Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Father and daughter joined hands to invest and plan their husbands, turning a local ruffian into the most powerful man in the world?

Father and daughter joined hands to invest and plan their husbands, turning a local ruffian into the most powerful man in the world?


Before meeting Liu Bang, director of Surabaya Pavilion, Lv Zhi's mother thought that her daughter Lv Zhi could marry a better man. A better person is Liu Bang's immediate superior, Pei County magistrate.

In fact, Peixian county magistrate also plans to marry Lv Zhi.

That day, the county magistrate gave a banquet in honor of Lv Zhi's father Lv Gong. The county magistrate talked about ostentation and extravagance and invited all the prominent people in the county to drink. Of course, the county magistrate ordered that this wine fair is not free, and people who come have to donate some money, and the scene will be ranked according to the amount of donations. Those above 300 yuan sit in the VIP table, and those below 300 yuan find their own places to sit.

Liu bang has seen the world, and he is bold and thick-skinned. He came to the door and had 10 thousand yuan filled in. When Lv Gong heard that Liu Bang had donated 10,000 yuan, he immediately left the party to see Liu Bang. When he was drinking with Liu Bang, Lv Zhi was not married to the magistrate, but Lv Zhi was betrothed to Liu Bang on the spot.

When Lv Zhi's mother heard the news, her mouth was crooked with anger. She asked Lv Gong: Why don't you marry Surabaya Pavilion when you are so old as a county magistrate? What are you worried about? Do you want to push my daughter into a fire pit?

Lv Gong squinted: What do you know as a woman?

In this way, Lv Zhi married Liu Bang.

Although Liu Bang became the director of Surabaya Pavilion, did he let this happen? Dragon? Cheated. In the Qin dynasty, state salaries were only paid to county-level civil servants. The curator of Surabaya Pavilion is not a civil servant, and his career does not count. He is not even an enterprise editor, but a coolie. At that time, it was common for people to work for others at their own expense. The mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor was also built by ordinary people themselves with food tools, and the Qin Dynasty did not pay a penny. As for those who dare not come, it is up to you.

Liu bang is a loose man. Before he became the curator of Surabaya Pavilion, he was a ranger, who was used to freedom from south to north and from white to black. After Qin Shihuang unified the world, he drove all the rangers back to their hometown to find jobs, so he had to find a pavilion in Surabaya. But there is no oil and water in Surabaya Pavilion, and the state does not pay wages. Liu bang had to drink on credit. In order to drink free wine, he hooked up with the widow who sold wine and gave birth to an illegitimate child.

It can be said that Liu Bang's family has nothing but walls. So Lv Zhi's mother was right to hate her father. He has nothing he can call his own. Why did she marry such a good daughter in our family?

With what? With what?

It's really confusing.

What is even more puzzling is that Lv Gong married Lv Zhi's sister to Liu Bang's fair-weather friend Fan Kuai when he was a child. Fan Kuai is very professional at killing pigs, and Lv Gongchao likes him. He thinks he speaks well and has the ability to kill pigs.

In this way, Lv Gong packed up his two daughters and married two local ruffians.

Nobody knows what Lv Gong is doing.


If you are a normal woman and there are two people sitting opposite you, one is the county magistrate and the other is the director of the street office, who would you choose as your lifelong spouse?

According to the present routine, it must be the former. According to the current routine, if you accidentally marry the latter and can't stand being poor for a few years, it is estimated that you are ready to run.

However, faced with his father's arrangement, Lv Zhi accepted it calmly. She didn't complain, didn't give up, and plunged into the Liu family.

Later, I gave birth to a man and a woman for Liu Bang. Liu Bang hates farm work, and Lv Zhi does all farm work at home. When the child is older, she will take food and children to the fields and go out for a whole day.

Is this a good woman?

Some people may say what this is. Rural China is full of such women.

So, of course, Lv Zhi has nothing to refute.

However, it is estimated that more than 90% of rural women in China can't do the following.

The secret of a person's success is to dare to invest in himself; And a woman wants to succeed, but dares to invest in her husband. In ancient China, Lv Zhi had to invest in her husband, otherwise her life would be hopeless.

What does Liu Bang have to invest in? Isn't he just a drunkard, a goat and a lazy rascal? If you look at Liu Bang in this way, then your level is no different from Lv Zhi's mother. She is just a vulgar woman.

Lv Zhi is by no means mediocre. She inherited her father's genes, big eyes, tenacity and courage.

So, how did Lv Zhi invest in Liu Bang and turn him into a great product to market?

During the pre-Qin period, he went to Zhao for business. He met Qin's son by chance. At that time, he was poor and wanted to invest in each other. However, at that time, I was not sure about the idea of investing in business and politics. I specially rushed back to my hometown in Weiguo from Zhao to consult my father.

He asked his father, what is the return of investing in agriculture? Father replied: Ten times. He also asked: what is the return on investing in business? Father replied: a hundred times. Ask again: what are the benefits of voting for a political monarch? Father replied: countless.

Lv Buwei was ecstatic and determined to spend a lot of money on the winner. In the end, he helped the winner to the position of the king of Qin, and was also named the national phase, with 100,000 food cities, making him rich in the world.

Similarly, Lv Zhi did not invest in Liu Bang to make him an agricultural expert or a wealthy businessman, but regarded him as a great political figure and put him on the market.


At that time, the average life expectancy of China people was about fifty years old. At that time, Liu Bang was in his forties, and he was just a pavilion in Surabaya with no background. It took several years to become a ministerial cadre.

So, is Lv Zhi wrong?

Lv Zhi was right, but we were wrong. Because our idea is wrong, but Lv Zhi is taking an unusual path.

