Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The Communist Party of China (CPC)'s agitator Li Dazhao's old-fashioned marriage: his wife was 6 years old and gave birth to five children. She was only 38 when she died.

The Communist Party of China (CPC)'s agitator Li Dazhao's old-fashioned marriage: his wife was 6 years old and gave birth to five children. She was only 38 when she died.

# Story of the World # Love Handbook # What do couples need #

Feudal marriage can't escape the bondage of interests. The marriage between Li Dazhao and Zhao Renlan is also the blessing of the marriage and interests of the two families.

/kloc-at the age of 0/0, Li Dazhao married Zhao Renlan, who was six years older than him, and it was a secular interest bundle.

Li Dazhao's father is the stepson of his grandfather Li Ruzhen and the second son of his grandfather's younger brother. They have been to the East with Zhao Renlan's father, and the two families have a deep friendship. Unfortunately, my father died of illness when he was seventeen or eighteen, leaving my pregnant mother alone to give birth to Li Dazhao, and soon she died one after another.

Grandma Li Dazhao couldn't bear the blow of her son's successive deaths at a young age and died before her daughter-in-law died.

Only poor grandpa and weak grandson Li Dazhao are left at home.

When Li Dazhao 1889 was born, grandpa was working in a cotton field and saw a lark flying with him, still standing on his gray head. He had a lark in his hand, but he didn't fly away, so he followed him home.

When he got home, he heard the good news that he had a grandson, so he nicknamed him "Bailing" and later simply called him "Lingtou".

Grandpa was reminded that his name was too strong to keep, so it was better to call him "Hantuo". Therefore, Li Dazhao's nickname is "Hantuo" and his name is "Shouchang". I hope he will live a long life and be prosperous.

As a posthumous child and an orphan, "Hantuo" is more important than Mount Tai in grandpa's eyes, and grandpa trains him to study at all costs.

1884' s parents said when they gave birth to her that if the Li family gave birth to a son, they would marry off no matter how young they were.

Li Dazhao is six years younger than her, and was born Zhao Renlan's husband.

Li Ruzhen sent Li Dazhao to the best private school. Li Dazhao studied hard and was a famous literate boy since he was a child.

His father-in-law's family saw him as a rare learning material and tried their best to support him in his study. 1905, 16 years old, the first in the imperial examination, the scholar in the middle.

At that time, Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty promulgated the abolition of the imperial examination system, and Li Dazhao became the first and last imperial examination scholar in China.

Seeing that Li Dazhao had no parents and became an orphan, the Li family urgently needed a woman to take care of the young Li Dazhao, so they proposed to get married early.

So, in 1899, Li Dazhao, aged 10, married Zhao Renlan, aged 16.

This kind of child marriage, if put now, is absolutely illegal and even more ridiculous.

Modern people can't imagine what it's like to get married in childhood.

The little one called "Sister" and the big one called "Stupid Tuo". Zhao Renlan is both a sister and a wife, more like a mother. Li Dazhao's lack of maternal love and warmth was compensated here in Zhao Renlan.

Therefore, Han Tuo repaid his wife and grandfather by studying harder.

1905, when he 16 years old, he took the imperial examination and passed the county examination and the government examination with excellent results before entering the university examination, which made great achievements.

However, in 1905, Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty promulgated the abolition of the imperial examination system, and Li Dazhao's road to imperial examination came to an abrupt end, and he became the last scholar in China.

Although the feudal imperial examination system in 1300 was completely abolished, China's educational reform also opened another new window for Li Dazhao to accept revolutionary ideas. He entered the public school of Yongpingfu Middle School, but he accepted many new ideas and new cultures.

Li Dazhao became a father at the age of 20 and a mother at the age of 26, giving birth to her eldest son, Li. Soon, she gave birth to her eldest daughter, Li Xinghua.

