Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Where does yellow millet come from in Qinzhou, Shanxi?

Where does yellow millet come from in Qinzhou, Shanxi?

Qinzhou yellow millet is from Qin County, Shanxi Province.

Qin Zhou Yellow Millet, a specialty of Qinxian County, Shanxi Province, is a symbolic product of China's national geography. Originally known as "Rough Valley" or "Rough Mountain Climbing", Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty gave him the title of "Qinzhou Emperor", which has a long-standing reputation as a royal Gong Mi. Is the representative of Shanxi Xiaomi, and enjoys the titles of "the king of rice in the world" and "Inter Milan".

The average elevation of Qinzhou yellow rice planting area is more than 1 100 meters, which belongs to the continental monsoon climate of warm temperate zone, with long winter and similar seasons in spring, summer and autumn. The average sunshine hours are 2475-2887 hours, the average temperature is 22.6℃, and the absolute temperature difference is 18.9℃. The red, yellow and cinnamon soil located in the middle and upper part of the hillside is most suitable for the growth of Qinzhou yellow rice. The surrounding area of Qin County is hilly, with abundant rain in spring and summer, large temperature difference in autumn and dry and windy. After more than 10,000 years of natural reproduction, "Qinzhou Yellow" settled here.

Planting conditions of yellow millet in Qinzhou

In the process of millet growth, the amount of land water should be reasonably controlled in the middle and late stage, and too much water will lead to the death of millet plants. Therefore, the land should be carefully selected before planting millet. The area where millet is planted should have the characteristics of good ventilation, good drainage and high terrain, and the soil layer of the land should be rich in organic matter and easy to cultivate.

Soil preparation is an important work before planting millet. After the previous crop is harvested, in order to maximize the fertility of the land, base fertilizer should be applied to the area where millet will be planted before the early spring of the following year. If compound fertilizer is applied, the dosage is 30 kg per mu. In the process of soil preparation, it is necessary to ensure that the ground is flat and there are no large clods.

Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Qinzhou Yellow Millet