Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Wang Brief Introduction The Queen of Emperor Liu Shi of the Western Han Dynasty came to power to help Wang Mang usurp the Han Dynasty.

Wang Brief Introduction The Queen of Emperor Liu Shi of the Western Han Dynasty came to power to help Wang Mang usurp the Han Dynasty.

Speaking of Wang, many people should have heard that she is a very famous figure in the history of China, and Dou and Wei Zifu were all women who chose the ruling and opposition parties in the Western Han Dynasty. Wang is most famous for having a nephew, Wang Mang, who usurped the Han Dynasty and established a new dynasty. Although Wang Zhengjun was furious when he learned that Wang Mang had usurped the throne, he failed to stop the demise of the Western Han Dynasty!

Wang briefly introduced Wang (7 1 years ago-13 years ago), a native of Yuancheng County, Wei County (now daming county, Hebei Province) at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the empress Liu, and the biological mother of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Because she lived to be 84 years old and the longest-lived queen in the history of China. Wang assisted four emperors, namely, Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty, Emperor Cheng of Han Dynasty, Emperor Ai of Han Dynasty and Emperor Ping of Han Dynasty, and managed the Imperial Palace in an orderly way, which made great contributions to the Han Dynasty. However, due to his great power, all the relatives of his consort Wang Mang were eclipsed, especially his nephew Wang Mang, who worshipped the new capital and finally usurped the throne of the Han Dynasty and destroyed the Western Han Dynasty!

1, black widow, two fiancé s died. If you know Wang's early experience, you will find that she is just like a black widow! When Wang was a teenager, his family promised him a family, but before he got married, the man died. Later, Wang's parents betrothed him to Dongping Wang as a concubine. As a result, Dongping Wang died before he got started! After the two fiancé s died one after another, Wang's father hired an alchemist to tell fortune. The results showed that Wang's life was very expensive, so Wang's father asked him to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, hoping to find a good opportunity to send him to the harem.

2. Entering the palace and becoming a crown princess. Soon after I arrived at the harem, an opportunity came. Liu Shi, the precious son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, lost his wife. The father wanted to find a daughter-in-law for his son. Where to find it? Harem! The Emperor of the Han and Yuan Dynasties asked the queen to choose five women with both talents and looks in the harem, including Wang. But Shi is definitely not in the mood. After all, his wife just died, so on the day of choosing the princess, the prince went with an attitude of fooling the past. It was a coincidence when he got there! Standing beside the king, Emperor Xian of Han thought that the prince had chosen her, so he sent her to the Prince's Mansion and the Prince's bridal chamber, and the king became a crown princess!

It is also successful to have a son and become a queen. Soon after she married the prince, she became pregnant. In 5 1 BC, Wang gave birth to a son, Shi. Emperor Hanzhao personally named his grandson, the word eldest grandson, and he kept it with him all the time, and Wang's status soared. In 48 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died and became emperor. Three days later, Wang became the queen.

After her husband died, she became the black widow of the Queen Mother. In 33 BC, Emperor Hanyuan died at the age of 43! After the death of Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty, he ascended the throne for Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, and Wang became the empress dowager. And this Han Chengdi? Everyone should be familiar with him. He is the husband of a famous beauty Zhao. During the reign of Emperor Gaozu Liu Ao, because he was barren, he hung out with Zhao Yanfei and Zhao Hede all day long, and finally died suddenly in the palace.

5. Assisting the Four Emperors and Han Chengdi, because he died early and had no children, Liu Xin, the son of Tao Wang, was chosen as the emperor and offered the emperor to Han, but he died in a few years; Later, Wang Mang welcomed Liu Kan, a 9-year-old Zhongshan King, into the palace as Emperor Han Ping. He died within a few years! Although where is Wang? g? Many emperors died, but since she assisted four generations of emperors, she managed the imperial palace in an orderly way and made great contributions to the Han Dynasty politically.

With Wang's help, Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty. Since the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, consorts have been the supplement. Wang has been the mother of the world for more than 60 years, assisting the four emperors, and his power can be said to have reached heaven. However, power is a double-edged sword. Because of her great power, Wang's relatives were eclipsed. Her nephew Wang Mang worshiped the new capital and finally usurped the Han Dynasty, which led to the demise of the Western Han Dynasty! In 5 AD, when Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, Wang was furious and threw the imperial seal on the ground, causing a corner of the national imperial seal to collapse. In A.D. 13, the melancholy Wang died at the age of 84 and was buried with Liu Shi, Emperor of the Han Dynasty.