Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What did the most superstitious people do?

What did the most superstitious people do?

Parents' interference with your WeChat avatar is actually not completely blind.

A study published in the Bulletin of Personality and Social Psychology proves that avatars can reveal the personality of users more accurately, and people who are more easygoing are more likely to create avatars that make others more willing to make friends with them-this is no different from the real world.

In the article "Look at your WeChat avatar, I give up flirting with you", Xiao Gui mentioned a similar point: in psychology, there is a term called "first cause effect", that is, in the process of impression formation, the first stimulus will affect people's overall impression of things. Obviously, the WeChat avatar is the first stimulus in social networks.

Instead of thinking about the feudal dogma of their parents, they are keen to grasp the characteristics of the times. Today's avatar and screen name are the first impressions given to others in society.

What parents are worried about is that this humble photo may leave a bad preset image for children in the hearts of strangers. This will affect interpersonal relationships and career development.

Before you can analyze your ideas in depth, you are classified as "uncooperative". This unwritten rule is the cruel truth of human nature and the source of my parents' worries. The so-called "sense of control" is nothing more than being overwhelmed by love.

In the eyes of young people, such a serious violation of freedom is nothing more than "this may bring bad luck to my children" in the eyes of parents. Every generation has its own understanding of life. Parents' "caution" is the brand of the times, so is our "self-release"?