Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How does Buddhism behave when you want to quit smoking?

How does Buddhism behave when you want to quit smoking?

Alcohol and tobacco have killed people.

Second, smoking is a crime.

There is a cloud in the Golden Law Collection: "Eighteen kinds of tobacco have appeared due to the poison of the last law in the turbid world. Whoever touches it will go to hell, and future generations will not be happy. " There is a cloud in the Law of Light: "At the end of the turbid world, tobacco enjoyed sinners with its mouth and nose. I am as poor as a hungry ghost in this life, and I will live in a howling hell in the next life. " Master Wu Jinlian once said: "According to this, the smell is unclean. Although you have been practicing this respect all your life, you will not achieve it. All the patrons have left there, all the protectors have left, the environmental gods have escaped, and the gods of the cave family have left the god of wealth. It is a disaster to offend evil spirits, and it is gradually declining every year. It is a bad omen for people to keep their homes. " Shan Zhi Ramba, a master of Fuzang, said, "If you enjoy a lot of smelly and poisonous smog, you will never be satisfied, but it will increase your greed. Not only will your mouth lose its luster, but you will be reincarnated in hell a hundred times after you die. " Master Fuzang once said: "Anyone who touches the breath and feels the smell of smoke is equivalent to digging out the hearts of six million people." Enough enlightened people said, "At the end of the turbid world, the smell of smoke was just the smell of falling into prison, so it is extremely important to get rid of it now." The wise man turned the demon into King Kong, saying, "Green leaves and tobacco leaves are sucked in the mouth, sand and stones are poured into the ears, monks and laymen gather ghosts, and those who break the oath go all over the valley. A symbol of being deceived by the devil, greed is born again and again; Destroy the symbol of wealth, and then do vulgar behavior; All the unlucky symbols, tears can't help but flow. " The wise man Lansha Gnambault once said, "When you enjoy bad smoke, kill your close friend with food." Maggie Rajo's dakini once said: "At the end of the world, all five poisons are evil things, which appeared in Han soil and spread to Mongolia. Tobacco was introduced into this Tibetan area because of this state, and the rain did not adapt to frost and hail. If a yogi smokes, he will never rob his deity of success, and later generations will always be bored, and the three treasures of great sorrow are beyond saving. " The omniscient Ba Zun said, "The smell of poisonous leaves is everywhere. If you teach great virtue, your life will be damaged, the dragon will be angry and the drought will start, and the later generations will go straight to hell. " Luo Sang Qiu Jian, the big leader in the class, once said, "All kinds of unfortunate things have happened. As a result, people were born in hell before they could smell the smoke completely, and there were eight innocent places. Who is a wise man who is not alert to this? " The venerable Adixia once said: "Anyone who relies on tobacco will suffer from five poisons like fire, and will be blasphemed in this life. After death, he will always turn evil and turn a stranger into a madman." If your guru smokes, anyone will fall into evil interests; If your officers smoke, all your subordinates will resent it. "Master Zong Kaba once said:" It goes without saying that using evil poison directly, even if tobacco is mixed in the medicine, the patient will eat for seven days and the doctor will rob him for seven times, and he will not be freed from hell. "Ah, Rinpoche put it this way:" You can't wipe a little cigarette on your nails, smoke a little cigarette and recite the 100 million Guanyin mantra. Smoke is the root of all your troubles, and all the people concerned are led into evil interests. "The demon lotus venerable of the Xinlong Lama said:" The body veins and Brahma points of smokers are blocked by smoke, and their gods can't live. The lungs and other internal organs and intracranial dirt accumulate, and vultures don't eat his body. Anyone who clings to it will turn to evil. "Adan Zhen da ji said," With a cigarette in his mouth and a small amount of snuff, it is nine times greater than the crime of killing 18 people and horses. "Jiayang Xiaba (Manjushri smiled) once said:" According to this smelly smoke, evil people are attracted by evil interests, and there is nowhere to go but hell, and they are extremely greedy for black drugs. The cigarette juice never leaves his body, a corner of the cigarette pot, a cigarette bag, and dies on the pillow. Smoke came out of his mouth and nose, and people who saw the body no longer longed for smoke. Carnivorous birds don't eat corpses, and they can't get rid of evil interests. "In addition, Wu Magic King Kong said:" Those who only smell smoke, the wealth accumulated in the world, the good roots are destroyed in an instant, and future generations should quit smoking. "Master Fuzang said beside Naramba:" If you smoke in front of the altar, wisdom will not come, and all ghosts will gather in evil forces like rotten flies. "Master Wu Jinlian also stressed:" The French king should be a master and so on. , which is conducive to the public to inherit the heir. This tobacco substance is absorbed into the body, interrupting the inheritance of purity, and reincarnation is also the incarnation of the devil. "Once again, the venerable King Kong said," Those who only smell smoke, though they are the Eight Bodhisattvas, will be transferred to the Black Rope Prison once. The venerable Shagaba said, "If anyone smokes evil smoke, the midvein will be full of darkness and the blood will be blocked forever. Even if the Buddha is complete, it will not die. Pandita of Sakya once said, "Those who rely on teaching evidence to understand this truth, lust for the smell of blood and poison, and try to spread it from others are the sons of the devil, and those who become attached will fall into hell. "Xia Ga added:" People who want to suck grass not only dream directly, but also make wishes without thinking. If they were alive, they would drink like hell. "Although there are countless such teaching certificates, I am afraid it will be more complicated here.

