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What does stepping on tiles mean in wedding customs?


The first meaning: "stepping on a tile" means that the past is like breaking a tile and starting a new life.

The second meaning: braziers and tiles need to be placed in front of the hall threshold. Asking the bride to step on the stove and break the tile is commonly known as getting angry and breaking the evil spirit.

◆ Ancient wedding customs:

(1) discussing marriage

Talking about marriage is equivalent to "accepting talents" and "asking names" in ancient times. In the old society, marriage in Zhangzhou attached great importance to matchmakers. "Although there is a world contract, there is no matchmaker to conclude." The matchmaker is a key figure in the marriage negotiation stage.

1. Explore family style

Also known as "family style" and "family style". Before formally asking for relatives, both men and women should try to understand each other's family situation, especially the woman is more cautious about it. In advance, she would like to invite relatives to visit the man's house, get to know the family style, other family members and their financial situation.

Step 2: Find Geng.

The man prepared a business card gift and invited the matchmaker to propose marriage to the woman's house. When the woman agrees to propose, she will accept the gift and write down the birthday of the girl who is going to get married on red paper (Hakka white paper). Generally, she writes "Kun Zao was born on a certain day in a certain year" and will give it to the man as a matchmaker.


After the man received the woman's memorial tablet, he put it on the ancestral case, and then put the woman's memorial tablet under the incense burner for three days. During this period, if people and animals are safe, and there are no quarrels, illnesses or plate breaks, it can be said to be "three yen" or "three days after three days". Ask the fortune teller to "get married" and determine whether it is suitable for marriage according to the date of birth of both men and women. In the old society, when a daughter was born, if the birthday was not perfect, the parents asked the fortune teller to forge a good "eight-character" with a prosperous husband, a prosperous family and a rich treasury. Therefore, as the saying goes, "a man's life is not false, and a woman's life is not true." This marriage is pure self-deception.

If the two sides cooperate with each other in numerology, the man will give his heptyl iron, gift cake and red envelope to the woman. Generally, the giver invited by Geng is the man's uncle. He chooses a bamboo basket with red paint, which contains gift cakes and red envelopes, and goes straight to the hall from the door of the woman's house. He puts the red basket on the altar and informs the woman's ancestors that someone has proposed to her offspring. The woman's parents opened a post after offering sacrifices to her ancestors, and also invited the fortune teller to get married.

Kiss each other

After marriage, both parties prepare gifts, and the matchmaker accompanies the elders to each other's home for blind date. The girl in the boudoir must personally receive the man's guests and offer them tea.

Both parties can get engaged if they are satisfied with each other, and their parents will agree on the bride price, dowry and dowry thickness, and roughly determine the wedding date. I prefer to set the wedding date from the Year of the Loong to the Year of the Tiger. The seventh month of the lunar calendar is a ghost month, and the wedding date will not be set in this month. When both men and women add up to 50 years old, they will not get married for the time being. Hakka people are forbidden to propose marriage in March and June of the lunar calendar, and there is a saying that it is unlucky to be white.

After the two parties reach an agreement, the woman will issue a gift list.

(2) Engagement

Engagement is equivalent to "Naji", "Zheng Na" and "invitation" in ancient times, which is regarded as the beginning of a happy event. From this time until a period of marriage, both men and women and their relatives are not allowed to attend the funeral, so as to avoid "weddings and funerals", which is not conducive to family happiness. Conventions include the following conventions:

1. Appointment

Also known as "excessive determination", "food determination", "determination", "Wen determination" or "delivery". Accompanied by the matchmaker, the elders of men and women will send the agreed gifts to the woman's house as a fixed date on the selected auspicious day. Gifts are generally cloth, incense sticks, rock candy, noodles, orange cakes, betel nuts, shepherd's purse, lotus seeds, pork, gift cakes, peanut candy, tobacco and alcohol, and ring jewelry, often in 12 colors.

The woman's family will entertain the man's guests with rock sugar tea and sugar glutinous rice porridge, and the woman to be married will go to the hall to serve sweet tea. Guests should give red envelopes as "tea pressing" gifts when they accept sweet tea. The woman's parents put the ring given by the man on the finger of the woman to be married, and the ceremony of "ordering food" was completed.

