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Spark fortune-telling book _ Spark fortune-telling book for free reading

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

A single spark can start a prairie fire; a little spark can cause a conflagration; a single spark can start a prairie fire

Mao Zedong

1930 1 5th of the month

Some comrades in our party still lack a correct understanding of the current situation and the subsequent problems of our actions. Although they

However, I believe that the climax of the revolution is bound to come, but I don't believe it may come soon. Therefore, they are not in favor of the plan to win over Jiangxi.

Plan, but only in favor of mobile guerrilla warfare in the three border areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, while not establishing red political power in guerrilla areas.

Deep thoughts, so there is no deep thought to promote the climax of the national revolution with the consolidation and expansion of this red regime. They seem to think

It is futile to do this hard work of establishing political power in a period far from the climax of the revolution, but I hope to expand politics with a relatively light mobile guerrilla model.

Cure the influence, wait until the work of winning over the masses of the whole country is finished, or to a certain extent, there will be another national armed uprising, when it will be red

When the strength of the army increases, it will become a national revolution. They belong to the whole country, including all places, and strive for the masses first, and then establish the government.

The theory of rights is not suitable for the reality of China revolution. The main source of their theory is that they don't regard China as a lot of imperialism.

Recognize the semi-colonies that countries compete for each other. If we admit that China is a semi-colony contested by many imperialist countries, then

First, you will understand why China is the only country in the world where the ruling class has long-term infighting, and why the infighting is getting fiercer every day.

Day by day, why can't there be a unified regime? Second, we will understand the seriousness of farmers' problems, so we will understand the countryside.

Why did the uprising develop to such a national scale? Third, we will understand the correctness of the slogan of the workers' and peasants' democratic regime. Fourth, you will understand that it corresponds to

Only China in the world has a strange thing that is the result of long-term infighting within the ruling class, and that is the existence and development of the Red Army and guerrillas.

Exhibition, and accompanied by the Red Army and guerrillas, grew up in the surrounding white regime of the existence and development of a small red area (no wonder outside China).

Fifthly, we will understand that the establishment and development of the Red Army, guerrillas and red areas is a peasant struggle under the leadership of the proletariat in semi-colonial China.

The highest form of struggle is the inevitable result of the struggle with semi-colonial peasants, and it is undoubtedly the most important factor to promote the climax of the national revolution.

Sixth, we will understand that the simple mobile guerrilla policy can not complete the task of promoting the climax of the national revolution, but there are Zhu De's Mao Zedong style and Fang Zhimin style

In the base areas, with the planned political power construction and the deepening of the agrarian revolution, the route to expand the people's armed forces is through the township Red Guards, the district Red Guards Brigade and the county.

There is no doubt that the policies of the Red Guards Corps, the local Red Army and the regular Red Army, and the development of political power are expanding wave by wave, and so on.

The ground is right. Only in this way can we establish the belief of the revolutionary masses throughout the country, as the Soviet Union did to the whole world. Only in this way can we give reactionary rule.

Class shakes its foundation and promotes its internal decomposition with great difficulty. Only in this way can we truly create the Red Army and become a great revolution in the future.

The main tool of. In a word, this is necessary to promote the revolutionary climax.

Comrades suffering from revolutionary acute diseases overestimate the subjective strength of the revolution and underestimate the counter-revolutionary strength. This estimate is mostly from

Starting from subjectivism. In this way, there is no doubt that we will embark on the road of blindness. On the other hand, if we underestimate the subjective power of the revolution, we will oppose it.

The expansion of revolutionary forces is also an unrealistic estimate, and on the other hand, it will inevitably produce bad results. Therefore, when judging the political situation in China.

When you work, you need to know the following points:

(1) Although the subjective strength of China Revolution is weak, it is a reactionary ruling class based on China's backward and fragile social and economic organization.

All organizations (political power, armed forces, political parties, etc. ) is also weak. In this way, it can be explained that the subjective strength of the revolution in western European countries is higher than now.

