Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Some details that should be paid attention to when picking up girls online are easy to make mistakes.

Some details that should be paid attention to when picking up girls online are easy to make mistakes.

Lonely men and widows can easily spark, and failure to spark means there is something wrong with the method. Let's analyze a case together.

Girls met by chatting up, and then they had coffee together, and they both felt good about each other. At 1 1 that night, they met and chatted on QQ. QQ chat sentences amuse girls.

At first, the topic was nothing more than why you stayed up so late. This one says because I'm not sleepy, and that one says because I'm not sleepy either, and then you don't sleep. This one said I was eating snacks, and that one said I was drinking coffee. Then the students had nothing to say, so they came to Li Yong for help.

After understanding their basic situation, I suggest that we tentatively invite them immediately. The purpose of this is not to really meet, but to further close the relationship between the two through this slightly sensitive proposal. Of course, it would be better if we could really meet.

Next, I began to guide my classmates to invite them one by one.

Student: "Since everyone is eating and drinking, why not join us?" (With you and me, there is affection and reason)

Girl: "Ah … how can we be together?" (Unsafe future tense)

Student: "I'll drive to find you." (clear and direct male thinking)

Girl: "My God ..." (She is a little charming)

Student: "Dizziness is for sure. If you drive and I sit next to you, I will feel dizzy, too. " (parallel, exchange feelings, I also sprinkle some jiao, exchange female thinking. )

After a few minutes of silence, the girl suddenly said, "Lonely men, few women make mistakes when they go out together at night." (Insecurity caused by imagining possible intimate relationships is also tested on men. )

Student: "You are right. Last time my buddy stayed with a girl for one night, nothing happened. Later, he reviewed every day and said that he had made a serious mistake. . . "

Girl: "Haha, you are so interesting!" " "


Analysis: Women are always accompanied by some sense of insecurity when facing the critical moment of relationship upgrading. Some schools call this "anti-mechanism", but it is not necessarily related to morality. I prefer to understand it as a unique phenomenon of women's thinking in gender relations, that is, fear of the unknown. What is unknown in this case is the intimacy that may occur next and the intimacy that may be established. Because most men are highly focused on "sexual purpose" and "purpose" at this moment, they tend to ignore other irrelevant feelings and will only be single-minded and even desperate. On the contrary, those men who hesitate at the last minute are traditionally called "lack of masculinity"

However, the art of dating lies in the balance between "masculinity" and "feminine temper". If you can go forward and take care of her feelings, then such a man is qualified to be called "picking up girls".

Therefore, "lonely men and few women go out together at night" is easy to make mistakes. In this case, we should focus on how to relax women's feelings at this moment. The reason why they are worried is so vulgar that we don't have to convince them by reason at all, and we can even admit it generously. Just use this routine as a prop, play a word game, do a brain trick and make girls laugh.