Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Li Ka-shing: "Being satisfied means losing the motivation to move forward. 」

Li Ka-shing: "Being satisfied means losing the motivation to move forward. 」

For businessmen, the most terrible thing is to stop being complacent and be satisfied with some petty profits. Because this kind of satisfaction will make people lose the motivation to move forward. If you want to do great things, you must never be satisfied with your achievements.

-"Li Ka-shing Twelve-character Proverbs"

Background analysis

When he was young, Li Ka-shing was forced to drop out of school at the age of 14 because of his father's early death and family burden. He started as an apprentice in his uncle's watch company and later became a salesman. At that time, Li Ka-shing turned the business of the hardware factory into a profit with his diligence and won the appreciation of his boss.

He was praised by his colleagues for his small achievements. A broad road seemed to be in front of him, but he was in the pool and chose to leave his uncle's company. If Li Ka-shing hadn't changed the runway, there wouldn't be the richest man in China now. It is this insatiable mentality that freed him from the fate of relying on others.

Li Ka-shing struggled all his life. He is not complacent or content with the status quo. From the waiter in the teahouse to the apprentice in the watch company, from the salesman in the hardware factory to the general manager of the plastic factory, he changed again and again, and every time he changed his job, it was a transformation.

When training successors, Li Ka-shing always warned the children that as a businessman, if you stop in the comfort zone in front of you, no matter how big your legacy is, it will be taken away. Therefore, we should always have an insatiable heart and go forward to start a career.

Under the inculcation of his father, his youngest son, Li Zekai, is a veritable insatiable business rookie. Li Zekai was born in a noble family with a golden key. In the eyes of ordinary people, how happy he is to have such a rich father! However, Li Zekai bluntly said that he wanted to get out of his father's aura and start his own business.

Looking at his son's great determination, Li Ka-shing said to his wife Zhuang that this son should have ambition! In order to exercise Li Zekai's perseverance, Li Ka-shing reluctantly sent his children to the United States to study alone. Li Zekai understood his father's intention, so since middle school, he no longer took a penny from home and worked outside with tenacious perseverance. Only he knows how hard he has been. Li Zekai clearly knows that the flowers in the greenhouse will not grow much after all.

Therefore, in the process of studying in the computer engineering department of Stanford University, he always maintained the character of independence first. There is sweetness and bitterness, but he can always adjust in time. After some efforts, Li Zekai finally achieved his goal, got rid of his father's aura and had his own career. This is Li Zekai, who did not stop at his father's pyramid, but opened up another world and became a man of the hour in Asian and even global business circles.

guide to action

Discontent with the status quo is the ladder of progress. If you want to be better, never being satisfied is the driving force of career development. Once you lose this driving force, your development will stop immediately. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, you must always have this sense of dissatisfaction, and at the same time do it step by step, and your career will grow bigger and bigger.

(This article is authorized for self-publishing, and the source is publishing/Zhang Zhu's "Let your enemies believe in you: five minutes a day, copying the successful head of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in China")

Make your enemies believe in you: copy the successful head of China's richest man, Li Ka-shing, for five minutes every day.