Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Nine times out of ten fortune-telling methods

Nine times out of ten fortune-telling methods

Ten is nine accuracy, which is a common saying in our traditional culture. In fact, it refers to the technique of fortune telling.

China culture has always attached great importance to fate and divination. Many people believe that fate can be known through fortune telling. The standard of nine tenths means that in the process of fortune telling, nine tenths of people get accurate predictions. In other words, fortune telling has certain basis and scientific nature to some extent.

Of course, nine times out of ten does not mean that fortune telling is accurate, but there are still some errors in the field of fortune telling. Therefore, you should be cautious when looking for fortune tellers. We need to investigate the credibility of this person and look for reliable evidence in their predictions.

At the same time, we should also realize that fortune telling is not the only factor that determines fate. In fact, our actions and decisions can also affect our destiny. We should take active actions in life, instead of just relying on the prediction of fate to arrange our lives.