In today's era, some people who claim to be masters of wealth and Tibet only pay attention to alcohol and tobacco, killing time day and night. If you are really a yogi who integrates body and mind, you can resurrect all beings you have killed, turn wine into nectar and poison into medicine. If you are so successful, of course you are happy, so you can do anything by yourself. However, at present, some people sell cigarettes and alcohol to others, thinking that they can benefit all beings. If they have no boiled water in their ears and no copper liquid in their eyes, they will surely see the addiction to alcohol and tobacco mentioned in the above classics. Assuming that they are still fearless after watching it for a hundred times, then these fake achievers will cross over the heads of the dead, bless monks and nuns everywhere, and generously give them colored wine, cigarettes and snuff. If that person says, "I swore in front of the guru to give up smoking and drinking, I shouldn't smoke and drink now." However, the guru said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I just wish." So he smoked and blew as a blessing, and those confident disciples couldn't wait to smoke and drink. If you people really have this unyielding self-confidence, then eat his shit and drink his urine. Perhaps his sacred object has really become liberation, even if it can't, it won't become the enemy of Buddhism. On the contrary, if you smoke and drink, then your master and apprentice are really enemies of Buddhism. Why? Because the teacher once said: "whoever has kindness is the proof of the Tathagata;" Whoever speaks eulogy is the Tathagata's teaching method. " Monks and people of insight claim that abusing alcohol and tobacco is a teaching method, and quitting smoking and drinking after being honest is a proof method. This is the real teaching method and proof method, saying that it is not a teaching method and proof method. What reason can you have? If there is no reason, then you say that there is no problem with smoking and drinking, which is to undermine the teaching method, and you let others smoke and drink, which is to undermine the Buddhism. So you are the Buddha's enemy who destroys both teaching method and Buddhism. This can be established through teaching method, teaching method and quantity. As Xu Jing said, "Those who can harm Buddhism and slander the guru diligently will be punished by the wise." It goes without saying that the top ten enemies that should be blamed need to be eliminated. Moreover, for these people who have committed serious crimes, why not surrender, why not get comfortable tantric achievements and protection? They should act decisively and surrender.

Others said: "This kind of cigarette is only a kind of herbal medicine in Songpan, and there is nothing wrong with smoking. Please listen carefully to these people. The origin of smoke is this: A long time ago, the devil Papman would never die. The eldest of his three daughters said, "I killed a thousand sentient beings. "At that time, Papman could not die. The second daughter added, "I killed 100 million beings. "He still can't die. The youngest daughter said: "I spilled fetal blood on the ground and made every wish: I wish that poisonous leaves would be produced by menstrual blood, and that men and women lay people, especially Buddhist monks, smoked, so that three generations and seven generations could not get rid of their families and the dark smoke hall in the thousand robberies." The eight parts of dragon, earth and god, the tobacco produced by poisonous leaves, have all been surrendered, and the people have exhausted their life's blessings, and the interests of all families have declined. "Papman, the king of the devil, died after she made such a bad wish. This is what exorcist said in the King Kong Collection.