The subjective strength of China's revolution may be stronger, but because their reactionary ruling class is stronger than China's.

Many times, so still can't instant revolution. Although the subjective strength of China's revolution is weak, the counter-revolutionary strength is also weak.

, so the climax of the China revolution, will be faster than western Europe.

(2) 1927 After the failure of the revolution, the subjective power of the revolution was indeed greatly weakened. The rest of the power, if only based on a certain

Judging from these phenomena, it is natural for comrades (comrades who hold this view) to have pessimistic thoughts. But if you look at it in essence, it is very different. here

You need an old saying from China: "A single spark can start a prairie fire." That is to say, although there is only a little power now, its development

It will be soon. In the environment of China, it not only has the possibility of development, but also has the inevitability of development, which is reflected in the May 30th Movement and

Its subsequent great revolutionary movement has been fully proved. When we look at things, we must look at their essence and only take their phenomena as the starting point.

Guide, as soon as you enter the door, you must grasp its essence. This is a reliable and scientific analysis method.

(3) The same is true of counter-revolutionary forces. We should not only look at the phenomenon, but also look at the essence. At the beginning of the Hunan-Jiangxi border separatist regime,

Some comrades did believe the incorrect estimation of Hunan Provincial Committee at that time and regarded class enemies as worthless. The so-called jokes that are still circulating.

The words "very shaken" and "panicked" are the Hunan Provincial Party Committee's estimation of the then (1May-June, 928) Hunan ruler Lv Diping.

Under this estimate of adjectives, political blindness will inevitably occur. But in the same year 1 1 month to last February (Gui Jiang was still at war).

About four months before the outbreak, when the enemy came to Jinggangshan for the third "suppression", some comrades once "fought the red flag to the end."

The question of "how long" was raised. In fact, at that time, the struggle between Britain, the United States and Japan in China had reached a very explicit level, and the situation of Chiang Kai-shek's melee had already

Formation, in essence, is the time when the counter-revolutionary ideological trend began to fall back and the revolutionary ideological trend began to revive. But at that time, not only the Red Army and local parties had

A pessimistic thought, even the central Committee at that time, was inevitably confused by the superficial situation and produced pessimistic arguments. The Central Committee wrote in February

This is evidence representing the pessimistic analysis within the party at that time.

(4) The current objective situation is still easy to confuse comrades who only observe the current superficial phenomena without observing the essence. Especially when we were in the Red Army.

When people who work in middle schools are defeated, surrounded on all sides, or pursued by powerful enemies, they often unconsciously put this temporary and special small environment,

Generalization and expansion, as if the situation of the whole country and the world is not optimistic, the future of revolutionary victory is quite slim. So there's this handle

On the surface, they gave up observing the essence, because they didn't scientifically analyze the essence of the general situation. If you ask whether the climax of the China revolution is coming soon.

When we arrive, we can only make a decision by carefully examining whether the contradictions that caused the revolutionary climax have really developed forward. Since the imperialism in the world

Contradictions between each other, between imperialism and colonies, between imperialism and their own proletariat have developed, and imperialism is fighting for it.

The needs of the country are more urgent. Imperialism's urgent struggle against China, the contradiction between imperialism and China as a whole, and the contradiction between imperialists,

At the same time, it developed in China, which led to the intensified scuffle between the reactionary rulers of various factions in China. China

The contradictions between reactionary rulers of various factions are developing day by day. Accompanied by the contradiction between reactionary rulers of various factions-warlord melee, it is Fu.

The aggravation of taxes will intensify the contradiction between taxpayers and reactionary rulers. Accompanied by imperialism and the Chinese nation

The industrial contradiction comes from the fact that China's national industry can't get concessions from imperialism, which has developed the bourgeoisie in China and the working class in China.

The contradiction between levels, China capitalists from desperately squeezing workers to find a way out, China workers to resist. With the imperialist commodity aggression, China

The erosion of commercial capital and the aggravation of government tax revenue in China have deepened the contradiction between the landlord class and farmers, that is, land rent and usury.

