Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - About the "tiger killing incident" in Shanghai?

About the "tiger killing incident" in Shanghai?

From 65438 to 0946, with the continuous expansion of the civil war, the military expenditure of the Kuomintang authorities rose sharply, the fiscal deficit also increased sharply, and the legal tender also depreciated sharply.

In this case, the national government authorities hope to rely on monetary reform to save the declining national economy.

1On August 20, 948, Chiang Kai-shek bypassed the Legislative Yuan and used the presidential privilege to issue the Financial Emergency Punishment Order, announcing the issuance of gold coupons in exchange for legal tender.

At the same time, in order to promote the monetary reform, Chiang Kai-shek specially ordered Jiang Jingguo to assist Yu Hongjun in handling a series of matters concerning economic control.

In this way, Mr. Jiang's mighty tiger-fighting campaign on the beach is about to begin.

1in mid-August, 948, Jiang Jingguo arrived in Shanghai with great ambition, and immediately launched "economic control", ready to imitate the new economic policy of the Soviet Union and intervene in economic contradictions by administrative means.

Jiang Jingguo also knows that this job is a hot potato, in charge of economic control, involving too many interests of local governments and business groups, and it is likely to be opposed or even persecuted by interest groups in power.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Jingguo arrived in Shanghai, he set up the office of the supervisor in the central bank, called his cronies and old subordinates as consultants, and launched an economic tiger war.

At the same time, Jiang Jingguo also recruited young people in Shanghai to set up the "Greater Shanghai Youth Service Corps", which once had more than 10,000 members and became an important tool to deal with corrupt officials in Shanghai.

On September 1, Nanjing called, and the government asked Jiang Jingguo to deal with cases violating economic laws and regulations quickly and crack down on speculators.

Jiang Jingguo suddenly came to the spirit, with a youth service group to search around Shanghai. Once found, big businessmen who violate the operation of the economic market will be punished, that is, shot.

Immediately, the Youth Service Corps arrested Tao, the secretary of the Ministry of Finance, who leaked the news of the currency reform and sold the shares of the cotton mills in Shanghai. He seized the opportunity and was immediately ordered to be shot as an example.

1On September 4th, 948, at the behest of Jiang Jingguo, the Youth Service Corps arrested Wang Chunzhe, the general manager of Wang Lin Company, and sentenced him to death for "attempting to disrupt counter-insurgency and finance".

Under Chiang Kai-shek's comprehensive care, Jiang Jingguo's struggle to fight tigers rose all the way, and he was even called a "hero to fight tigers"!

Subsequently, Jiang Jingguo tracked down He Malicious, hoarding goods and driving up prices, and they were arrested and shot in public.

After Jiang Jingguo came to Shanghai to fight tigers, a total of 64 businessmen were jailed. Among them, Du Weiping, the head of Red Star Securities, is the most prominent figure, although his name is not familiar to you.

However, his father's name is well known, and that is Du, the boss of green gang, who is very popular in Shanghai. However, Du Bomian was not given at all, because all this was tacitly supported by Chiang Kai-shek.

So, even if Du is still worried about this matter, he dare not offend the big childe Jiang easily, just waiting for an opportunity to break out.

At this moment, Jiang Jingguo has attracted much attention from all walks of life because of a series of successful tiger fights. Some people even called him "Jiang Qingtian" directly, but he was also hated by people with vested interests.

However, even a round of fighting tigers has not changed much for the daily life of the bottom people. Those who can't afford oil and salt still can't afford oil and salt. I can afford it. As soon as it was put on the shelves, all the grain shops and oil and salt shops were empty.

At the same time, Du is finally ready to settle accounts, but this is not a sword, but a joint demonstration with the industrial and commercial circles, with the aim of seizing the goods hoarded by Yangzi Company.

Because the chairman of Yangzi Company was Kong Lingkan, the beloved son of Kong Xiangxi, then President of the Executive Yuan of the National Government, Song Meiling also attached great importance to him.

You can imagine why Du did this, that is, he demanded the arrest of his family, otherwise he would sit still.

No way, Jiang Jingguo can only promise in that case, so he ordered the Economic Investigation Brigade to go to Yangzi Company to inspect the goods.

On September 30th, in Yangzi Company, the Economic Investigation Brigade seized more than 0/00 cars, more than 200 boxes of western medicine, more than 300 boxes of important munitions such as penicillin and nylon, which made Du very satisfied.

However, Jiang Jingguo had a bad feeling after all.

To tell the truth, Jiang Jingguo didn't expect to find so many materials, and suddenly he was a little worried. Not afraid of Kong Lingkan, but worried that so many materials were seized, and Song Meiling was bound to step in.

Jiang Jingguo at this time, his head is big, he is really riding a tiger!

Sure enough, shortly after Yangzi Company was raided, Kong Lingkan complained to Song Meiling, and Song Meiling rushed to Shanghai, hoping that Jiang Jingguo would be lenient. After all, they are all family.

However, the seizure of Yangzi Company was vigorously promoted by major newspapers, and Du et al. played a role in fueling the situation and soon became a well-known headline news. If Yangzi Company is unsealed for no reason, wouldn't it be treacherous and lose people's hearts?

Therefore, Jiang Jingguo decisively rejected Song Meiling's intention to make peace. Seeing failure, Song Meiling had to turn to Chiang Kai-shek in Peiping for help.

Chiang Kai-shek heard the news that Yangzi Company was raided, flew to Shanghai overnight, called Jiang Jingguo to his office and gave him a good scolding.

"What happened to you in Shanghai? I got it in my own home. "

In the face of his father's majesty, Jiang Jingguo didn't dare to have any expectations. Even the idea of being a "Bao Qingtian" was shattered at the moment, so we had to reluctantly unseal all the goods confiscated by Yangzi Company.

Later, Jiang Jingguo confidently wrote in his diary: Legally speaking, Yangzi Company is tenable!

Jiang Jingguo's high-spirited ambition and mentality fell to the bottom after suffering a major setback from Yangzi Company. The prestige he had built up in Shanghai was completely lost at once, and many mainstream media in Shanghai also cooperated negatively, saying that Jiang Jingguo only swatted flies, not tigers.

At the same time, although Jiang Jingguo has taken the strictest administrative measures to crack down on illegal businessmen, it has not succeeded in curbing the rise in prices, domestic inflation has been increasing, and collusion between officials and businessmen has not improved, but has intensified.

Although Jiang Jingguo was supported by Chiang Kai-shek, the Shanghai local government and businessmen from all walks of life were very dissatisfied with Jiang Jingguo's practice and even resisted it.

So, playing tiger on the beach in Jiang Jingguo can also be said to be alone!

Soon, in the face of the crazy devaluation of gold certificates, the economic control centered on coercive political means also had little effect, so the Executive Yuan of the National Government promulgated the Supplementary Measures for Improving Economic Control.

Of course, this also declared the complete failure of Jiang Jingguo's "supervision" of economic regulation and control, and the huge tiger-fighting campaign on the beach came to an abrupt end.

1948165438+10. On 2 October, Jiang Jingguo published "A Letter to Shanghai Residents", which deeply expounded his regret for not fulfilling his responsibilities and apologized to the general public.

106, Jiang Jingguo left Shanghai in a hurry and looked out of the window. Jiang Jingguo has a kind of unspeakable taste in his heart.