If someone says: the tobacco planted by the witch's blood can be enjoyed through blessing. According to you, of course, cattle and sheep can be slaughtered by blessing, and so can ten bad karma and five sins. So there is no need to break evil deeds and do good deeds when you are alive. Smoking and drinking can kill the disease and future generations can go to heaven. This is your point of view. Such an absurd evil method doesn't even exist in Shun Shi Dao. Except that there is no cause and effect in previous generations, there will never be a view that smoking and drinking are regarded as good karma and that smoking and drinking are regarded as criminal karma. This opinion is a hundred times more serious than heresy. Such people not only refuse to recognize the teachings of the Buddha and all the classics, but also openly refute the view that there is something wrong with smoking and drinking. This is really the second demon who destroyed the Buddha, and it has appeared in the turbid world again. We should be soberly aware that Buddhists and Bodhisattvas who live in Shifang Zhatu will certainly do harm to the world if they fail to reach a settlement through consultation.

If someone keeps saying that all cigarettes and alcohol are evil things blessed by the devil, although this is true, people who smoke and drink are not demons, so there is no such serious fault!


Quit smoking: dry pumpkin vines once or twice, fry a bowl of Tonga with proper amount of brown sugar once, twice a day, and don't want to smoke again after 7 days.


Once upon a time, on Mount Malaya, King Kong Rapani, the auspicious secret mage, said when he taught the secret method to the families of five castes: In the future, when this secret method thrives in the snowy areas of Tibet, the deity will coexist with the devil. Therefore, if we don't observe this point in detail, there will be irreparable danger, so it is very important to observe it. If there is a magic sign, then even the French sound can't come out. Disciples who have not seen the guru are magic karma, and disciples who have not seen the guru are also magic karma. Generally speaking, real images are extremely difficult to observe. In contrast, magical images are slightly easier. For example, even if a guru kills a thousand sentient beings, deceives them with fake Buddhism, accepts women and enjoys them, he can't tell whether he is a demon or not. Disciple is the same, even butchers, prostitutes, fishermen, hunters and other people who are completely contrary to religion are not sure whether he is a demon or not. Therefore, it is difficult to observe the real image. Therefore, even among these people, there are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who randomly adjust all beings. As a person, it is especially difficult to observe at the end of the law.

Magic phase: evil smoke is formed by the blood of nine brothers. People who smoke, even if they blindly rely on their state of mind to fly in the air like a Dapeng bird, swim around in the water like a fish, and walk through the rocks without hindrance, also have magical power of knowing everything. It is certain that this is the performance of magic. People especially look forward to the guru who can cross over the undead. If he smokes and drinks, he is simply a guide who deliberately leads the dead to hell. Therefore, it is very important to observe this. Needless to say, while smoking and drinking, talking about secret methods and mass meditation, even observing the deity, chanting spells, and practicing in places where only dates allow alcohol and tobacco, will be like water squeezing out ghee, and even one percent of the results will not be obtained. We should realize that in the future, this thing (tobacco and alcohol) will be the only demon that destroys the foundation of Buddhism. That's what it says in the secret biography of Tantric King Kong. Therefore, all people who smoke, drink and spread alcohol and tobacco are the embodiment of the nine-headed devil. There is no doubt about it. No matter where the devil incarnate appears, men, women and children there must cover their mouths and run away immediately without looking at him.

If someone says: Although Xianzong really doesn't allow smoking and drinking, many tantric hermits benefit all beings in this way.