Exploitation is more serious, and farmers hate landlords more. Due to the oppression of foreign goods, the exhaustion of the purchasing power of the broad masses of workers and peasants and the increase of government taxes, so that

German businessmen and independent producers are increasingly going bankrupt. Because the reactionary government sent more troops indefinitely under the condition of insufficient wages, and

As a result, there are more and more wars every day, and soldiers and the masses are often in difficult circumstances. Because of the increase in national tax revenue, the landlord's rent has increased.

The increasingly serious war disaster has caused famine and banditry all over the country, and made the peasants and the urban poor embark on the road of survival.

Many students are worried about dropping out of school because they have no money to start school; Due to backward production, many graduates have no employment prospects. If we know the above.

From these contradictions, we can know what kind of situation and chaos China is in. I know anti-imperialism.

The revolutionary upsurge against warlords and landlords is inevitable and coming soon. There is dry wood everywhere in China, and it will be burned soon.

Into a big fire. The phrase "a single spark can start a prairie fire" aptly describes the development of the current situation. Just look at the strikes of workers, peasants and soldiers in many places.

With the development of mutiny and students' strike, we know that this "single spark" is undoubtedly not far from the period of "starting a prairie fire".

The general idea of the above words was already in the letter from the former Committee to the Central Committee on April 5 last year. The letter said:

"This letter from the Central Committee (February 7 last year) is too pessimistic about the objective situation and subjective strength. The Kuomintang "suppressed" Jinggangshan three times,

Represents the climax of counter-revolution. However, so far, the counter-revolutionary trend of thought has gradually declined and the revolutionary trend of thought has gradually increased. The party's fighting capacity organization

Although the strength is as weak as the central authorities say, it will recover quickly under the situation that the counter-revolutionary tendency is gradually declining, as will the negative attitude of party cadres and party member.

Will be eliminated soon. The masses will certainly turn to us. Of course, butcherism is to drive fish out of the abyss, and reformism can no longer attract the masses. The masses are against this country.

The illusion of the People's Party is bound to die soon. In the future, no political party can compete with * * * for the masses. The sixth party congress refers to

The political line and organizational line are correct: at the present stage of the revolution, democracy is not socialism, and the party should add' in big cities'.

The current task is to win over the masses, not to hold an immediate riot. But the revolution will develop quickly, and the propaganda and preparation of armed riots should be

We should take a positive attitude. In the current chaotic situation, only positive slogans and positive attitudes can lead the masses. The party's fighting capacity is also recovering.

Only this positive attitude is possible. ..... proletarian leadership is the only key to the victory of the revolution. The Party's Proletarian Infrastructure Construction

Establishing an industrial branch in the central region is an important organizational task of the party at present; But at the same time, the rural struggle developed and small areas became red.

The establishment of the Israeli regime, the establishment and expansion of the Red Army, especially the main conditions for helping urban struggle and promoting the revolutionary wave. So, give up the city

The struggle is wrong; However, I am afraid of the development of the peasant power, and think that it will surpass the workers' power, which is not conducive to the revolution, if party member has this intention.

You see, we also think this is wrong, because in the revolution in semi-colonial China, only the peasant struggle failed, without the leadership of workers, there was no peasant struggle.

The development of the struggle has exceeded the strength of the workers and is not conducive to the revolution itself. "

This letter has the following answers to the question of the Red Army's operational strategy:

"The central government wants us to divide the team into small parts and disperse them to the countryside. Zhu and Mao left the team and hid the big goal in order to save the Red Army and Mao.

Move the masses. This is an unrealistic idea. Take companies or battalions as units, act independently, disperse in rural areas, and mobilize the masses with guerrilla tactics.

We have planned to avoid this goal since the winter of 1927, and we have done it many times, but all failed. Because (1) the main force of the Red Army is absent.

