Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the character of a child who sleeps under a quilt?

What is the character of a child who sleeps under a quilt?

Sleep with a quilt over your head. Personality: Most people have two sides.

I am talkative and cheerful, have many friends, and can correctly handle interpersonal relationships, giving people a positive impression.

Related information:

1. People who like to sleep with their heads covered are usually natural and graceful in public. During the day, they tend to be talkative and cheerful, but at night, they easily fall into their own spiritual world. Another notable feature of this kind of people is that they like to use their sleeping time at night to think and reflect.

2. The genetic essence of human sleep behavior is to simulate the past life in the mother's womb, or to repeat similar living environment. We curled up in a ball and felt the warmth, darkness and the retreat of passion. The whole state is very similar to a baby in the womb.

3. People who sleep with their heads covered have psychological barriers, feel that sleeping with their heads covered has a sense of security, and there are dangers such as quilts, air tightness and excessive carbon dioxide. They often have nightmares due to lack of oxygen in the brain, and memory loss may occur.