In India in the past, there were 80 great achievers, such as Saloha, and four yoga mothers. In this snowy area, there are 80 accomplished people, such as Mr. Wang Lian from Wu Jinfa and his 25 lovers, 80 accomplished people from Iva, hundreds of recluse masters and thousands of recluse masters. They are as incredible as the stars in the sky, but their biographies do not bless the history of cigarettes and alcohol spreading to others. As mentioned earlier, the Nyingma Sect, the KartangSect, the Kagyu Sect, the Sakya Sect, the Juenang Sect, the Shifa Sect, the Budunzhaza Sect and the Gelug Sect, which are mainly the highly respected apprentices in Adi Gorge, once appeared in Tibet like a continuous golden mountain. Demon Papman and his family have obviously entered your heart. Anyone who becomes attached to you will be led to hell. This is a magical promise. Besides working for the demon Papman, what else do you have? Xia Ga made a wish for Zhu Zun to say: "You people who indulge in evil things (smoking and drinking) will be reincarnated in hell after death, and all the people who have drunk the water of a valley with you have also been dragged into hell because of blasphemy. This was announced by Jin Gangzhi and others. If you know these truths, you still don't follow the oath and discipline, and indulge in drinking and smoking, do you think that the language held by King Kong is illusory, or that although it is true, it is redundant, or that your realm has far surpassed King Kong, or that you have become an unintentional person? Anyway, that's all. If you want to go to hell, go ahead, but please don't take all the people who drink in the same valley to hell and leave them alone. Please don't destroy the whole area. " This means that it is not only related to other evil methods of smokers and drinkers, but even anyone who drinks a valley water with them will be dragged into hell. No matter where such a demon appears, even the place where the wind blows should be avoided, let alone talk to each other and live with him. Wherever such a person goes, people will throw a handful of dust here after he leaves. I hope I will never see or hear the blessing and spread the magical knowledge of alcohol and tobacco. If you make such a wish over and over again, you can count the robbed food successfully.

As a cloud, "Buddhas, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas" have never been mentioned, and I have never heard of them from the continuation. Menstrual tobacco affects all beings and destroys the foundation of Buddhism. It is really sad! If tobacco can also be a blessing for the achievements of the nine brothers' magic industry, then why don't the sinners from the three realms go, master, did you ask for blessing before? In the stage of spreading tobacco to benefit the public, the third Buddha recorded that the devil Papman incarnated this reappearance, and everyone who became attached was led to hell. "Then, you people, as I said before, even the eight Bodhisattvas will turn into a black rope hell. If we ordinary people don't abandon tobacco like the meat of leprosy patients, then we will certainly encounter all kinds of misfortunes in this life, and we will never escape from the eighteen layers of hell. This is the language of King Kong, and we should believe it. People who smoke and drink should swear to quit immediately, and the merits of quitting smoking and drinking are boundless. Although there is a saying that reciting the 100 million Guanyin mantra can't repent the crime of alcohol and tobacco, if you quit smoking and alcohol with repentance, you can also clear all the sins of the past. So think about this merit, it is very important to quit smoking and drinking. As long as you quit smoking and drinking, you can get rid of the practice that violates Buddhism, and the dharma protector will help you with all his strength, and all your wishes in this world will be realized smoothly. At the very least, later generations will get the person who insists on Buddhism and get a complete Buddha fruit.

Even if true Buddhism exists in the world,

All those who want to convert to the three treasures,

Spreading knowledge of poisons and demons,

I can't see or hear it for the time being.

Buddhists, Bodhisattvas and immortals all have shortcomings,

Thousands of successful people condemn alcohol and tobacco,

Just smell it. There is no place to live.

What's more, enjoy it directly

3. The crime of hunting wild animals

Top gift Mahagerri Lotus Peanut Master!

It is recorded in the "chanting" of Benbo Sect that in ancient times, some traitors of Benbo Sect built tombs of gods and slaughtered wild animals such as deer and wild animals to worship the gods of Benbo Sect. At that time, King Chisong Dêzain asked Master Lotus Peanut after seeing the color swatch of a stupid religion that regarded flesh-and-blood support as a good law: "Dear Guru Rinpoche, the purpose of Bonism is completely confused with sin. They sacrificed animals to the gods. Please tell me what kind of bad karma there will be in this life and future generations. " Master Lian said sadly, "Your Majesty, building the spiritual tomb of Bonism is like building an archery platform for cruel people. These people who have killed before must have come from the sinful butcher caste, and they also like hunting wild animals in their lives. After their death, they will immediately fall into the King Kong Hell and cannot be freed. " The king asked again, "What will happen to those who slaughter wild animals in this life, and what kind of wonderful fruit will future generations feel?" Please explain briefly? Master Lian said bitterly, "Poor thing! These people will be very, very painful. Unfortunately, I have suffered from various diseases in this life, and future generations can't get rid of evil interests. Alas! Your Majesty, to sum up, all animals belong to heaven, demon, dragon, demon, one-horned Luo Cha, human and non-human. Among them, lions, elephants and dragon three are sex animals of heaven and man. If you kill them, you will offend heaven and man, so the gods will destroy people's breath, make them forget, lose their organs, lose their memories, lose their breath, suffocate their mouths and lead to sudden death. Future generations need to pay back 500 lives, and then reincarnate into the howling hell. This world1200 million years will not be free.

