Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why didn't Faker choose to retire after he became the "first person in the league"?

Why didn't Faker choose to retire after he became the "first person in the league"?

I think it all depends on Faker's professional attitude and personal love for professional competition.

In fact, Faker has not appeared on the finals stage for several years in a row. Many people will question his declining strength, but I believe no one will denigrate him, because he is the devil in all our hearts. He doesn't need to prove his strength to anyone with the triple crown. What he needs to do is to challenge himself. After all, the career of an e-sports player is really short, and there is really not much time left for him.

Not choosing to retire may be Li Ge's last stubbornness, because he especially misses the golden rain on the finals stage, so he also wants to draw a perfect ending for his career. In his short time, all he needs to do is rally and challenge the final stage. What he needs is not a perfect team, but a chance to prove it to everyone. Therefore, Li Ge will not choose to retire after becoming the first player in the league. Fighting to the last second is his choice, because he loves this e-sports career. After all, this is his whole youth and everyone's youth.

Li Ge's professional attitude is very firm, because he once said that in his career, he can try his best and let fans who follow his example chase him. Although the words are gentle and inspirational, the inner ambition and hegemony are undoubtedly revealed. It's really not enough to win three championships in your career. His goal has always been to win the championship. Maybe if you are a professional player, you may think that the goal you set for yourself is too high, but I believe that Faker himself will not feel disgusted with this statement. On the contrary, we will believe him unconditionally: he can really do it, just need a little time. So he did not choose to retire. I guess he won't worry about falling off the altar and fighting until the last second of his career.