Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Zhangfan fortune-telling _ Zhangfan fortune-telling novel protagonist.

Zhangfan fortune-telling _ Zhangfan fortune-telling novel protagonist.

I am a person who does great things.

Mention my name Zhang Fanfang, maybe no one in our village knows. But when it comes to my nickname "stubborn donkey", there is no one in the village who doesn't know why a girl has such a nickname. It all started with an arson.

When I graduated from primary school, all my female classmates dropped out. Although the country has nine-year compulsory education, in our village, it is the biggest obligation of families to let girls finish primary school. It happened that year, our family had an extra brother, and the Family Planning Commission fined all our savings. My father can't go to work in a neighboring province, leaving my mother alone to take care of my brother and me, and to make a living in other places. My mother advised me several times not to go to junior high school and go home to help her, but I didn't agree. Later, my mother played hardball and set my schoolbag and stationery on fire in the stove. I couldn't care less, so I put my hand into the fire to grab it, but the bag I grabbed was burned beyond recognition. I was angry, so I took my unfinished schoolbag to the yard and threw it on the firewood pile in our house. After a while, the flame burned so high that my mother turned white. Later, people in the village helped put out the fire. From then on, I was nicknamed "stubborn donkey" in the village. And since then, my mother has never mentioned dropping out of school.

If a person can learn well without studying much, I believe it very much, because I belong to that kind. After graduating from high school, I was sure to go to college, but I didn't receive the notice. During that time, I lay on the haystack in the field and looked at the sky every day, thinking a lot of things. I remembered the blind man who came to our village to tell fortune when I was seven years old, and said that I was sure to do great things, so I didn't set fire that year because I had to go to school. I'm just thinking, how can I, a person who has done great things, give a child shit and urine? I thought of my primary school principal, Chinese and math teacher and my classmate's father's principal, Ma, who said that I was born to do great things. If blind people cheat, Ma Xiaodong's father will never cheat. How do primary school principals cheat? But without the notice, I didn't go to college. If I really didn't get into college, what should I do? Go to the restaurant to wash dishes?

Knowing that I didn't receive the notice, the wife of Chen Youli, the richest man in our village, found my mother.

Mother was very excited when she got home that day. Good girls are long and good girls are short, which makes me panic. The last time she was so nice, it was that time that she advised me to quit school. My own mother, don't I understand? There must be something in here. I slowly sat down on the kang and took a deep breath: Go ahead, what is it?

It turned out that Chen Youli's wife wanted me to be their daughter-in-law, and she gave me a bride price150,000. I watched my mother gesticulating happily there. Like a sword that has been worn for 19 years, and finally sold at a high price. That's interesting. 150,000 can you marry me? I'm the one who wants to do great things. Even if I do, I can't marry the richest man in our village, or at worst, the richest man in our city.

Everyone knows that I am a "stubborn donkey" and I can't do it hard. So seven aunts and eight aunts, neighbors. No matter who sees me, it is a brainwashing reason to persuade me to get engaged with the Chen family. But I don't buy it at all. I am not stupid. It's all from my mother.

Finally, I couldn't stand it. I don't know if I was sad because I didn't wait for the notice, or because I was tired of this bombing brainwashing. I packed my bags and prepared to go to work in the city while waiting for the school to resume classes. I know my mother will scold me when I leave, but what can I do? After all, I am a great person, and I can't ruin my life because of a greedy mother.

Just as I was about to get on the urban and rural bus, a postman passed me on a green bike. An idea flashed through my mind. Could it be that my notice has arrived? Because no postman has ever been to our village.

I dropped my luggage and called uncle! Uncle! I'm Zhang Fanfang. Uncle postman stopped and looked back at me with a bright smile on his dark red face. "Girl, are you Fan-Zhang Fang? I am here to see you! "

Just like a dream, I personally received my college admission notice. I became the first person in our village to be admitted to the university. The village head sent three bags of rice to our family as a reward for cultivating a college student. My father also came back from other places, and my parents sat side by side in the yard every day, waiting for the villagers' praise and congratulations. He looks prouder than when he gave birth to my brother.

After four years in college, Chen Youli's chicken farm has grown bigger and bigger, and his son Chen Caijiu has become a celebrity who has been on TV. There are often TV interviews with Chen Caijiu, who is a farmer entrepreneur, a rich leader, a model of entrepreneurship and morality ... dozens of titles have made the Chen family in our village cocky.

When I graduated, Chen Jia's wife found my mother again, and the bride price was 500 thousand! Also bought a suite in the city, plus a BMW. My mother asked me carefully on the phone: Chen Jia said she wanted to find a daughter-in-law who would be in charge of business in the future. Please see if there is any suitable introduction.

Why don't I go back for a blind date with such a good invitation? I am not stupid.

The first time I met Chen Caijiu was in a KFC downtown. He ordered a lot of things, but I only ate a little. Actually, I prefer mala Tang to KFC. At the same time, I don't know. Their family keeps chickens. Why not get tired of eating chicken every day?

Chen Caijiu is wearing a suit, but it is obviously one size smaller. Hair is very shiny, a bit like Xu Wenqiang when he was a child in Shanghai. Only his legs are as thick as Xu Wenqiang's waist. I don't know if my eyesight is too good or his mouth is too big. I saw hamburgers, French fries, etc. chewed into meat in his mouth. Adam's apple shrugged and swallowed.

He drove me to my door and asked, when will we eat KFC together next time?

God, I saw meat residue between his teeth.

"I am firmly opposed!" My mother heard my idea of going back to work in the city. She threw chopsticks while eating. Don't look away, moping. Dad has been in poor health for two years and can't go out to work. He sat on the edge, bowed his head and said nothing, but felt very angry! My brother wanted to say something, but when I stared at him, what he had to say was silenced.

Once again, I sneaked on the urban and rural bus to the city. Looking at the field that can't see the edge, my tears quickly fall back. I seldom cried when I was growing up. I love this land and my parents. I understand them. All the girls of the same age in the same village are married, but I'm the only one who hasn't decided yet. Chen Jia gave me such a colorful gift, which made my parents very proud. In addition, parents are getting older and younger brothers are getting older, and they will also face a series of problems such as marriage, bride price and house. 500 thousand can solve all the major events in parents' lives at one time.

However, I am a person who does great things. How can you be with a group of fat people flying around with only junior high school education? Although he is rich.

It all happened seven years ago. Now, I am still a stubborn donkey,150,000, which is just my income last year. I believe that with 500 thousand, it may not take 50/ 15 years at all. Although there is no BMW, what does it matter? I didn't stay with people I didn't like, and I also made my parents and brother live a rich life, but it was a little late.