The local people have different origins from the local Red Guards. (2) Small leaders are imperfect, unable to cope with the harsh environment and prone to failure. (3) vulnerable to enemy attacks

Break them one by one. (4) The worse the environment, the more concentrated the team must be, and the more determined the leaders must be, so as to unite internally and deal with the enemy. Only on the bright side.

If the environment is bad, it is better to divide our forces and fight guerrilla warfare, and leaders are not as inseparable as the environment is bad. "

The disadvantage of this passage is that all the reasons given for not splitting troops are negative, which is not enough. The positive reasons for the concentration of troops are: concentration

If you win, you can destroy bigger enemies and occupy towns. Only by destroying the larger enemies and occupying towns can the masses be widely mobilized.

Establish a joint political power of several counties. Only in this way can we arouse the audience from far and near (so-called expanding political influence) and promote the reality of the revolutionary climax.

The effectiveness of. For example, the Hunan-Jiangxi border regime the year before last and the western Fujian regime last year were the results of this policy of concentrating troops. This is universal.

Principle. As for dividing the army, right? There are also some. The letter from the Front Committee to the Central Committee stated the guerrilla tactics of the Red Army, including

Close the department:

"The tactics we have gained in the struggle of the past three years are really different from those of ancient and modern China and foreign countries. Using our strategy to launch mass struggle is one of them.

The days are expanding day by day and we can't help any powerful enemy. Our tactics are guerrilla tactics. The main point is:' divide the troops into

Mobilize the masses and concentrate on dealing with the enemy',' When the enemy advances, I retreat, when the enemy is stationed, I disturb, when the enemy is tired, I fight, when the enemy retreats, I chase'. A fixed area with waves.

Wave-like propulsion policy. Strong enemies follow the pursuit and adopt the strategy of turning around. The time is very short, the method is very good, and the crowd is very large. '

This tactic is like weaving a net, which should be opened and closed at any time. Opening is to win over the masses, and closing is to deal with the enemy. I've been using it for three years.

This tactic. "

The so-called "opening" here refers to the short-distance division of troops. For example, when Yongxin just laid the Hunan-Jiangxi border, the 29th and 31st regiments were in Yongxin.

Divide our troops in the new area. Another example is that when Yunghsin was captured for the third time, 28 regiments lived in Anfu border, 29 regiments went to Lianhua, and 3 1 regiments went to Ji 'an border.

Soldier. Another example is that in April and May last year, the counties in southern Jiangxi divided their troops, and in July, the counties in western Fujian divided their troops. As for the long-distance division, we should use a better method.

Only when the environment and the leading organs are relatively sound can it be possible. Because the purpose of dividing troops is to win over the masses and go deep into the soil.

Local revolution and the establishment of political power can further expand the Red Army and local armed forces. If we can't achieve these goals, or suffer defeat because of dividing our forces, we will weaken the red color.

The strength of the army, such as dividing troops to fight Chenzhou on the Hunan-Jiangxi border in August the year before last, is better than not dividing troops. If the above two conditions are met, there is no doubt.

Land should be divided, because under these two conditions, decentralization is more beneficial than centralization.

The spirit of the letter from the Central Committee in February was not good, and this letter had a bad influence on some comrades in the Fourth Army Party. At that time, the Central Committee also issued a notice.

It is said that the battle between Chiang Kai-shek and Gui may not necessarily break out. But since then, the central estimates and instructions are generally correct. To measure the degree of discomfort

When the notice was issued, the central government issued a notice to correct it. Although this letter of the Red Army has not been corrected, the follow-up instructions are not there.

There are some pessimistic views, and our views on the actions of the Red Army are the same. However, the letter from the Central Committee has had a negative impact on some comrades.

Still exists. So I think it is necessary to explain this problem at present.

The plan to fight for Jiangxi for one year was also put forward by the former Committee to the Central Committee in April last year, and it was later decided by everyone. The reason pointed out at that time

From, look at the central letter, as follows:

"Gui Jiang troops in Jiujiang area close to each other, the outbreak of war is just around the corner. The resumption of mass struggle, coupled with the expansion of contradictions within reactionary rule, has made

The climax of the revolution may be coming soon. In this situation, we feel that the military strength of the comprador landlords of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi in several southern provinces is too great.

