Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ancient poems wish others success in the exam.

Ancient poems wish others success in the exam.

In the spring breeze, this proud horse runs at the speed of two beats. I visited all the sights of Chang 'an gracefully in one day.

Source: Tang Mengjiao's After Graduation, Interpretation: At present, to no. 1 is galloping on the Chang 'an Road with blooming spring flowers. Nowadays, the sound of hooves is particularly light, and before you know it, you have seen the flowers in Chang 'an.

Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars into Wan Li. Origin: On Li Yong by Tang Libai, Interpretation: The wind rose in Dapeng one day and soared to nine Wan Li.

One day, I will ride the wind and waves, raise the Yun Fan and cross the sea. Source: Tang Libai's "Difficult to Walk Me", interpretation: I believe that one day, I can ride the wind and waves; Hang Yun Fan high and move forward in the sea.