Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cat fortune telling

Cat fortune telling

Why is the cat's voice suddenly hoarse?

The cat's voice suddenly became hoarse for the following reasons:

1, cats drink less water. For example, if the place where cats drink water is not clean, cats will drink less water. In this case, as long as the water volume is restored, the sound will be restored.

2, the cat's stress response, constantly singing, leading to vocal cord damage, so the voice is hoarse, this situation needs to be appeased, to avoid cats singing for a long time, generally can recover on their own.

3, the cat's throat is inflamed, which is caused by respiratory infection. You can take amoxicillin, potassium clavulanate and other drugs, and continue to observe the situation of cats. If the cat's voice is still hoarse, please go to the nearest pet hospital for further examination to see if there are other reasons.

I hope the answer can help you. If you have any other questions and want to consult your pet doctor, click on the avatar below. 1 Free consultation.