When the man's guests leave, the woman will return a gift such as a towel (two towels are connected together). At the same time, both men and women should give cakes, candy and other gifts to relatives and friends, indicating that marriage has been confirmed.

Step 2 hire

Also known as "promotion" or "distribution decision". The man will send the agreed bride price to the woman's house on the selected auspicious day. The bride price emphasizes pairing, including the number of people who send bride price is even. Red paper should be pasted on the cage and pole of bride price, and the male elders should choose one to walk in front.

Bride gifts include wedding documents, gold and silk products, engagement money, jewelry, cloth, dresses, gift cakes, whole pigs, wine, chickens and ducks, sweets, red jiaozi and other cakes. Among them, the number of gift cakes, sweets and cakes is determined by the woman to ensure that they are enough to be distributed to her relatives, friends and neighbors. In addition, a bowl of red jiaozi will be distributed to every household. In some places, there are only marriage certificates, gold and silk, sacrifices and so on. They are all given at the time of recruitment, and the agreed gifts such as dresses are given by the man again. This is called "sending coats".

When giving a gift, the man should send an invitation and list the name of the gift. Such as: a pair of marriage documents, engagement money is certain, one gold hairpin, two chickens and ducks each. Write "marriage certificate is complete, engagement fee is fully sealed, gold hairpin is fully matched, German birds are in pairs, and home is four wings". When the bride price was brought, the female Yanari cannon welcomed her, paid homage to her ancestors with gifts, and received visitors according to the ceremony. This woman can't accept all the gifts. She wants to cut off the ribs and pig's feet and let the man's guests take them back. This is called "pressing the bottom of the box" or "returning the gift". The woman may also give back other gifts, such as clothes, shoes and socks for her fiance, and shoes and socks for future uncles and aunts.

After receiving the bride price, the woman should prepare a dowry. The dowry of a rich family is called "the whole hall", including things that a daughter uses for life, from toilets, needlework, land deeds, house deeds, and even coffins and shroud. It is called "Dont Ask For Help of Life and Death". In the past, married women in wealthy families also used □ (sound stem) (concubine) as their dowry. Poor households only prepare "half a hall" for their daughters: several sets of clothes, pollen, mirrors, scissors, rulers, quilts, curtains and some daily necessities. Dowry usually includes a toilet, which means giving it to your son early. In addition, a pair of "leading chickens" should be prepared as his dowry. The leading chicken should choose the cock that just crowed and the hen that is about to lay eggs. On the wedding day, use a red rope or red silk, tie a chicken foot at each end, let the cock and hen squat side by side, and put them in a new rice basket, and the bride's maid of honor (bridesmaid) will bring them to the groom's house.

Send it to Japan

The man chooses an auspicious day to marry the bride. After obtaining the consent of the woman, he writes a red post to formally inform her of the wedding date and the person who should avoid confrontation when getting off the sedan chair, and then acts according to the ceremony. Therefore, there is an old saying: "There is affection next door, and you are polite."

(1) cosmetic gabardine

After employment, both men and women should send cakes and wedding candy to relatives and friends. After the wedding day, the relatives and friends of the woman should send red envelopes or gifts to the woman's home, which is called "adding makeup"; Relatives and friends of the man should also send red envelopes or gifts to "add to the man's troubles". Congratulatory wedding gifts must be delivered before the wedding day, otherwise it will be unlucky and the married family will not accept it.

(2) Cut the wedding dress

After the ceremony, both men and women should choose a day to worship God and burn incense, and then cut the wedding dress, which is called "cutting". Besides the dress, the white underwear of the bride and groom should also be cut. After marriage, the bride should properly collect the underwear until her death, and then put it on the coffin. It is said that this move contains the meaning of heavy chastity; Some people also said that they entered Zhangzhang and advocated the marriage of Han and She. When her man died, her woman agreed to wear white clothes to mourn the dead. The bride's wedding dress is a red coat and skirt embroidered with red shoes, and the clothes should be embroidered with "?" The form is to pray for good luck, commonly known as "playing ten thousand words"

(3) Bowl noodles

Before the bride gets married, she should choose a day to worship the gods and offer incense, and ask professional women to "pull her face", that is, twist the hair off the bride's face with thin threads. Commonly known as "opening a face", it means becoming a monk.

