Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to do business?

How to do business?

Never stop learning.

Most of a person's achievements come from learning.

The starting point given by parents and society has been set. What we want to win must be achieved through our own efforts, and blind efforts are difficult to achieve.

Only by planning, step by step and learning all the time can we gain great results.

Study, we must learn something related to our work. For me, it is learning marketing, learning to do projects, learning management, learning financial knowledge and learning to make money.

I won't learn knowledge that can't make me mix better, such as how to play World of Warcraft better, because it's meaningless.

In order to make continuous progress, one must constantly absorb new ideas and information.

10 years ago, I couldn't accept Taobao as a trading model. It's really silly to think about it now. If I had studied this knowledge earlier, my income would have been much more than it is now.

Five years ago, I couldn't accept the idea of making money with WeChat. Fortunately, I quickly adjusted this thinking and learned how to make money by using tools such as WeChat and QQ Space. So, I also made some money on WeChat and QQ space, and taught some people to make money with these new ideas and tools.

As long as you keep studying, you will always find that there are many opportunities to get rich in this society. As long as you study, you will always seize these opportunities.

Never take study as a burden, and never feel that study is boring. Learning is a habit and fun that should always be adhered to. Try to apply it and cultivate your learning ability, and you will find it easier and easier to make money and start a business.

Knowing technology can only earn a little money, but if you sell your technology to more people through the internet, you can earn a lot of money, such as the popular professional knowledge and psychological counseling knowledge. You don't have to be a master or an expert. You can also do such projects. For example, you can learn some simple fur knowledge, find a person who really likes this business and is proficient, and you can support each other and share it together. He operates, you promote. This is much simpler. What you need to do is to keep studying, researching and popularizing, and your income will be n times that of ordinary people. Why? It is that many people learn too much technology and ignore promotion. In fact, the most profitable thing in this society is research and promotion. What is popular now is emotional knowledge, such as psychological counseling. Everyone has beliefs and needs, so you can do such a project.

In fact, selling services is the best way to realize cash. I saw a young man who opened an outpatient clinic in Tik Tok before, sharing a reasonable diet with patients with stomach diseases every day. There are many people with stomach diseases in China, and stomach diseases need to be divided into seven parts and three parts. He became a community, selling consulting services. When customers have all kinds of stomach diseases, he will patiently answer them and help many patients treat stomach diseases. This is an altruistic and self-interested project. There is also a little girl who talks about love in the Himalayas. She just made an emotional voice program, which attracted 6.5438+million fans, and many businesses sought her cooperation. Of course, she has done emotional community service herself.

This has been the case since the media era. You can share what you are good at, what knowledge and experience you have online. With fans, you build a threshold community, and someone must pay for it. Everyone can do business with this kind of thinking. You can do your own service or cooperate with the master. In short, even if you can attract fans, you are still good. The future society will depend on fans for food. Releasing value and constantly attracting fans is the entrance to making money.

Sell all the resources around you, such as fortune tellers, palmists, geomancers, sculptors and snacks, and build a circle. This is the core secret of making money. Whoever knows more secrets will make money. There are secrets in making money, which has never changed since ancient times.

Doing marketing is to do everything possible to let others come to us to pay, so as to sell well and make customers feel happy after buying it. To promote sales is to find customers to buy products, so we have a hard time and customers are suffering. Some people regret after buying the product and feel cheated. So be a marketer, not a dog seller.

When doing projects and things, we should give full play to our own advantages and don't lose them. Internet is a tool. You can sell your own superior products. For example, if you are a collector, you can sell collectibles, you can be a lawyer, you can promote your lawyer services, you can even sell fishing rods, and if you can tell stories, you can also sell stories. If your ps is particularly good, you can also enroll students online to engage in ps teaching.

Profitable products = demand+scarcity. It only takes me a few seconds to come to a conclusion to measure whether something can be done. Just look at demand and scarcity!

Any advertisement on the Internet is a project. Any successful person on the Internet is an example. Xifeng is a project, and Wang Sicong is a project. If you can't learn from Wang Sicong, of course you can learn from Xifeng.

The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit. Everything you see is essentially advertising and charging information. No one can do anything that doesn't make money, especially experts. People who can stir up a post or video are actually people who make money by projects.

In other words, all the posts or videos that come into our eyes on the Internet are nine times out of ten a project.

For more details, please pay attention to: Maxima Business School Sina Weibo, thank you for your support.

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