Ma Xiong, wolves and jackals are all devil's animals. Hunting them will anger the devil, and the devil will hurt people's hearts. The seven generations of the killers were blacklisted by the devil and died of incurable madness, and some died of cerebral hemorrhage. Some committed suicide because of sadness; Others are flesh and blood, killed by bloody slaughter. They will pay the price of 500 lives in the future, and will eventually fall into hell./kloc-0.7 billion years will not be free.

Snow deer, lynx and rock sheep are all goblin animals, and those who kill them are bound to be targeted by goblins. Demons focus on endangering the lives of pregnant women and children. Some of them feel the pain of childlessness, and women have no offspring; Some people are taken away from their fetuses; Some fetuses are infertile, and as a result, the mother and son die together; Although some of them were born, they were incurably blind, deaf and disabled, and soon died. The world has not been liberated for 100 million years.

Fish, poisonous snakes and snakes are the animals of the dragon, and those who kill them become the target of the dragon. Dragons damage the skin and blood, causing blisters between the skin to spread from time to time, and they are tortured to death for a long time; Some people have poisonous insects moving in their blood vessels, their bodies twisted, and their mouths glowered and died; Some people have lost their hair and eyebrows, and they broke one by one when they were alive. After getting leprosy, they were expelled from the crowd and died painfully. It takes/kloc-0.6 billion years and 500 lives for future generations to fall into a cracked hell like Utaparo. It is not necessarily to pay debts before going to hell or to pay debts after going to hell.

Tigers, jackals and deer are the livestock of Xingyao. Killing them will definitely violate Xing Yao. Obsidian will damage their blood, make the qi and blood in these connections disordered and unable to move, and finally their eyes will fall into the skull and die; Some of them have twisted right upper body and stiff limbs, and died of blindness and dumb pain; Some people were possessed by black and red demons, suddenly poisoned and fell to the ground and died. After paying off 500 life debts, future generations will be reborn into the hell of corpse dung, and the world will not be free for1900 million years.

Foxes, monkeys and roe deer are domestic animals of Luo Cha. Killing them will definitely anger Luo Cha, who will be blacklisted by Luo Cha. Luo Cha's internal and external injuries sow dissension and create chaos, leading to compatriots meeting and killing each other. Some people's wives are possessed, arguing from morning till night, and the husband and wife turn against each other and finally commit suicide; Although some people are innocent, they are falsely accused and framed for disobeying the king's law, so that they die in pain; Some people tried their best to educate their children, but stubbornly refused to listen, and finally broke the law. Their father, son, relatives and friends died together in prison. Future generations will be reincarnated into the black rope hell, and the world1500 million years will not be freed, and 500 lives will be returned.

Antelope, cave bear and mountain rabbit are the livestock of the Ghost King. Killing them will anger the inhuman ghost king and spread the four major disorders. Non-celestial ghost kings endanger people's livestock and uses, causing house fires, earthquakes and subsidence of fields and houses. During the landslide, livestock, fields and houses were crushed, and finally those people starved to death; Some people have been threatened by thieves, enemies, storms and floods, and they are deeply saddened; Some people's farmland suffered from rust, frost and hail, and livestock suffered from choking cough, rinderpest and Hall's disease, leaving them with nothing, so they had to beg from others, and the begging food became a dead end. Later generations paid off their debts 500 times, and then reincarnated into a hell without doors and iron houses, from which the world could not escape for a billion years.

