "

When the living Buddha said this, he gave a long haha: "I am so funny!" " "Everyone asked," what are you laughing at? "The living Buddha said," I laugh at the ignorant life and ignorant death of the world. No one knows his life. What did he do in his last life? Is this a good thing? "Is it evil? I prefer to laugh at fortune tellers. He doesn't know his origin, cause and effect. How can he know the fate of others and dare to predict their future? Since everyone does not understand the' karma' created in the past, where does this life begin? How to calculate? What makes sense? How to understand? " The living Buddha clapped his hands and shouted, "Mrs. Hu! Fortune telling is a trick used by charlatans to cheat money. I can't believe it. Let me tell you something! Only Buddha Sakyamuni can really tell fortune, and he knows the karma of life and death. Those who believe in Buddhism and learn from Buddhism should believe in Buddhism, don't tell fortune, just ask your current heart. " After listening to the living Buddha, Mrs. Hu realized that the word "fate" was unreliable and should believe in "karma". At this time, she sighed and said, "Living Buddha, your words remind me that if I had heard these words earlier, I would not have spent the fortune-telling money!" " Everyone listened to a burst of laughter.

When the living Buddha talked about life, his words pointed out that the truth of life in Buddhism is that people should not believe in "fate", but believe in "karma", and teach people not to create bad karma, but to create more good karma, so that good results can be achieved. China has two proverbs: "But doing good will lead to the future of Mo Wen".

The living Buddha of Jinshan is Master Miao Shan. He doesn't like being called a living Buddha. ) check the original mystery.