Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What time does the bus from Fuzhou to Fuqing Shizhushan leave in the morning? What time is the last bus when you come back?

What time does the bus from Fuzhou to Fuqing Shizhushan leave in the morning? What time is the last bus when you come back?

Take a bus from Fuzhou to Fuqing (or take a bus from Fuzhou to Putian on National Highway 324), get off at Lu Hong, and then transfer to Shizhu Mountain by bus, tricycle or motorcycle. There is a shuttle bus in the morning. You can take the bus at Fuzhou North Station, South Station and Baihuting Station. If you go back to Fuzhou at night, there is usually a shuttle bus very late, but the shuttle bus to Shizhushan is estimated to be at 5-6 pm, so you should come out early and stay in Lu Hong or Fuqing for a while.