Li Dazhao has been studying abroad for further study. He was admitted to Beiyang Law School to study politics. Three years later, he went to Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan to study politics for three years, and then returned to China to seek salvation.

His long study career, tuition and living expenses actually depend on Zhao Renlan, a woman who can't read with little feet, and his elderly grandfather to raise money!

Rural women are nothing more than scraping food from the fields, earning gold from the chicken's ass and pawning the bride's dowry to earn money. Unlike Xu Zhimo's original wife, Zhang Youyi, she started a business and opened the most fashionable women's clothing store to earn money to support Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman, San Xiao.

Visible, Zhao Renlan is so desperate, so capable, and so forbearing.

Li Dazhao has almost no concept of money, and he never knows how to calculate the family that supports the family. When he meets someone around him who desperately needs money to save his life, he will turn his pockets upside down and take out all the money.

On the way home from Japan by boat, he saw Ge Shugui, a worker. He had no money to treat his children, and his wife was kneeling in the street begging. Without saying anything, he pawned all his clothes, shoes and pocket watches and made up four dollars. Then he took Ge Shugui to the red house in Peking University where he joined, and got a monthly salary 120 yuan in advance, forcing Ge Shugui to treat the child quickly.

If you were the wife of an ordinary person, you would cry and say, "I can't live this life!" " "

However, Zhao Renlan firmly supports her husband and thinks that his man is doing something different.

When Li Dazhao was the director of Peking University Library, his monthly income was 120 silver. After being promoted to professor of Peking University, the monthly salary rose to 180 silver. Plus the cost of writing articles and the income of part-time professors in four universities, the monthly income can be as high as 300 silver dollars. "At that time, what was the concept of three hundred and twenty pieces of silver? Four hundred silver dollars can buy a serious quadrangle. " The commentator said, "But Mr. Li Dazhao's eight suites in Beijing are rented, leaving no property."

Li Dazhao, on the other hand, has been renting a house. He came to Beijing from the countryside with his wife and children and rented eight quadrangles. The rest of the money was distributed to the poor.

Zhao Renlan raised chickens and ducks in Beijing Siheyuan, and went to the surrounding vegetable market to pick up leftovers and wild vegetables.

Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University, couldn't stand it anymore, so he ordered the accounting office to detain 30 yuan Ocean every month and hand it over directly to Zhao Renlan, and Li Dazhao was not allowed to handle it.

Although Li Dazhao doesn't care much about the money at home, he is very affectionate to Zhao Renlan and his children. As long as he goes home, he will be affectionately called "Sister ~ Sister ~", telling his wife warm words, telling children fresh stories outside and telling them to study hard.

Zhao Renlan loves Li Dazhao, which really hurts the bones. Li Dazhao is generally not allowed to interfere in family affairs. Li Dazhao wants to help with the rough and heavy work at home. All in one sentence: Han Tuo, you don't have to do it, I'll do it!

Especially in April 1927, when Zhang rushed into the Russian military barracks at No.39 Dongjiaominxiang, which should have been protected by the consulate, he and her husband were captured. She is not as flustered as someone who has never seen the world.

Zhang released Li Dazhao's wife and children, but tortured Li Dazhao to extract confessions. Twenty-two days later, he was hanged In order to torture Li Dazhao, the hanging was brutally executed three times and lasted for 38 minutes. ...

When hearing the bad news, Zhao Renlan let out a cry and immediately fainted.

The executioner did not allow Li Dazhao's body to be buried, but exposed it humanely for 6 years!

This long six years, for Zhao Renlan's family, it's a living hell!

Her tears have dried up, and her soul has already left the body with her husband, leaving only her body to see how this evil old society was condemned and rewarded.

At the pleading of Zhao Renlan, Li Dazhao's body was finally buried in Wan 'anli 1, Haidian District, Beijing, which is now the Martyrs Cemetery.

On the 35th day after her husband was buried, Zhao Renlan followed her husband, and her 49-year-old life was so tragic!