(4) Installation of machine bed

Before the wedding, the man should arrange the new house properly, and first choose an auspicious day to pay the bill. The bed must be placed in the direction of the beam, otherwise it will be called "lifting" and unlucky. After the bed is fixed, one or two boys belonging to dragons (followed by snakes) are invited to climb onto the new bed and roll around, symbolizing the successive births of brides, which is called "turning bed".

Widows and tiger girls should not participate in or watch wedding dresses, arm in arm and share the same bed. Gifts such as couplets and greetings from relatives and friends should be displayed in the hall, and the greetings from the groom and uncle should be hung in the center of the hall. There are three sticks of incense and a pair of red candles in the hall.

On the eve of the wedding, the woman's parents will invite people to bring new bedding, mirrors, cabinets and other things to the man's house to decorate the new house. Before marriage, the groom can't spend the night alone in the new house. He must have one or two men of the same age to sleep with him. This is the so-called "greenhouse". The dragon is the first choice for sleeping companions, and the tiger is forbidden.

(3) After marriage

According to the orthodox family ceremony, "kissing to welcome the bride" is one of the six major ceremonies in the wedding, which is highly valued. However, in the Qing Dynasty, there was a saying in Zhangzhou that "the bride was not greeted personally", and it was never emphasized that the groom married the bride personally. Many people invite "lucky people" (people with great blessings) to greet the bride on their behalf. And the details of the wedding are very particular and meticulous.

1. Get out of the cupboard

The bride's wedding ceremony is more complicated, and each county (district) is different. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhangzhou had to have a "nanny wing" to marry a woman. All over the country, women preside over this ceremony, which is called "seeing off the bride". She will accompany the bride to her husband's house, and all the ceremonies will be presided over and directed by her.

(1) Upcast

On the wedding day, the bride should be bathed in fragrant flowers and pomegranate leaves and put on her wedding dress. The bride-to-be was invited to the hall and sang, "Please come out of the hall and be a good person." After the bride came out, the groom took the bride by the hand and sat her on an upside-down git in the hall, singing, "Sit up straight, the bride hurts." Then the elders or "lucky" women comb her hair, tie a bun and wear flowers, which is called "top". Some just put the jewelry in front of the shrine in the hall by the mother (in the absence of the mother, it will be replaced by other female elders), indicating that they have been raised. This gift is a relic of an ancient gift. The bride should also wear a rockhopper. In some places, jasmine grass should be inserted in her head to ward off evil spirits, pomegranate flower heart leaves should be inserted to indicate more children, and early rice ears should be inserted to indicate early children.

After the bride is dressed up, the whole family will hold a farewell party. The banquet is a 12 dish called "Twelve Bowls". After eating, the bride and relatives solemnly said goodbye and then retreated to the back room.

(2) get on the sedan chair

After the arrival of the man's wedding procession, under the repeated urging of the bridesmaids, the bride took a small mirror and a bag with mascots such as lotus seeds, peanuts, sweet-scented osmanthus, pomegranate and jasmine hearts, symbolizing that "your son gives birth to your son and an hundred sons give birth to grandchildren", and went out of the hall to bow down and bid farewell to the gods, ancestors and parents.

Parents put a veil on their daughter and sent her to get married, singing: "The bride is virtuous and intelligent." The family threw the lit firecrackers on the roof, covered the bride's head with a rice screen, so that the bride could not see the sun, and her parents immediately helped the bride into the sedan chair.

There are many red jiaozi and melon candy in the sedan chair, and the bride throws melon candy all the way, indicating that this road can come and go frequently.

(3) Leave home

After the bride gets into the sedan chair, she throws a paper fan from the sedan chair, which is called "sex (temper)". After my father spilled a bowl of water on the sedan chair, it was a legacy that the ancients were not allowed to "turn back" when they married.

When the sedan chair is moving, the bride will howl in the sedan chair, calling "Cry for good life" and "Cry for wealth". At the same time, the bride's house is closed immediately or blocked with rice screen. In some places, the bride's mother has to sit on the big threshold to prevent the wealth and atmosphere at home from being taken away by the bride, which also means that the bride will not go back.

