Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - "Life and death have a life"

"Life and death have a life"


? "Life and death have a life" in The Analects of Confucius (Yan Yuan) and Bao Puzi (chapter? In the vulgar). The original words of the Analects of Confucius are: "Life and death have a life, and wealth is in the sky"; The original words of "Bao Puzi" are: "life and death, short and fast, non-medicine, non-gain and loss", which is very serious and far away, and must have universal and profound significance; But I'm afraid not many people can understand it. Generally speaking, no one will think of these four words at ordinary times. If you suddenly hear that someone has died, especially a young man who died suddenly, it will keep silent repeatedly in the street talk or after dinner.

Closely related to these four words, there is another sentence: "Sitting at home behind closed doors is a disaster from heaven." Behind this sentence, there is a story with mysterious meaning or color as a support, as if it were an irrefutable mountain of this story. A long time ago, there was a man (probably not poor) who didn't know why he went to tell fortune. The fortune-teller said that he had a mass annihilation and worried about his life at some point. The fortune teller didn't give him directions. It is estimated that this person is scared out of her wits, has no clue, lives in fear all day, and doesn't know how to avoid this robbery. On that day, he felt that his home was the safest and most reliable, so he closed the door and moved a plush chair to sit in the middle of the room. Never thought, at a certain moment, the beam directly above his head was broken, and it fell, impartial, and all hit his head, and suddenly he died.

I am confident that I am not a fatalist, and I don't agree with this story, but what happened later made me a little confused. About 1990 years ago. I can't remember the exact month and date, but the skeleton and context of the event are clear: that morning, I was reading the newspaper Reference News in my office. If it is not the third edition, it is the headline of the fourth edition. I published a long article entitled "Falling from 5000 feet". It's about a passenger plane. The plane not only fell from the sky, but also fell into the virgin forest of Amazon. The little girl who didn't die unexpectedly experienced several days and nights of fright, and was pulled out of the primeval forest where snakes and beasts were rampant in the dark, and was rescued by several river explorers. Compared with this real thing, Jack London's love life is not bizarre and thrilling.

After reading the article, I received a phone call. A classmate who works as a manager in a civil explosive company invited me to dinner. I passed before I got off work in the afternoon and talked about it. I told him what I read this morning, and he said it was fate. He went on to say that before he came to the hotel, his company was repairing the house, and a worker in his thirties from the construction team fell off the scaffold on the first floor and died. Five thousands of feet is 1,500 meters, and the first floor is only three or four meters, which is the difference between clouds and dust platforms.

That's not all. After a full meal, a middle-aged man next door asked me to play chess with him. After eight o'clock, a man knocked at the door and came in. The newcomer is in his early twenties, burly, radiant, with regular facial features and handsome appearance. I thought this man could go to the honor guard. He said a few words to his neighbor and left, but he really left. Because when I went to work the next morning, I met my neighbor playing chess and came back from outside, saying that the young man who came last night was dead. I'm surprised. He said that when the young man left home, he rode a motorcycle and went to a market town along the road. On the way, a thick branch of a teacup was blown across the road by the wind. He ran into it head-on, and suddenly his head exploded and he died.

In a short time of one day and one night, I vaguely felt from my own words and expressions that these two dead people, a life of two foreign middle schools, a woman and two men seemed to give people some mysterious revelation that is difficult to describe.

If this is just an accidental "coincidence", then the following has nothing to do with "coincidence", it is simply a miracle. 1990 or so, I can't remember the exact time. A cadre who usually has some work contact with me and works in the Environmental Sanitation Institute (equivalent to the current Environmental Protection Bureau) came back from an inspection in a town, took a shuttle bus and passed by a district government (then an administrative agency). The bus stopped and he got off the bus, but it was too late to say it. Behind him, a "Beijing" jeep flew by, instantly dragging him into the chassis of the car, too fast. I thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, ten years later, I met him in a live broadcast, just like a normal and healthy person, which surprised me! He asked me to touch his scalp with black hair. Sure enough, there is no skull half the size of a palm. The soft scalp makes my heart tremble and my hands paralyzed, which proves that he is indeed on the brink of death. Coincidentally, in my mother's yard, there lived an old lady who was nearly ninety years old. One day in the spring of 20 18, she was going to the opposite bank to withdraw money. When crossing the road, a car flew by, instantly crushing her to the ground and dragging her for more than 20 meters. She was also taken to the hospital, covered in blood and unconscious. In less than a year, the old lady was able to walk again, talking and laughing, showing no signs of decline and malaise.

