Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The Political Behavior of Alexander the Great

The Political Behavior of Alexander the Great

Alexander is one of the dramatic figures in history, and his experience and personality have always been the source of strength. The hard facts about his career are very dramatic. There are many legends about his name. His ambition is obviously to be the greatest warrior without time and space constraints, and it seems that he should be given this title. As a soldier, he is both wise and brave; As a general, he is unparalleled. He never lost a battle in 1 1 year. He is also a disciple of the philosopher Aristotle. He loves Homer's poems. He realized that non-Greeks were not necessarily barbarians, which really showed that he was far more far-sighted than most Greek thinkers at that time. However, in other ways, he is short-sighted. Although he risked his life in many battles, he did not arrange a successor, which was the main reason for the rapid disintegration of Macedonian empire after his death.

Alexander is a popular man. He always gives meticulous care, love and comfort to the defeated enemy. On the other hand, he is very moody. Once, because of a drunken dispute, he personally killed his close friend and savior Cletus. I don't know whether it was because of his irritability or because of drinking. He was confused and killed someone else. Like Napoleon and Hitler, Alexander had a great influence on his contemporaries. His influence was not as good as theirs in a short time, probably mainly because of the backwardness of transportation and communication means at that time, which limited his influence to a smaller scope on the earth.

In the long run, the most important influence brought by Alexander's conquest is that the civilized nations in Greece and the Middle East have started close contacts, thus greatly enriching the cultures of these two nations. During Alexander's lifetime and shortly after his death, Greek culture quickly spread to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Israel and Egypt. Greek culture before Alexander was only introduced into these areas at a slow speed. Alexander also spread the influence of Greece to India and Central Asia, which he had never achieved before. But cultural influence is by no means a one-way spread. In the era of Greek culture (hundreds of years after Alexander's conquest), oriental thoughts, especially religious thoughts, were introduced into the Greek world. It is this Greek culture that mainly refers to the culture with Greek characteristics but also deeply influenced by the East, which finally influenced Rome.

Alexander was a born conqueror. Whenever the Persian envoy went to Macedonia, he would ask about the geographical situation of Persia, which laid a solid geographical foundation for the later conquest of Persia. The Persian messenger said that Alexander was the real king. The facts also proved the angel's point of view. Alexander the Great completed his dream of conquering the world at the age of 32, and no one has surpassed it so far. As a respected hero, Alexander not only made great achievements, but also was widely praised for his respect for women's morality, so the tradition of respecting and being kind to women was handed down. According to Plutarch's records, his skin was fair and his chest and cheeks were reddish. His voice is loud, his hair is thick and curly, he combs back from his forehead, and his nose is tall and straight. The sarcophagus and coins made during Alexander's reign show that Alexander has a round chin, a straight nose and a full forehead. Alexander is not tall, but he is very well-proportioned and strong.

He is quick and energetic. According to people's records, he was very emotional, from spontaneous kindness and generosity to sudden anger. Alexander is gifted. He loved poetry since he was a child, especially Homer's epics, and showed talent in music and equestrian. Since I was twelve years old, I have studied philosophy, logic, ethics, politics, geometry and so on. He studied under Aristotle and accepted Aristotle's systematic education. His military talent may benefit from the personal teaching of his father Philip II, but Alexander and his father have completely different personalities. Philip II ruled Greece with cruel and high-handed policies, while Alexander had both perseverance and noble kindness.

Curtis said that his physique was not impressive. Existing works of art show that Alexander has long and strong legs. Although Alexander's height is below average, his figure is very symmetrical and strong, and Alexander's feet are said to be comparable to those of Olympic athletes. After Alexander captured the kingdom of Persia, he sat on the throne of Darius, his feet could not reach the tread. It is said that his height is less than 160cm, ranging from 150 cm to 159 cm. Poisoning said that at that time (Plutarch said) no one suspected that he was poisoned, but one said that five years later, some news appeared, so his mother Olympias executed many people and ordered people to scatter the ashes of horace, the son of Antipat, into the wind because it was inferred that he had poisoned him. Some historians have pointed out that Aristotle gave Antipat a plan to assassinate the king, and he provided the poison entirely.

It is not surprising that rumors spread everywhere after the death of the king who ruled most of the known world. The statement that the poisoner was Io Ras soon spread all over Athens, and the speaker Demosthenes suggested that everyone vote for Io Ras. Some stories that have been handed down to this day, but lack of evidence, may support the statement that Alexander and Festian did not die of natural causes. There is a story about a Macedonian officer who witnessed what happened in Hamadan and Babylon. When Alexander came back from India, he was afraid that he would be the next target of cleaning, so he went to consult a fortune teller. what should he do ? The fortune teller told him not to worry; Festian and Alexander will die soon.

A few days later, Festian really died, and Alexander died within a year. Both of them died of unexplained high fever after drinking pure wine. A doctor put forward his own opinion from the perspective of pharmacology, and thought that chronic brucine poisoning was the most likely explanation. Coincidentally or not, the botanist Sid Obras is a disciple and friend of Aristotle. He once mentioned the use and dosage of this substance, and said that "the best way to cover up its bitterness is to use it in pure wine". )

Later, some people said that Aristotle did it himself, because he found himself helping to create a disaster, but Plutarch only wanted to say, "At first, Alexander spoke highly of Aristotle and loved him more than his father ... but in recent years, he gradually became suspicious of him. He has never actually hurt him, but his friendship has lost its original respect and love. It is obvious that the two have gradually drifted away. " Like many stories about Alexander, we will never know the truth.

The symptoms of alcoholism and liver failure caused by poisoning are of course similar. Up to now, most scholars deny the theory of poisoning, but some people do not rule out that Alexander and Herr Festian were poisoned. It is not impossible for a group of disillusioned and angry senior officers to plot to poison Alexander. Many of his former friends and cronies are now frightened by what they saw with their own eyes, the extravagant style of Orientalism, the rage of killing people at will, and perhaps worst of all, they call themselves gods. They think he has become a tyrant, arbitrary and moody. Aristotle, Alexander's teacher, said himself, "No one can stand such a rule freely." Laser irradiation said that the death of Alexander the Great attracted the attention of the whole world. Many people collect information, investigate and analyze, and think that his real cause of death is: long-term exposure to laser.

More than two thousand years ago, who mastered the laser technology, can it be used to kill people? It's incredible.

It turned out that after Alexander occupied a city in Persia, the nobles in the city contributed a crown to him. The crown is inlaid with a huge ruby with purple light. Alexander wore it to show off his majesty and strength everywhere.

Scientists have found that rubies emit a special natural laser in the sun. Because Alexander wore this ruby-inlaid gold crown for a long time, he became a victim of natural laser.