Her last words made people cry:

A woman loves a man, but it is so earth-shattering!

Finally, let's play back a love story of Li Dazhao. He said to Zhao Renlan and himself, and to the men and women of China:

Zhao Renlan stared at her husband's tears, and Li Dazhao said that she cried and was unforgettable. ...

This is the most tearful love scene in the revolutionary hit drama Awakening Times.

In the secular eyes, Li Dazhao is brilliant, has been abroad, and is a professor at a top-ranking domestic university. She is worthy of a new type of intellectual woman as husband and wife.

Indeed, when I was in the Red Chamber of Peking University, there was a new type of love woman, Li Dazhao, who made eyes at him, but Li Dazhao just sat still and never forgot his spoiled wife as much as his mother loved him!

When Cai Yuanpei launched the proposal of "no whoring or gambling" in the Red Room of Peking University, he was the first to sign it, which truly realized the solemn promise of "loving only one person all his life".

They raised three children and two girls, all of whom inherited a good family style, worked hard and made great achievements.

Li Dazhao's eldest son, Li, was born when he was 20 years old. His father was 18 years old when he died heroically. Considering his safety, the party organization sent him to Japan to study, and then Japan launched a war of aggression against China and decided to return to China to protect his family. He used to be the governor of the People's Bank of China and a national deputy ministerial cadre. He died in 2005 at the age of 96. Li's two sons still uphold Li Dazhao's solemn family style, and now they are all important government officials, making contributions to the country like Li.

When Li Dazhao died, his second son, Li Guanghua, was only 4 years old. Later, in 1940, he went to Yan' an alone and made great contributions to the revolutionary work. Later, he served as Party Secretary of Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Li Xinhua, the youngest son, was born when his father Li Dazhao died. When I was a child, I got help from party organizations and friends. After studying in Beijing, I have been engaged in education and served as the party secretary of the school. He died in Beijing on 1989.

The eldest daughter, Li Xinghua, was imprisoned with her mother after her father was arrested and imprisoned. When the two girls were rescued the next day, the news of sacrifice came from their father Li Dazhao. Because his mother has been in poor health, Li Xinghua decided to drop out of school to take care of his brother, sister and mother. After her mother died, Li Xinghua finished her studies with the help of the Party organization. After graduating from China-France University, he has been engaged in literary research and published works such as Memories of My Father Li Dazhao and Memories of Sixteen Years ago. 1979 died at the age of 68.

The youngest daughter, Li Yanhua, was only 8 years old when her father died. I have studied hard since I was a child. When I grow up, I will be engaged in education like my brother Li Xinhua, and I also hope to train a group of talents for the society.

Isn't the love between Li Dazhao and Zhao Renlan the love in the bones? In the eyes of many people, their love is not a happy love because they are so separated from each other. Especially in Zhao Renlan, they got married at the age of 0/6 and gave birth at the age of 26. /kloc-the middle of 0/0 year is almost an empty window period. At the present childbearing age, it's called late childbirth. And at that time, 15-and 16-year-old women had more children. It is conceivable that she is so forbearing and giving, both mentally and physically.

After the birth of the eldest son, the children behind him are also far apart. It can be seen that Li Dazhao's time at home is really short and rare. When Li Dazhao came back from Japan, his children regarded him as a stranger and hid behind the door to secretly see him. They know that he doesn't have much time to take care of his family, and he has been running for the future of the country.

If it is now, it would be too easy for a woman to have such a busy husband and either complain or divorce.

Zhao Renlan loves her husband, understands her man like a big sister, and supports her man like a mother. No matter what happens, Zhao Renlan loves her brother and man to the depths of her soul, and this kind of love is enough for her to bear the burden of the whole family alone.

What a great woman, what a gentle woman. If it were you and me, it would be hard to do it. We can't reach the height of her soul.

The love story between Li Dazhao and Zhao Renlan is indeed a good example for men and women in China to learn and practice.