The above seems to be an accident or an abnormal suspicion, then the following is not an accident, but a very ordinary and normal life. According to the logic of "keeping in good health", there are several conditions or elements for longevity, so let the facts speak for themselves in this order.

One is personality. I have two fathers (the children of two old people are also my children), both celebrities in this place, but their personalities are completely opposite. One presides over the overall work of several organs and is deeply supported by cadres and workers; He seems to be very weak, speaking slowly and methodically, gentle and drizzling, gestures, slow and steady; Smoking, but not drinking much. More than forty years ago, my mother worked with him briefly. At that time, he grabbed Chinese medicine and drank it, saying that his liver was not very good. The other is brilliant, brilliant, angry and writes books; Strong, hot-tempered, vicious, a word does not match, that is, angry and rushing to the crown, making the shape of life. There are many old people and children, and life is not easy. I saw with my own eyes the scene of his creation: in summer, because of the heat, I put my feet in cold water to cool down, and in winter, I piled several layers of honeycomb coal in the brazier to keep warm. No drinking, no smoking, no smoking. The two old people once held their own views on the birthplace of Chu culture and fought a fierce war of words in the county newspapers at that time. Now he is 93 years old.

The second is heredity. I have a very good classmate who works in a county-level company of a central enterprise and belongs to indoor technical work. Not only can the wind not blow, but the rain can't fall, and I'm in a hurry; There was a "retreat" very early, and I played carefree every day. He has a younger brother who works in a "powerful" organization, but he will not work overtime and will be scared. Two brothers, the elder brother smokes but doesn't drink, and the younger brother drinks (and later gave up completely) and doesn't smoke. Results Both of them died of the same malignant disease (liver cancer) in their fifties. Everyone says it runs in their family. When my mother was young, she worshipped her father as "michel platini", so she was very familiar with their family. According to my mother, his parents, grandparents and grandparents were very old and died in their eighties. They should have very good genes.

The third is the body. My mother has two female friends who have known each other since childhood. Now they often chat together and help each other. When I was sixteen or seventeen, I was sallow and emaciated. I often went to the hospital to take medicine, and I was sick and tired all day. In the impression of others, she is a "medicine jar". Another had asthma when he was young, and it was still very serious. He can't lie flat on the bed when he sleeps, because he can't breathe, so he has to put a quilt on his back to sleep. The two old people are still planting flowers and grass, cooking and steaming meat, and never ask anyone to do it for them. In addition, in the spring of 2005, my mother suddenly had a large area of myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest. Thanks to the timely rescue, the doctor saved her from the clutches of death. /kloc-For more than 0/6 years, healthy and kind uncles and aunts who visited and comforted her at her bedside drove their cranes to the west one after another, and it is beyond reproach to think about the past.

The fourth is habit. The grandmother mentioned above suffered from asthma when she was young. She lived downstairs with a 9 1 year-old grandfather, whose children were not around, and asked a housekeeper to take care of his daily life. Uncle has been used to eating fried food for breakfast for decades, such as fried dough sticks; Chinese food and dinner must also be hot pot cook the meat, with heavy oil and heavy salt, pork, beef, mutton and chicken, which are eaten in rotation. There is only meat in the hot pot, and other foods such as kelp, tofu, radish and taro are not allowed, even leafy vegetables such as leeks, cabbage and spinach are refused; Two or two liquors per meal and a box of cigarettes a day. So far, I have had a good time. I have an aunt who has a strange hobby since she was a child: eating salt, which is dark green and the size of broad beans. I often put half a pack in my pocket, and occasionally take out a pack and put it in my mouth and chew it with my teeth. Sounds like a child eating rock candy. I saw it when I was playing at her house when I was a child. Her family felt bad, so they used cigarettes as a substitute and started smoking, so they stopped eating salt. About a pack a day until he died at the age of eighty-five.

