Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The meaning of mutual affection

The meaning of mutual affection

Follow each other's heart

"Heart-to-heart" comes from an allusion: According to legend, Pei Du was down and out in the Tang Dynasty. One day, I ran into thich nhat hanh on the road. After seeing Pedro's face, the master found that the longitudinal stripes of Pedro's mouth extended all the way to the entrance, fearing that he would starve to death. Therefore, he urged Pei Du to make efforts to cultivate goodness. Pei Du followed the teachings and met thich nhat hanh again in the future. The master saw that Pei Du's eyes were clear and his face changed completely, so he told him that he would definitely become prime minister in the future. According to the master's original intention, the reason why Pei Du's face changed so much before and after was because he constantly cultivated good and evil, cultivated his mind and changed his mind.


When Pei Du was young, the fortune teller said that he was in prison. After a while, the fortune teller saw him again, but he was surprised to find that his disaster had been solved, so he asked Pei Du how to solve it. Pei Du said that he didn't do anything but return a jade belt he accidentally picked up. Mr. Wang said that it was this charity that saved Pei Du's life, and he would be rich and expensive in the future. The legendary story of "Pei Du is still wearing a belt" in the Tang Dynasty shows that everything has changed for the better and life is constantly changing.

Do textual research

Psychological understanding

From a psychological point of view, everyone's face reflects their corresponding physiological and psychological state. For example, a person who is healthy and happy in body and mind is usually full of heaven, red and radiant in appearance. On the contrary, a sick or distressed person is usually sad, which is mostly difficult to have a satisfactory thing. Vision is the heart, face is the heart, this is the truth.

Understanding of Buddhism

The word "mind-born" is well documented in Buddhist scriptures and physiognomy. In Buddhism, "phase" generally refers to the appearance of things, while "sex" generally refers to the essence of things, and physiognomy refers to faces.

In Buddhism, "each other is born from the heart" comes from the Buddhist classic impermanence sutra. Buddha said: there is no phase in the world, and the phase is born of the heart. What you can see is actually immaterial, and what you can feel is actually immaterial. Everything is empty, really a heart. The laity's heart is everywhere in prison, but there is no me in the world. I am the world, and the world is me. The so-called "phase" is what we see in our daily life. Sanskrit "begging for tips" Laks! Ann! Answer: refers to the appearance of things, which is manifested externally and imagined internally. The three versions of the Mahayana Chapter of Righteousness say that "the shapes of various laws are called phases". I only know and remember a book that says, "phase is phase." Fahua Jiaxiang wrote three times: "Recommend your name and appearance". Flowers are phase, vegetation is phase, men and women are phase, beauty is phase, ugliness is phase. The so-called phase is born from the heart, that is, it expounds a transcendental idealism philosophy. The Diamond Sutra says: Everything is illusory. Talking about the world, not light and shadow; Love and hate are delusions. The reason why we met is because we have a heart. For example, don't look at each other, that is, let disciples not be blinded by worldly fantasies, but focus on liberation, harmony and truth.

The Diamond Sutra says: "Everything has its way, like a dream, like a bubble, like dew, like electricity, so look at it this way." All things and phenomena are based on the seeds of famous sayings in Araya's knowledge, karma and the seeds of karma, and their combination. These things and phenomena are impermanent and illusory. However, all sentient beings are blinded by ignorance. They don't know the truth that law depends on his life. They all turn their dreams upside down, cling to the law that gave birth to me, and are obsessed with things. Therefore, they can't prove the reality of truth according to his nature, but must start all over again.

Huineng, the sixth ancestor of Zen Buddhism, went to Huozhuoji, Guangzhou, where he was taught the Nirvana Sutra by the Indian master. When the wind blows, one monk says it's moving, and the other monk says it's moving, and they talk endlessly. Huineng said, not moving, not moving, is the heart of the benevolent. Buddha said: life is made by oneself, and life is born by heart. Everything in the world changes, the heart does not move, everything does not move, the heart does not change, and everything does not change. Buddhism says that "each other is born in the heart" belongs to "Wei Zhengzong". "Phase" does not simply refer to "aspect", but has a broader meaning: state. The state we are in now is created by the "heart" of all beings.

In physiognomy metaphysics, the meaning of physiognomy generally refers to the face as well as the whole appearance. Physiology means that a person's personality, thoughts and actions can be expressed through facial features. The "stage" here does not mean a temporary change in appearance, but must be understood from a long-term perspective, as is the case with Zhang Peiguang's widely circulated story. There is such a statement about fortune-telling in Sikuquanshu (Kangxi Edition), for example, "A seven-foot body is not as good as a seven-inch face, a seven-inch face is not as good as a three-inch nose, and a three-inch nose is not as good as a little heart." In addition, "don't look at people's faces, listen to people's voices first, but don't listen to people's voices." Look at people's minds first, and then look at their itinerary. "

Song Chen Xiyi said: the heart is the root of appearance, the heart is judged, and good and evil are seen; The mind of a walker is born, and its happiness and sadness can be known from its behavior.

scientific explanation

The mind is born with it, which will inevitably affect the body, such as happiness, peace of mind, refreshment, generosity, etc., which will help to reconcile qi and blood, balance qi and blood, maintain the five internal organs, function normally and be healthy, and then affect the heart. A virtuous circle is naturally full of brilliance, a harmonious atmosphere, bright eyes and high emotions make people shine. On the other hand, if you always haggle over every ounce or are unhappy, naturally everything is different from others and you can't talk and laugh like ordinary people. For example, Lin Daiyu thinks of bad places when she meets anything. For a long time, she was extremely angry, her blood was blocked, her camp was exhausted, her body was not full, her five internal organs were not harmonious, and her thoughts were wandering. In such a physical condition, her face is thin, her expression is dull, and her expression is often in a mess. Therefore, body hair and skin, since granted to parents, but what is the feeling of this face after people see it, but also from their own hearts. Over time, life is a stage, not a stage theory.

The human body consists of bones, skin, hair, blood, etc. Bone is the support, and the heart sustains life. Like natural animals and plants, people's mood and mind dominate people's body and mind. It is the master of life and the center of the center. Other organs of the body are dominated by him and influence each other. The internal psychological state will be manifested through the external organs, and the external form will be changed through the cumulative influence of time.