Horses, cows and sheep are human livestock. Because in the snowy areas of Tibet, people and nature keep the same oath, killing these animals will anger the gods and send them away. Ghosts and gods damage people's viscera and organs, causing four major disorders of the body, indigestion, vomiting day and night, salivation syndrome, diarrhea, sepsis and so on. Some black-and-white voices are against the qi, suffering from laryngeal paralysis and dying of hunger and thirst; Some small intestines churned, wounds recurred and spread, and finally they could not be cured, and internal organs eroded and died. After paying off 500 life debts, future generations fell into an extremely hot hell, and the world1200 million years could not be freed.

Whether it's killing birds or animals with claws, it's exactly the same as paying off one's life debts and feeling the wonderful fruit. This is also the main aspect. With all kinds of uncertain results, the sense of occupation of all beings is incredible. In short, killing is rewarding: the pain of being persecuted by evil forces of disease in this life; Suffer the pain and longevity of hell after death; There is no misfortune in this world. A killer who is as happy as a paradise will immediately fall into endless hell after his death and have no time to get rid of it.

In addition, the result and pain of killing in bad karma, such as ten bad karma and five innocent crimes alone, is unimaginable. No matter where you are born in this life and the next, you will feel infinite pain, which is an inevitable causal law. Therefore, people who have no cause and effect, no compassion, and commit crimes at will will inevitably feel such a strange fruit. This is the advice I got from the lotus nut. "

The king listened and cried. After listening to this, he said sadly, "guru, this is really a tragedy." Then I would like to ask the guru, is there any way to get rid of all the diseases caused by killing evil karma, and how can future generations get rid of this unbearable evil interest and pain? " Master Wu Jinlian said with deep sorrow: "In the last days of the future, people like murder very much and have no time to repent. Nothing is more effective and meritorious than stopping killing and making people stop killing. Even if you just swear not to kill some sentient beings, that person will not suffer misfortune, pain and harm. If killing can be stopped completely, there will be no pain and misfortune except for the bad karma in the past, and Tianlong Babu will also bless and protect them, and my lotus teacher will always take care of them and relieve all their fears. The way to get out of hell for those who have entered the afterlife is to free people and save all beings who are on the verge of despair. The buddhas have never said anything more profound than this. The exotic fruit that killed 100 wild animals in this world can be purified by releasing 18 lives. Saving seven dying lives can also get out of hell and get relief. This is the invariable King Kong language spoken by my Lotus teacher. Your Majesty, of all the crimes, there is nothing more serious than Jaken's slander of the Sambo and the strange fruit that killed people. Similarly, I have never seen a greater good result than abstaining from killing, teaching people to abstain from killing, saving lives, and teaching people to save lives. So, my subjects, why not be diligent, stop killing and set free? Your Majesty, please consider whether to continue to believe in Benbo's sinful slaughter, or to stop killing immediately and be free. The doctrine of never hurting sentient beings is unique to Buddhism, but not to other religions. Please remember, it is engraved in your heart. These are the teachings of the Buddhas of the Third World. I hope you won't break my oath. Your majesty, this religion is hidden in the south of the middle hall of Samye. In the future, Azajiawa will be incarnated as an enlightened person, Mei Zhelangba, and the cause of bringing it out of hiding and benefiting the public will be very broad. "


After that, Master Lotus and Buddha Mother returned to Dozza Ga. Master Lian looked at Samadha, the seventh product of Boni Sect, and gave it to the guardian of kurama Dong, the protector. Jia Jia Jia, otter!

In this way, even the personal letter from Master Peanut has clearly revealed the karma of those who kill in this life, the retribution in the next life and the merits of abstaining from killing. There is nothing to add, but there are two points to emphasize.

1. As mentioned above, all animals are animals of heaven, ghosts and people, because they have taken them for themselves. If they kill these animals, they will avenge themselves and bring all kinds of misfortunes to the killers.

