Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The fortune teller said that the root was tied to the wall, okay _ The fortune teller said that the root was tied to the wall.

The fortune teller said that the root was tied to the wall, okay _ The fortune teller said that the root was tied to the wall.

As the saying goes, "roots are rich at home, and yang is destroyed at home." What are "root" and "yang"?

In the eyes of China people, the house is their own root.

In the past, people worked hard for half their lives to build or buy a house of their own. They always think that with a house, they really have a home and a home.

People who used to rent houses always had regrets in their hearts, and finally gave birth to the obsession of "never giving up until you buy a house."

All the post-70s and post-80s are basically mortgage loans and car loans, which makes them cherish their jobs very much and put up with anything.

Now, the views of post-90s and post-00s have completely changed. Everyone thinks that there is nothing wrong with renting a house, and they can experience different fun.

There is no need to make yourself so tired after decades of life.

However, we still have awe of our ancestors' old houses.

At that time, people believed in metaphysics, and building family houses depended on geomantic omen.

In the eyes of the ancients, only when the foundation of ancestors is laid, future generations will prosper and families will be endless.

As the saying goes, "roots are rich at home, and yang is destroyed at home." What does this mean?

First, what is "wealth rooted in the home"

Most of the houses in the past were made of wood and brick, and the beams needed support.

This kind of support is usually made of the trunk of a big tree and placed directly across the beam.

The tree splits its tail, and the highest place under the sunlight is the head of the tree, also called the small head.

Rooted in the dark soil, the end with countless roots is the root, also called "big head".

The "root" in this proverb refers to the root of the big tree on the beam, and the "inner home" refers to the house.

Generally speaking, this sentence refers to tree roots, which should be placed in the yard and the head of the tree should be hidden.

Only in this way can the family be rich.

If not, the money at home will leak out and become poor.

This is actually related to Taoism that people believed in at that time. Taoists say "Second Life, Second Life, Third Life, Third Life". The Tao between heaven and earth is natural, and everything is born together. "

In ancient times, it was emphasized that whether you choose a name or build a house, you should consider Jin Mu's fire, water and soil, and you must give priority to your life to avoid mutual suppression and ruin your fortune.

The tree itself belongs to wood, and the house belongs to earth.

Soil supports wood, so putting roots in the direction of the house can protect the wealth of the family.

Since it means "life", it has a symbol of wealth.

At that time, people's demand for housing construction was also a vision of pursuing a better life.

From a scientific point of view, it makes sense to build such a house.

In the past, it was necessary to put a large piece of wood on the beam. If you sit in a house facing south, the beam head is often exposed.

Putting the "small head" of the tree on the beam head, on the one hand, has a small area and a small humidity range after rain.

On the other hand, a small head is easier to dry than a big head. As soon as the sun came out, the little head on the tree soon dried up.

Second, what is "Yang went to the wall and died"

The "Yang" here refers to the sunshine, and the "wall home" refers to the innermost wall in the house.

At that time, people thought that if the sun shone into the innermost wall of the house, it would be a symbol of wealth dispersion, which would lead to the bankruptcy and decline of the family.

This is actually related to people's beliefs at that time and conforms to people's living background at that time.

Ancient Neo-Confucianism and psychology believed in heaven and that there were gods in the world, which could save people's lives and bring them good luck.

People serve these "gods" at home and bow down every day, asking them to bless them.

If the sun shines into the house, it will scare away the "immortals", and the money and good luck at home will leave with the "immortals".

Of course, this is just people's feudal superstition in the past.

People nowadays basically don't believe in the theory of "immortals". Everyone thinks it's better to rely on their own efforts to pray to God and worship Buddha.

Like the previous animation Nezha, he preached the independent thought of "I am the master of my life".

Therefore, when visiting young people's homes now, it is hard to see anyone placing "Master Guan" and "Buddha" at home for worship.

It is generally believed that the harder you work, the luckier you will be. Only by upgrading and enriching ourselves can we firmly seize the opportunity when it comes.

When encountering setbacks, instead of complaining there, try to solve the problem.

The feudal superstition about houses in ancient times had a lot to do with the mainstream thoughts and people's beliefs at that time.

Although these words sound "unreliable", they also reflect people's yearning for a better life and their pursuit of wealth.


This concept is no longer applicable in modern times, and people do not have to be bound by the superstitions of the older generation. The lighting of the house really has little effect on the amount of money.

If it does have an impact, it is that the better the lighting, the better people's mood, the harder they work, and the promotion and salary increase will not be a problem.