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Interview skills and precautions worth reading?

Biographical notes

There are too many resume templates online now, and I was confused at first. I still remember when Johnson & Johnson Institute of Future Leadership recruited new students (in the first half of the first semester), my resume was criticized by my friends. After that, I spent a month thinking about the resumes of all kinds of awesome people before I became a resume writer.

1. The reason why a resume is called a resume is a miniature description of the experience. It is really useless to throw away those thick stacks of resume templates. It usually takes about 20 seconds for an HR to pay attention to a resume? Hiall professional HR's original words, so there is absolutely no need to make such a thick stack and make some covers and so on. The best resume, a piece of paper is enough. Of course, it does not rule out that there are great people who can write two articles. Try to filter and be as concise as possible.

2. It is meaningless to resolutely abandon the resume of tabular mode. After all, it is not a primary school student who writes a composition, and the resume in tabular mode is more likely to make HR feel tired during reading.

3. Pay attention to the details on the resume, such as the segmentation of mobile phone number (1 1 digit mobile phone number should use 4-3-4 or 4-4-3 segmentation, which can minimize the possibility of HR dialing the wrong number, you know: convenience for others means convenience for yourself) and typos. Interviewers are excellent, so the reason why you didn't make it to the next round or didn't get the OFFER is probably a typo.

Generally speaking, the positions inserted in front are written with your own brief information, which can be marked in bold or bold according to the situation, but everything is based on the overall beauty. The brief information mentioned here includes name, e-mail, telephone number, mailing address and gender. If there is no mandatory requirement for the post, it can actually be omitted.

It should be pointed out that some students like to write down their native place, height and weight. Please make sure that this information can give you extra points before writing, otherwise don't write. For example, two boys applied for a sales position and both entered the last candidate. All the conditions are the same, but only one person is suitable for this position. Suppose two people are both 170cm tall, one person wrote it on his resume and the other didn't, so maybe the last one left is the one who didn't write it? Which HR remembers the height of all the interviewers after the interview? Therefore, HR naturally thinks that people who don't write should be of medium height, that is, 170 or above.

6. What the fresh graduates will write next is their academic qualifications. Just indicate the time, school, major and degree in sections. This is not technically difficult. If you pay attention, it's still two words: beautiful.

7, professional aspects may involve a problem of the course. I have come across such a resume, which does list all the courses I have taken, but I just choose one and ask the interviewer, but the relevant knowledge is not strong enough. Therefore, I personally suggest not to write professional courses. If I have to write, I suggest taking 3-4 courses that I have learned better and scored higher.

8. The following are the more important contents in the resume, and they are also the places where HR eyes stay for the longest time: social experience and campus activities. Please use reverse order for the related contents of these two items (in fact, the time-related sorting contents in your resume should be in reverse order). Unless you have a great experience that you think can shock HR, please use flashback. HR is more concerned about what you are doing recently.

9. As for the writing of the experience part, many resumes are simply listed, which is far from enough. What HR wants to see is what you have participated in and what achievements you have made in an activity. Of course, if your resume is simple, HR will dig up these contents by itself, but if you give the initiative to HR, does it mean that you have fallen far behind others at the beginning of the interview?

Describe an activity or experience in detail in as concise a language as possible? This may sound awkward, but these detailed descriptions will make HR ask you some prepared questions.

10, the resume content can be exaggerated appropriately. Here is another old example of that classmate. Is there such a paragraph in the resume of a classmate about him being a monitor? Organize the whole class to participate in outdoor quality development and other activities, improve class cohesion in the shortest time, win the school style of study and build excellent classes? I'm surprised. Ask a classmate? What kind of outdoor quality development have you organized? The answer is simple:? What will happen if you play a little in autumn? ?

When writing a resume, we can actually exaggerate appropriately, but these exaggerations should not be inaccurate. When HR asks you related questions, you should be able to justify yourself.