Greet relatives

In the past, people used sedan chairs to greet the bride. In the 1920s, Zhangzhou City opened the way and began to marry the bride by carriage. Later, rickshaws, bicycles and cars were used to celebrate the wedding. In rural areas, sedan chairs were gradually abandoned in the 1950s, and passengers transported cars to greet their families. After the 1970s, it became popular to ride a bicycle, drive a tractor or drive a car to celebrate the wedding.

Weddings should start at the right time, usually in the early hours of the morning. Before going on the road, the relevant personnel should hold a banquet. As usual, there are 12 dishes on the table, one of which is all cooked carp, and everyone should eat the rest.

In the old days, when the wedding procession of the rich family was on the road, two servants walked in front of the procession with a pair of red lanterns with their surnames written on them, followed by the Music Band, the oilcloth sedan chair for the wedding, five red bamboo curtain sedan chairs for bridesmaids and brother-in-law, the official sedan chair without bamboo curtains for the groom, the beautifully decorated sedan chair for four people, and finally the gift money and dowry. There are 12 boxes and 24 boxes, up to 60 boxes, commonly known as "120 bar" (120 people carry). The average civilian wedding team has only one or two sedan chairs, and there are not many bands and boxes. Two boys walked in front of the team with a pair of red lanterns made of rooted sugar cane. The last person in the team carried a cloth bag with a toilet and a bucket for children. In some places, the wedding procession is led by procrastinators. Most of them are boys, dragging branches of pine or banyan trees with complete branches and leaves, and some are fresh bamboos with complete heads and tails.

The wedding team set off firecrackers when they arrived at the woman's door. After three shots, the woman opened the door and invited the wedding team in. The man gave two salutes, one called "Marriage of Two Surnames" and the other called "A Hundred Children and a Thousand Grandsons". A bundle of the woman's family income "two surnames get married" will be given back to the man's family.

Then, the bride's family held a banquet for the wedding team. The "best man" who accompanied the groom to the wedding reception should try to steal two small handleless wine cups and bring them back to the new bed in the bridal chamber. It is said that the bride can have children earlier. The bride's family should pretend not to find that the best man stole the small wine glass.

After the banquet, the man's best man urged the bride to get on the sedan chair. The bride had to find all kinds of excuses and was urged several times before she walked out of the hall to leave. After the bride gets on the sedan chair, the wedding procession takes over the dowry, sometimes adding bamboo with roots that the woman is going to take back to the husband's house. If the woman has a maid to marry, she will also go to the sedan chair with the bride. Hakka custom, the woman wants someone to hold a "fire dragon" (torch) to send her to get married, which is called "clearing the way to eliminate evil".

Along the way, the wedding procession preached (musical instruments) and sang together, and the village lanes, temples and bridges should be set on fire. When you arrive at the man's door, you should park the sedan chair in the big room and wait for the auspicious time. At that time, the groom will kick the sedan chair door and scare the bride. It is said that the groom will no longer be afraid of his wife. After seeing Tom off, he immediately opened the car door. His brother-in-law held two red oranges on a red paint tray and asked the bride to get off. The bride returned a red envelope. Then, the "lucky" old woman (many long-lived children, both husband and wife) helped the bride out of the sedan chair. Send the bride to sing: "The bride is down-to-earth and gives birth to a good example; Step on the fat lion. "At the same time, some elders covered the bride's head with a rice screen labeled with gossip (now mostly with umbrellas), while others spread a red carpet or a new mat or a dyed red sack on the ground to let the bride walk through the gate.

When sending the bride to the gate, you should sing good words, such as "having sex, eating and wearing". The etiquette of brides entering the door varies from place to place in Zhangzhou: in some places, the fire in the furnace should be doused with water at this time, and the bride is not allowed to step on the threshold. This is to prevent the bride from getting angry and driving over others. In case the bride steps on the threshold, she will secretly put down the rice screen raised above her head to press the rockhopper, which scares her to break this trick. In some places, on the contrary, it is necessary to build a charcoal stove or burn a handful of straw to make the bride "smoke from the fire" and ask the bride to step on the threshold. In some places, when the bride arrives home, the elders should temporarily avoid it to avoid "collision". Hakka people slaughter a chicken when the bride enters the door, and put several bowls in front of the door for the bride to pass, which is called "stopping the door chicken".

