Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Menstruation calculation algorithm: easily master your ovulation cycle

Menstruation calculation algorithm: easily master your ovulation cycle

Do you often want to know when your ovulation period is? Don't worry, we have brought you an algorithm for calculating menstruation, so that you can easily master your ovulation cycle.

Regular menstrual cycle

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, the calculation of ovulation period becomes very simple. Just remember this formula: from the first day of the next menstrual period, the countdown is 14 days, and the ovulation day is around 14 days. At the same time, remember that ovulation day and its first 5 days and last 4 days belong to ovulation period!

Irregular menstrual cycle

Don't worry if your menstrual cycle is irregular. We have prepared another formula for you: the first day of ovulation is the shortest menstrual cycle minus 18 days, and the last day of ovulation is the longest menstrual cycle minus 1 1 day. For example, if your menstrual cycle is the shortest 28 days and the longest 37 days, then your ovulation period is from 10 to the 26th day after menstruation.


For young women who want to get pregnant, it is very important to know their ovulation period. If you want to get pregnant, you should have sex every two days for several months from the first day of ovulation. If there are no special circumstances, you will be able to get pregnant smoothly!