1 1. For some students with more experience, it is suggested that when applying for different positions in different companies, candidates should adopt different experiences to write corresponding resumes. For example, if you want to get a sales position, you should focus on the experience related to your communication skills.

Don't just pile them together. Too much information will make HR feel that you don't have the ability to filter information, and it will also make you more prone to make mistakes. In addition, the text of the resume can also be slightly modified to conform to the corporate culture as far as possible.

12, after the experience, it is the skill specialty part. Most people think that there is nothing to pay attention to in this part, but in fact it is still a little learned. The simplest one is that many students are used to writing such a paragraph on their resumes now? Able to skillfully use office series office software. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this sentence is really unreliable.

Students want to express that they can play computer, but in this information age, how many competitors around you can't do office? And then what? Skilled use? This word is really not used casually. Just talking about excel, how many students dare to say that they are proficient in using it? How easy is it to master all kinds of tricks, shortcuts and even macros? Again, you can boast appropriately, but only if you can take it back.

13, and then hobbies, please be sure to write a group project, such as football and volleyball, even if you like to watch it. If you don't like watching it, force yourself to watch some classic games just in case. For some vacant positions, such as sales, HR and so on. In terms of hobbies, it is better to read books and watch movies, which will make HR feel that you are not cheerful enough.

14, many students like to add a self-evaluation at the end of their resumes, saying how excellent they are. Looking back, don't you think some old ladies are suspected of selling melons? However, I may feel that it is unreasonable not to praise myself. Actually, there is a good solution.

For example, if you want to say that you have good communication skills, you can choose an experience that requires communication skills, such as the president of the student union. Can you add something similar to the specific description of the experience? Be able to communicate with other cadres and subjective teachers of the student union in time and properly handle various incidents. In that case, such boasting will be much more natural.

15. In a resume screening of spring recruitment, I once saw two resumes saying that they insisted on exercising four years earlier. Of course, if this information is true, it will be considerable to give you extra points, but if it is not true, please be careful.

16. Online application is a science. Go after reading the online application experience of the corresponding company. Personally, Niuren's online application has never passed, but a junior non-fresh student's online application has passed. The scoring system of online application is very chaotic, which is all given by card score, band 6, student union position and internship experience. , or a specific analysis of the specific situation.

17. Remember, you should learn everything in your resume by heart, and any questions involving any word should be prepared in advance. You can find other students to meet in advance and find out any possible problems. Make sure the information is true, and make sure the exaggerated information yourself. Once you are caught lying, your chances of admission are zero.

Interview is the highlight, and it is said that a good beginning is half the battle, so the first half of this part is interview etiquette.

Interview etiquette

1, etiquette is actually very important. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor, and there are more people in HR, which is actually equivalent to half a fortune teller. In the first 15 seconds after meeting you, you have basically made a judgment on this person, and the next 15 minutes of conversation are basically to strengthen this judgment.

Or if you are too good, HR will rebuild your judgment during the conversation, but why not make a good impression from the beginning? Don't think I'm alarmist, this is what an executive HR said himself.

2. Try to wear formal clothes. Of course, some students with financial difficulties don't have to insist. Generally speaking, it is good to dress neatly. If girls bring bags, please pay attention to the three-color principle (clothes should not exceed three colors, and bags are no exception) and take off those lovely ornaments.

Please knock on the door before entering the interview room and get permission from the interviewer before entering.

4. Take the initiative to submit your resume, and pay attention to two points when you submit it: first, present it with both hands to show respect; The second is to pay attention to the orientation of the paper and face the interviewer, not yourself.

During the conversation, always keep eye contact with the interviewer, which will make you feel more confident.

6. Don't ask the interviewer about his interview performance after the interview. This kind of behavior is very insecure and will embarrass the interviewer.

7. The problem of bullying the weak and being afraid of the hard, a narrow escape, seriously consider it yourself, maybe it will be blacklisted.