? The fifth is mentality. I have a close friend who has been a deputy attorney general in the procuratorate for almost 30 years. He is upright, honest and honest, and hates death. A few years ago, he was diagnosed as a lung cancer patient. The doctor said he had only three months left. He accepted the reality calmly, without fear. Eat when you should, drink when you should, and receive treatment. He is very optimistic. He struggled with his illness for three years and invited some friends to dinner four months before his death. He smiled and watched the guests drink. Unfortunately, a good attitude cannot defeat cancer. There is another person, once very familiar with, almost intimate contact. Hepatitis B was diagnosed more than 20 years ago. Although this person is addicted to alcohol, he doesn't drink much. He drinks when he sees wine, and he gets drunk when he drinks it. Later, he was found to have a lump on his liver. He was too scared to reexamine, and never went to the hospital for any examination again, but as always, he drank the wine as soon as he saw it and got drunk as soon as he drank it. Ten years ago, he was suffering from various diseases and was dying. His parents were too old and weak to take care of him, so they sent him to the hospice, waiting for black and white to kill him. The daughter's boyfriend looked at him pitifully and took him home without any treatment; His parents have passed away, but he still drinks and eats meat half dead.

It is true that without science and technology, there would be no civilization of human society today. Therefore, medicine is an important support of human life. If you don't believe in science, you will commit suicide.

When my father was in his fifties, he often said that he was dizzy. His family suspected that he had high blood pressure. He denied that he had been tested by a doctor once and his blood pressure was normal. From then on, "VC Yinqiao Tablet" was inseparable. Once he was dizzy, he thought it was a cold and took a few "VC Yinqiao tablets". Results One night in early winter, he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Although he saved his life, he was paralyzed and could not take care of himself. He got honest treatment and took medicine on time, which extended his life for thirteen years. Just like my father's experience and situation, one of my former leaders was very strong. He climbed the mountain, walked on the ridge of the country and walked on the ground as fast as flying. I was young at that time and needed a little running to keep up with him. Once I saw him take out a small medicine paper bag from his coat pocket and put a white pill in his mouth. I asked him why he took medicine. He said that he often has headaches, so it would be fine to take a "painkiller". I thought of my father's painful lesson and told him that it was not about blood pressure and blood vessels. He said it was impossible. Unexpectedly, after half a month, he will be just like my father. I have a colleague whose father was diagnosed with cancer as early as the 1960s. After the operation, he didn't get any treatment, so he lived in seclusion and became the longevity champion in the county government compound! This seems to have fulfilled an old saying: "What is cured well is disease, but what is not cured is life."

? There are countless examples like the above, even if I want to break my head, I can't find any "law" or "right and wrong" from it. So I only state what I have seen and heard, and I can't even give a reference answer, because I don't have any answers.

? Nowadays, people are keen on the way of "keeping fit". I think this "health preservation" seems to be "how are your clothes?" Peel off the gauze outside and the true meaning of "collecting money" will be clear. Of course, this is understandable. Healthy people are afraid of death, "ants are greedy for life"; It can be regarded as "Zhou Yu's wishful thinking" to achieve the goal of "financial freedom" with the desire of "longevity" But who would think, can this life really be saved as much as possible? I am afraid that I am afraid of "losing my wife and folding my soldiers"; It is the two sentences that people often say: "Let nature take its course" and "Don't go too far", which seems to imply a universal truth. Sometimes there must be something in life, and there is no need to force it in life.

It is said to be a Jewish proverb: "When human beings think, God laughs." As for whether it is an approving smile or a contemptuous sneer, only God knows. All right, that's it!

? 202 1 August 21