Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tri-yuan Feng Shui Tri-yuan Invincible Tips

Tri-yuan Feng Shui Tri-yuan Invincible Tips


There is no scientific basis, it is purely feudal superstition. Really useful, where has the dynasty changed? Your family has already made a fortune, so don't wait for your generation. Qing Xin believed it, and was beaten out of the water by Eight-Nation Alliance.

Unbelief can be resolved.

Feudal superstition, a four-word Chinese vocabulary, refers to the beliefs and concepts in people's imagination, such as believing in the imagination of gods and ghosts, or blindly believing in and worshiping a certain character or evil story.

If superstition is not broken, it will be difficult for society to develop healthily. In society or among the people, some people flaunt "fortune telling" and introduce computer fortune telling and psychic prediction. And use modern sound, light, electricity and other equipment to create all kinds of mysterious effects to deceive and fool the masses. All this is because the rapid development of science and technology has a growing impact on human society, and people who engage in superstition and pseudoscience raise the banner of "science" and betray their traitors. Cheat money by hook or by crook. There are also some places that develop tourism and folk culture and build various haunted houses, Buddhist temples and ancestral temples. Many farmers lack a correct understanding of religion because of their low educational level. They burn incense in every temple and worship the gods and buddhas. In some rural areas, feudal superstitious activities are becoming more and more serious, which seriously affects people's thoughts and behaviors.

I hope I can help you. Thank you. I hope it will be adopted.