8. Finally, I usually remember to send a thank-you letter to the interviewer after the interview.

Interview process

1 First of all, we need to explain several rules in the interview:

Star rule: this is the most recognized rule of HR in the interview, and it is also the easiest to master. The so-called star refers to the situation, goal, action and result, which means that you are in the process of an event, what is the situation at that time (S), what is your purpose (T), what action you have taken to achieve this goal (A) and what is the result (R).

Usually interviewers ask such questions? Can you tell me your biggest success/failure in college? 、? Can you tell me about your participation in this activity? When we encounter this kind of problem, it is time for us to show our talents with the star rule.

Golden rule: the 28 th rule, that is, in the interview process, the interviewer's words only account for 20%, and 80% are described or answered by himself.

Platinum Rule: Guide the interviewer to ask you questions. There are two methods, one is mentioned above, with resume guidance; The other is that when you answer a question, you deliberately miss some and refine other parts. When the interviewer asks, you describe the missing parts in detail, which is a bit like shaking the baggage in cross talk and sketches, so that you can control the questions more within your control.

The diamond rule: send the questions raised by the interviewer and kick them to the interviewer. This is actually difficult to grasp. Let's give an example to illustrate it.

For example, the interviewer asked such a question? What will you do when the opinions of the superior leaders contradict the objective facts? Actually, there is no fixed answer to this question. You can give a simple example first, saying that you have encountered similar situations before. How to deal with them? Pay attention to the tone and way of speaking, don't be too biased, and finally add this sentence? Maybe you are still a little immature when you deal with these problems yourself. If you are, I don't know how to solve this problem. I want to hear your opinion? .

2. An interviewer will meet about 30 people every day in terms of per person 15 minutes. If you can take the initiative in the interview and let the interviewer follow your ideas, you will be more confident and the interviewer will feel much more relaxed.

During the whole interview, try to keep a good attitude and a positive mental outlook. In the words of this year's Spring Festival Evening? Can it be more sunny? ? Your sunshine will also infect the interviewer.

4. This point is about body language. Body language can actually convey quite a lot of information. For example, if you scratch your head when answering a question, the interviewer may think that you are not sure about the question, so you will ask questions. For example, when answering a question, you can't help holding your hands together, which means you may be a little anxious.

Don't think that the appearance of these body movements is a problem of probability theory. I suggest you see Aaron. Pease and Barbara? You'll understand what these things are after peeing the Body Language Code. After reading it, you will probably learn how to feedback your answers in time through the body language of the interviewer.

A very important link is to introduce yourself at the beginning of the interview. Maybe my name is XXX, I come from XXX school and have worked in XXX. This information is actually difficult to distinguish.

If you want to stand out, you need to be original enough, but please note that this is not a successful case for you to copy others. Self-introduction that suits your personality and style is the most successful. At the same time, you should explain why you are suitable for the position you are applying for.

6. Be logical when answering questions, and speak less. This is actually the result of long-term exercise. If you use the method, borrow the storytelling method introduced by Yifeng when he taught debate skills. Can you find a partner and tell each other an idiom story every day, asking them to be as vivid as possible and avoid it as much as possible? And then what? 、? That? When spoken words appear, it can be said repeatedly that the latter is always better than the former. In the long run, the expression ability will be much better.

7. Prepare in advance for some general questions, such as the legendary Eight Questions of Procter & Gamble, and similar biggest shortcomings, biggest advantages, most successful things and so on.

8. If you are in a group, education and grace are the first. You have to be an adult before you can become a talent.

9, some matters needing attention in the process of assembling:

Even if you don't talk, you should show that you are thinking and listening attentively.

The reason is not high? ;

Dare to be the team leader, but at the same time, being the team leader will also bear the corresponding risks (if the group task fails, the first negative is the team leader);

If the summarizer is not himself, remember to add;

Remember the name of each member in the group. When talking about a certain point of view, it can be said that someone put forward this point of view.

10, in the closing stage, the interviewer usually asks:? Do you have any questions for us? ? Don't ask at this time. If you have nothing to do, you must ask two questions. One question can involve the technical level, and the other question can involve the development of the position you are applying for.