If the bride commits "breaking her mother's family" or "breaking her husband's family's family" on her birthday, the person in charge of the wedding will put up a good tile at the gate in advance. As soon as the bride enters the door, the people next to her will immediately say, "It's all broken! It's all broken! " In order to solve the defects in the eight characters.


Marriage ceremonies in Zhangzhou generally include ancient bride worship and marriage. The man wants to invite an insider to preside over the ceremony, which is called "taking charge".

After the bride entered the door, the housekeeper held a round barrel, sang good words while walking, spilled the grain in the barrel and led the bride to the hall. The steward sings loudly, and the newlyweds worship heaven and earth first, then their parents, and then the husband and wife worship each other.

After seeing the bride, the groom led the bride into the bridal chamber with red silk, and they sat on the edge of the bed. At the same time, the hall fired a gun and began to entertain guests.

When the bride enters the bridal chamber, the groom's family should put the leading chicken under the bed, then scatter rice to lure her and try to let the rooster come out first, which indicates that the bride will have a boy for the first time. If the hen leading the way lays eggs in a day or two, it is also regarded as a good omen for the bride to give birth to her son early. The bride-to-be kept singing good words before and after entering the bridal chamber. She taught the groom to take off the red or black silk cover on the bride's head with a weighing beam, and instructed the couple to eat a "bride table" consisting of 12 dishes in the bridal chamber. The bride-to-be first pours the wine into a pair of wine glasses connected by red lines, so that the newlyweds can pass the glasses to each other and finish the wine together. Then, when seeing the bride off, she will help the bride and groom. Every time she eats a dish, she will sing an auspicious sentence related to it. 12 means1February, happy month. "Lucky man" lit a pair of red candles in the new house. From the evening, the lights in the bridal chamber will not go out for 13 nights in a row.

At the banquet in the hall, the groom's uncle is the chief, and the groom's father is the host to toast the guests. After three rounds of drinking, the bride and groom will come out to make a toast, and the banquet will finally fire a gun to see the guests off until the door stops. In some places, the bride has to stay in the bridal chamber all the time, and only the groom and parents come forward to propose a toast. At the Hakka wedding banquet, the bride's uncle or brother is the chief.

In the Qing Dynasty, Zhangzhou had the custom of seeing the bride make trouble in the bridal chamber. "On the first day of marriage, relatives and friends crowded in, asking for a bride and teasing a new husband." After the wedding banquet was over, the couple sat on the edge of the bed, with a boy in the middle and Tom and others in the second place. One or two boys go to bed and roll and dance, symbolizing the bride's early birth. The bride will hand out candy, peanuts, preserves and so on. For everyone, and everyone will read the auspicious words in the storytelling while eating. In order to increase the festive atmosphere, anyone can play jokes on the bride at will. The bride must sit in front of relatives and friends and watch and smile. The bride will take care of everything. When making trouble in a bridal chamber, participants don't have to stick to seniority and status, so there is a saying: "Make trouble in a bridal chamber, regardless of size." But those who make trouble in the bridal chamber are not allowed to stand on the threshold or bring umbrellas into the bridal chamber.

After the troublemaker left, the brother-in-law took the sweet glutinous rice balls and called them "closed doors". The bride will give a red envelope and eat jiaozi with the groom. In some places, the bride and groom must make a round house. After eating the house, the new farewell to Tim can rest in peace.

In some places, the "bride table" in the wedding is similar to the altar of the deceased, and the straw mat to be laid on the wedding bed is also an item for burying the deceased, which means that the two of them should grow old together until death do us part. The bride and groom's secular clothes are made of white cloth, which are washed and treasured three days after marriage so that they can be put on when they die. This custom is also related to the concept of chastity and mutual loyalty.

(4) After marriage

After marriage, the happy event is unfinished, and you may not participate in other people's weddings and funerals in the next 4 months. At the same time, we should also avoid happy events in the family. There can't be two happy events at home within one year, such as two children getting married, or one getting married and one having a baby; In this case, we must try to add another happy event, commonly known as "three breakups", so there is no taboo.

