Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Strange science popularization of yellow-cheeked tits

Strange science popularization of yellow-cheeked tits

Yellow cheeked tits

Yellow-cheeked tits, also known as flowers and birds and cultivated birds, belong to the genus tits of passeriformes and have four subspecies: named subspecies, Indo-Burmese subspecies, South China subspecies and Laos subspecies. It is a small bird with a body length of 12- 14 cm. Mainly distributed in southern and southwestern Asia, China, Sichuan, Tibet, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong and other places. Habitat in all kinds of forests below 2000 meters above sea level, but also in and out of sparse trees and grass slopes on hillsides and small trees by streams. It has been listed in the "Three Owns List" protection list of China Forestry Bureau.

The male's forehead, head and top of his head are black and have a blue metallic luster. The forehead, eyes, eyebrows and cheeks are bright yellow in front of the head and neck, and the blue-black lines of Ikki bend down along the neck behind the eyes. The upper back is yellow-green, the feather margin is black, the lower back is green-gray, and the waist is yellow-green or blue-gray. The tail feather is black, and the outer limb has a blue-gray feather edge. The wings are covered with feathers, and the flying feathers are black with gray or white spots at the end. The chin, throat and chest of the lower body are all black, and there is a wide black longitudinal belt in the center of the abdomen, which extends from the chest to the feathers under the tail. The chest and abdomen are yellow, with yellow-green or blue-gray on both sides.

The female bird is similar to the male bird, but the black longitudinal band in the abdomen is not obvious. There are also some differences in feather color among individual subspecies. They often move in pairs or groups, and sometimes they are mixed with other birds such as big tits. Lively temperament, jumping and shuttling between the branches and leaves at the top of the tree all day, flying around among the trees, and foraging on shrubs and low branches under the forest. It mainly feeds on LEPIDOPTERA, COLEOPTERA insects and larvae, and also eats plant fruits and seeds. During the breeding season from April to June, they nest in tree holes and also in cracks between rocks and walls, and each nest lays 3-7 eggs.