Let's look down slowly, and we will know what kind of life path Lv Zhi is designing for Liu Bang.

On one occasion, Lv Zhi, who was working in the field, ate and rested on a straw. Then a passerby asked him on the pretext that he could drink water. Lv Zhi brought each other a bowl of water, and also gave each other the rice he brought. The other party was extremely moved and said, Seeing that you are so good, I will give you a divination.

It turned out to be a fortune teller.

Two children in Lv Zhi are playing in the field. The fortune teller looked at the two children, then at Lv Zhi, and then made a decision at once. Your life is precious and your son is even more expensive. ?

At that time, fortune tellers in China had a basic routine. When you are expensive, women are the life of the queen and men are the life of the emperor. But these are outrageous words, not too direct, only expensive.

The fortune teller said that and left. Coincidentally, very lazy Liu Bang came to the field that day and saw Lv Zhi and his children.

Lv Zhi told Liu Bang: Just now, someone made a divination for our mother and son, saying that our son's life was too expensive to say anything, and the rest didn't go far. Why don't you go after him?

Liu bang caught up.

The fortune teller looked at Liu Bang's face and said, You are more expensive. Your wife and children are expensive, so you should be the most expensive.

Liu bang was elated and agreed on the spot: if you are expensive in this life, you will be grateful.

Many people may think, what does this fortune teller have to do with Lv Zhi's life design for Liu Bang?

This is very important.

If you are a teacher, what is the best way to encourage students to study? Of course, a celebrity is invited to praise the student in public, saying that his future is immeasurable. This method, called psychological suggestion, has been used repeatedly and achieved fruitful results.

Adults also need psychological hints.

At that time, the fortune teller told Liu Bang that to be expensive in the future was to be an emperor. And if he wants to be emperor, he must take a rebellious road full of adventure.

Do you think the fortune teller passed by by by accident? I think all this is Lv Zhi's deliberate arrangement. She played with the fortune teller to encourage Liu Bang to rebel.

Did Lv Zhi rebel against Qin Shihuang crazily?

After watching the American movie Bear, you will know that Lv Zhi is not crazy.

"Bear" tells the story that in 2007, the real estate in the United States was very good, and everyone was proud of rushing into real estate to make money. However, at this time, the fund manager of the institution is like a wolf with a keen sense of smell. After a few days of data observation, he actually came to the conclusion that the real estate in the United States has reached its peak and there will inevitably be a crisis. Now is a good opportunity to go short in the market.

When he bet all the investment banks on Wall Street to short American real estate, the whole Wall Street thought he was crazy. At the same time, those people think that since he burns too much money, let's gamble with him.

When he first entered the market, the loss of this fund manager once reached more than 10%, and the whole organization panicked. Only this fund manager is calm and calm. After half a year, the real estate situation changed suddenly, like a rainstorm.

A year later, the fund manager who knew and felt early made four times as much money.

Early knowledge, early awareness and early layout are the necessary conditions for successful career. When the whole world thought that Qin Shihuang's world was peaceful, some people actually saw that a stormy era was coming.

This man is Lv Zhi's father, Lv Gong.

Why did Lv Gong marry Lv Zhi to Liu Bang and Fan Kuai? Because their time is not far away.

What is their era? Rebellion.

Why rebel? Because Qin Shihuang was harsh, the people were tired and rebelled, and the world was in danger.

There are thousands of rebels. Why is betting on Liu Bang successful?

Because Qin Shihuang has beaten the nobles of the six countries out of the water, in the future rebellion, the nobles have no chance to make a comeback. The biggest chance is the people who have no fixed place in the world, and the people who dare to get up are definitely hooligans like Liu Bang. Lv Gong found that Liu Bang was not an ordinary rascal. His arrogance, idealism and hooliganism are all destined to make him succeed in the future.

However, he still needs to wait.


Finally understand that it was Lv Gong behind the scenes who encouraged Liu Bang to embark on the road of rebellion, while Lv Zhi was only carrying out Lv Gong's decision.

Therefore, after Lv Zhi divined for Liu Bang, Liu Bang was psychologically prepared for rebellion.

With mental preparation, everything will be solved.

This year, Liu Bang, as a curator, escorted 100 people to Xianyang to restore the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. I didn't expect most of the roads to run away, leaving only dozens of people. Liu bang was also very calm. He spread his hands and told the other prisoners that it was a dead end for us to send so many people to Xianyang. Let's run.

I let them go.

But none of these dozens of people escaped. They said to Liu Bang, Let's run together.

Liu bang said, ok.

So, a group of people ran to Mangdang Mountain to hide.

When Liu Bang lived a hard life in Mangdang Mountain, Lv Zhi took his two children and walked quietly into the mountain. There are many trees in the mountains, and there are no mobile phones. Even if there is a mobile phone, there may not be a signal. Surprisingly, every time Lv Zhi entered the mountain, Liu Bang was easily found.

Liu Bang asked her strangely: How did you find me?

Lv Zhi looked up at the sky, pointed to a lucky cloud and said, "I followed the lucky cloud to find you." .

Liu Banggang looked up, his eyes shining.

At that time, who was wearing auspicious clouds? The implication of Lv Zhi, the son of heaven, is that Liu Bang is the son of heaven, encouraging Liu Bang to persist and bide his time.

Finally, that day came.

Guangwu, Chen Sheng, flew into a rage and the earth shook. The news came from Mangdang Mountain, and Liu Bang's spring finally came. He took hundreds of people out of Mangdang Mountain and began a vigorous rebellious career.

A few years later, he defeated Xiang Yu, unified the country and became the most powerful man in the world!