In the Qing Dynasty, it was an ancient custom in Zhangzhou. After marriage, "Vietnamese parents hold soup cakes?" Room, three days to see the temple, see finish, is a woman's business. "Later, the customs and habits after marriage gradually changed.

1. Out of the hall

On the second day of the wedding, the bride will leave the bridal chamber when the cock crows, wash her face and prepare to formally participate in the family life of her husband's family.

The bride should fry four fruit soups first, or brew sweet tea with dried longan or candied dates to prepare for "tea worship". When the older generation in the whole house goes to class, the bride goes to the hall to worship her ancestors, then carries fragrant tea to honor her elders, gives shoes brought from her parents' home to her in-laws, and then her in-laws introduce her to the whole family. Tea worship is the legacy of ancient temple fairs. When the elders accept the sweet tea presented by the bride, they should put a red envelope on the tea tray. The red envelope money for tea worship goes to the bride as usual.

After tea, the bride is accompanied by the bride-to-be. The bride should show her skills when cooking for the first time; In addition, pigs, chickens and rice should be fed to show thrift. The latter is sometimes only symbolic. The bride only pours a few mouthfuls of rice, sprinkles a handful of millet and stirs the swill jar.

Every time the bride does something or an action, the bride-to-be will sing an auspicious word for this housework. For example, when the bride stirs the swill tank, she should say, "The mixing pot (swill) will float, and only a big cow (bigger than a cow) will feed the pig."

Explore the house

On the third day of the wedding, the bride's younger brother will take a sedan chair to visit her brother-in-law's house, commonly known as "brother-in-law exploring the house", which is the legacy of the ancient "charming girl".

My brother-in-law took sugar, cakes, tea powder, tea seed oil for wiping hair and a basket of flowers or paper pomegranate flowers, went straight into the new house, put the gift on the bed and invited my sister to her home. My husband's family should hold a party for my uncle.

3. mothering

A certain time after marriage, the bride will "go back to her family", commonly known as "being a guest". New husbands sometimes have to accompany them, commonly known as "return gifts." The bride-to-be also accompanied the bride back to the door, thus completing her task.

On the fourth day after the wedding (the seventh day in some places), the bride returned to Ning for the first time, commonly known as "being the first guest", while the Hakkas called it "turning to the DPRK". According to the ceremony, the newly married husband should accompany and prepare incense sticks, salutes, cakes, pig's feet and other gifts. If there is a brother-in-law on the road, my uncle's sedan chair is in front and the couple is behind. If you walk, the groom should follow the bride, commonly known as "eating while (following) A (wife)."

When I arrived at my parents' house, my parents-in-law greeted me at the door. After admission, the bride went into the old boudoir and talked with her wives, while the groom stayed in the hall to receive sweet tea. The father-in-law wants to introduce his son-in-law to his relatives and friends. In some places, it is a custom for the groom to give red envelopes to relatives of the Yue family. Traditionally, parents-in-law will entertain their daughter-in-law at noon, and the newly married husband is the master. The bride sat in the inner room as the chief, accompanied by other women.

After the banquet, the couple should have a rest, then leave and come back. On the return trip, the male sedan chair is in front and the female sedan chair is behind. Newlyweds who are returning to their relatives for the first time are not allowed to spend the night at their parents-in-law's house. If they really need to spend the night because of the long journey home, they are not allowed to share the bed, otherwise it will harm their parents and families.

When the daughter goes back to her in-laws to be a guest, her parents will give her cloth, pomegranate flowers and sweet glutinous rice, a pair of sugar cane with leaves and red paper tied, and a pair or a nest of chickens with red cloth tied to their feet. Chickens are packed in bamboo cages and hung in front of sedan chairs, commonly known as "leading chickens". Some places also presented a pair of piglets, called "leading pigs". In some places, the bride's family will send her brother-in-law a bottle of peanut oil to accompany the bride back to her husband's family; Peanut oil is polished oil, which means adding diced meat as soon as possible.

According to the old custom, the bride will go home once a month after marriage 12 and bring gifts back and forth. But the husband may not accompany him, and the bride can stay at her parents' home for a few days. After that, the bride will get used to it when she goes back to her family, so there is no need to observe special etiquette.