Large, Hunan, but also because of the blind mistakes of the party, the masses inside and outside the party almost lost. Fujian, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces are another situation. First, the enemy of the three provinces

People's military strength is the weakest. Zhejiang has only a few provincial defense forces of Jiang Bocheng. Although there are fourteen regiments in Fujian Fifth Department, Guo Brigade has been broken. Chen and Lu are both bandit troops,

The combat effectiveness is very low; The two brigades of the Marine Corps have never fought in the coastal areas before, and their combat effectiveness will not be great; Only Zhang zhen can fight, but according to the analysis of Fujian Provincial Committee,

Zhang also has only two regiments with strong combat effectiveness. And Fujian is now in a state of complete chaos and disunity. Zhu Peide, Jiangxi, Xiong Shihui, a total of 16 groups, than

Fujian and Zhejiang have strong military strength, but they are much worse than Hunan. Second, there are relatively few putschism mistakes in the three provinces, except for the situation in Zhejiang, which we don't know much about.

Jiangxi and Fujian provinces have a better foundation between the Party and the masses than Hunan. On the basis of Jiangxi, De 'an, Xiushui and Tonggu in the north of Jiangxi still have a considerable foundation. Xining in Jiangxi province

The forces of Gang, Yongxin, Lianhua and Suichuan, the Party and the Red Guards still exist; Gannan is more promising, and there are Red Army in Ji 'an, Yongxin and Xingguo.

The second and fourth regiments are developing day by day; The Red Army in Fang Zhimin has not been wiped out. This has created a situation of encircling Nanchang. We suggest that the central government

During the long-term war of Kuomintang warlords, we will compete with Chiang Kai-shek and Guangxi for Jiangxi, and will also cover western Fujian and western Zhejiang. Expand the number of Red Army in the three provinces and establish

Become a mass separatist regime and complete this plan in one year. "

What I said above about fighting for Jiangxi is wrong in setting a one-year time limit. As for fighting for Jiangxi, in addition to Jiangxi's own conditions, it also includes the whole country.

Conditions for the impending climax of the revolution. Because if you don't believe that the revolutionary climax is coming, you will never get the conclusion that you will fight for Jiangxi for a year. That room

The disadvantage of discussion is that it should not be stipulated as one year. Therefore, the so-called "coming" that affects the upcoming revolutionary climax is bound to be accompanied by some impatience.

Make love. As for the subjective and objective conditions in Jiangxi, it is very noteworthy. In addition to the subjective conditions mentioned in the letter to the Central Committee, the objective conditions can now be clearly referenced.

There are three points: first, Jiangxi's economy is dominated by feudalism, the commercial bourgeoisie is less powerful, and the landlords are more armed than the southern provinces.

Any province is weak. Second, there is no army in Jiangxi province, and troops from other provinces have always been stationed here. Foreign troops "suppressed the Communist Party" and "suppressed bandits", but the situation was not good.

Familiar, and far less important than the provincial army, often not very enthusiastic. Third, it is no closer to Guangdong than to stay away from the influence of imperialism.

In Hong Kong, almost everything is dominated by Britain. Understanding these three points can explain why the rural uprising in Jiangxi is more popular than any other province.

There are more Red Army guerrillas in the world than in any province.

How to explain the word "fast" when the so-called revolutionary climax is coming is a common problem for many comrades. Marxists don't count

Mr. Ming, the future development and change should only be a general direction, and it should not and cannot be stipulated mechanically. But what I said

The climax of the China revolution is coming, and it is by no means as meaningless and unattainable as some people say "the possibility of coming"

Empty things. It was a ship standing on the coast overlooking the sea, and the tip of the mast could already be seen. It is standing on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the east.

The bright morning sun is coming out. It is a mature baby restless in its mother's womb.