Second, all animals are reincarnated by their parents and offspring, so killing them is so serious. For example, Guru King Kong Xiagaba once said: "Parents are reborn as beasts because they miss their homeland; Reincarnated as livestock because of lust for one's family; There are also people who are born lice and scorpions, because they love their own race. If you have a heart, you should pity them. " My parents were born there because they were greedy for their hometown and wondered if they could meet their descendants, relatives and friends. As a result, their descendants became hunters who hunted themselves and ate meat and drank blood. Isn't it a pity to think about this? In other words, their descendants were reincarnated there because of their lust for their hometown, and the living old father went to kill them. This phenomenon is countless. Once upon a time, the venerable Gadaya said, "It is extremely rare to beat his mother by eating his father's flesh and hold the hatred of killing himself, and the law of reincarnation is that his wife eats her husband's bones." Meaning is also a true portrayal of this phenomenon. While eating the flesh and blood of the killed animal, she stoned the bitch beside her. The enemy who killed herself in that year was reincarnated as her own child, and her parents and husband became strangers. In other words, the wild animals in my hometown and the livestock in front of my house must be born of greed. Therefore, the killing of wild animals and livestock is mostly to kill their parents and children. Needless to say, this unimaginable experience. Therefore, there is nothing more serious than killing, and there is no better crime than killing.

The Buddha himself said in the scriptures that killing lives needs to be robbed in hell. It is equivalent to hundreds of millions of years of robbery in the world. Therefore, forbidding killing and releasing is a rare ceremony in the world.

Then, we should also declare the merits of killing and releasing.

Emma is furious! And then Mobenozana! Top salute to eradicate reincarnation icon!

There is an open case: a long time ago, there was a pagan king named Zhejian in India. Because of his passion for warm flesh and blood diet, he slaughtered thousands of innocent lives. As a result, he fell into King Kong Hell through eighteen layers of hell and felt pain. He fell into this hell every hundred times he died and every hundred times he was resurrected. Ananda, after witnessing the suffering of unclean beings, what is the reason for the Buddha? The Buddha warned: "This man feels like a flesh-and-blood diet, the result of killing." Later, Ananda couldn't wait to ask the French king of Yamaraja: "Is there any way for this person to get rid of it?" French King Yamaraja solemnly said, "If you want to free that man from evil interests, you can set him free in the world." So Ananda immediately released the man, and as a result, he was freed from King Kong Hell.

Merit: "Interpretation is the same as monk's abstinence from merit. Letting a sheep go can clear a bad and interesting sin; Putting a goat can clean up seven evils; Even the crime of killing hundreds of people and horses in the world can be purified by putting eleven lives; Letting thirteen lives go can clear the robbery. Releasing can also prolong life. For those who have finished their lives and will die in three days, releasing thirteen lives will definitely prolong their life by three years. Killing for life is equivalent to killing 100 people. These infinite sins were declared by the Buddha in the scriptures. Good! "

The merits and demerits of the release were said by Sakyamuni Buddha himself, so you should be honest. In one's life, we should devote ourselves to the cause of saving all sentient beings and freeing them as much as possible. Especially those who slaughter wild animals, should devote their lives to all beings with their own attention and abstain from crime with unbearable regret and diligence. If you want to clean up all the crimes as soon as possible, you should do your best to save lives. Even the lives of fish, loach and insects should be saved as much as possible. There is no distinction between good and bad. Although all beings have different body sizes, there is no difference in cherishing their own lives. Especially on auspicious days when merit is multiplied by 100 thousand (such as the Eight Buddha Festival in April), we should be more diligent in releasing them.

If you smoke, drink and kill wild animals, you are finished.

All creatures that are not free and killed,

If the pain is unbearable,

Thinking of the suffering of these sentient beings,

May there be no false sadness in life, and pray for blessings.

Ruined the wine and cigarettes in this life and the afterlife,

Hunting wild animals, falling into hell,

If poison abandons diligence and does ten good deeds,

Willing to hold the method of treasure bodhi.

According to the true scriptures,

In order to facilitate the pure heart of all beings,

With this good root, I pray for endless people.

Quickly know the fruit position of Bodhi.

This article was written by Ban Xia Jia CuO of Qingpu Guangming Xiangyun Paradise or Wu Jia Cun of Tea Tong Hua, such as Botuoji, hoping to continue to benefit from the robbery. We should try our best to carry forward this text. Merit is the same as reciting 100,000 words.

July 2002 18

Translated into Luhuoduomang Temple.