Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Zhouyi: Can "Eight Diagrams" really rule the world?

Zhouyi: Can "Eight Diagrams" really rule the world?

There have always been too many misunderstandings about "gossip" in past dynasties.

Some people think that "gossip" is used for fortune telling, others think that "gossip" is synonymous with discussing others' right and wrong, and others think that "gossip" is a philosophical concept or an unknowable thing.

Of course, these understandings are biased, and even misunderstood the original meaning of "gossip" and the real purpose of the ancients to create "gossip".

So, what is the origin of "gossip" and what is the purpose of the ancients to create "gossip"?

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In fact, the reason why the ancients created "Eight Diagrams" is clearly stated in the Book of Changes, Cohesions and Books, namely:

The above passage contains at least the following three contents. First, the inventor of "gossip" is Bao, that is, Fu; "Eight Diagrams" is the experience and wisdom summed up by the ancients in observing heaven, earth, people and all phenomena. Third, the purpose of creating "Eight Diagrams" is to "understand the virtues of gods and be kind to all things".

It can even be said that "gossip" is the experience summed up after Bao ruled the world.

Therefore, from this perspective, "gossip" can indeed govern the world.

So, what is the power of "gossip" to rule the world?

We discuss from the following three aspects, namely:

1. "Eight Diagrams" are eight phenomena that constitute the origin of all things.

The so-called gossip refers to: (Heaven), Kun (Earth), Earthquake (Thunder), Xun (Wind), Kan (Water), Li (Fire), Gen (Mountain) and Dui (Ze).

And these are actually the most basic phenomena that constitute everything.

In the Book of Changes, the copula is more thorough-directly regard "gossip" as the origin of all things, namely:

It can be seen that Bao's "gossip" is indeed the crystallization of experience and wisdom after "king the world"

Two, "gossip" presents the law of all things, that is, "Tao"

Some people say that the Book of Changes is the source of the avenue.

If so, then "gossip" is the root of the Book of Changes.

Therefore, from this perspective, "gossip" is the source of the source of the avenue.

This source embodies the law of all things, and it is also the "Tao" in China's traditional culture-Tao and potential-taking advantage of the trend and doing everything.

This is another reason why gossip can rule the world.

Three, "gossip" is not speculation, but the product of practice.

There is a saying: practice makes true knowledge.

The same is true of "gossip".

The implication is that "gossip" is not something imagined or guessed, but a product of long-term observation and practice of heaven, earth and people.

It can even be said that the "gossip" summed up by the Bao family is to provide reference for future generations to govern the world and do things for others.

Therefore, summing up these contents, we can draw a conclusion that "gossip" can indeed provide a basis for governing the world.

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The materials of this paper are mainly quoted from The Analects of Confucius, Zhuangzi, Tanjing, Tao Te Ching, Sit for a while, A Dream of Red Mansions, Jin Ping Mei, The Abandoned Capital, Alone, Philosophy of Life, Plato said so, Historical Records, Wang Yangming's Complete Works, and Wang Yangming's Complete Works.