Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Broken palm fortune-telling

Broken palm fortune-telling

Men have broken palm prints on their hands, okay?

Men have broken palm prints on their hands, okay?

Men have broken palm prints on their hands, okay? What kind of palm print is called broken palm print? What is the character of a person with a broken palm print? Is the captain all right? What does it mean for a man to have a pair of broken palm prints? I brought you an article today, okay? Let's have a look. Men have broken palm prints on their hands, okay?

Men have broken palm prints on their hands, okay? 1 first, they have broken palm prints on their hands.

1, about 3% of people have had their palms broken (there are many amputees in China, but few in Europe and America). About 5%- 10% people in China have lost their palms. Such people are usually lucky, flexible and charming, and are good at grasping opportunities. If they have a career line and a sun line, they will succeed in wealth and power.

The disadvantage is that such people are only willing to work hard for what they are interested in. If they can't find a job they are interested in, they will not be able to give full play to their specialties and lead an ordinary life.

3. Without the cooperation of fate line or Sun Line, he is a selfish, stubborn, impatient, stingy, unsympathetic and helpless person, and hitting people with his palm is particularly painful.

4, easy to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases in health.

In some cases, people with poor palm shape and palm print are mentally retarded.

The position of the broken palm can be divided into four categories:

One is called emotional action. This kind of palm-breaking enthusiasm is generous to money and likes to waste money.

Another kind of broken palm is called heartless broken palm. This kind of palm-amputee is too serious to get close to. This kind of person is also stingy with his own money, almost stingy.

The third pattern is that there is a rational hand print on the broken palm, which can restrain one's anger and obey the truth. Such a broken palm will help to improve the extreme character of the broken palm, which is also a good result of paying attention to cultivation and accumulating virtue.

The fourth pattern is the branch line of the emotional line protruding from the broken palm, or the branch line of wisdom line protruding downward. We call it a fake palm break, which only shows that the mind and feelings are not mature enough, so the mood is not very stable. Sometimes very serious and stubborn, but sometimes like a joke, naive like a child, unpredictable personality. Anyone who has a broken palm has a strong sense of self-esteem and inferiority, so when you get along with her, you must understand her personality in order to understand her actions. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of palm prints called broken palms.

The famous Japanese Tokugawa Ieyasu is famous for its typical broken palm. This kind of palm reader, as long as he sets his goal, will go forward bravely and work hard, which will make people look at him with special respect. However, if you can't find a job that suits your interests, you can't give full play to your strengths and lead an ordinary life. Therefore, the key to the success of such palmists is to find a job that suits their interests. It seems that many group leaders or supervisors have this kind of broken palm.

Generally speaking, people with broken palms have strong fortune, flexible mind, good grasp of opportunities, self-charm, easy to conform to the trend of the times and great success. The fate of such people is extremely extreme. When he succeeds, he can even become the head of a country. If he fails, he will become a hooligan. Former Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Satō also had a broken palm. As long as you look at him as prime minister for so many years, it is not difficult to understand his powerful fortune. Interestingly, former Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke also had a broken palm. In fact, we can't just look at the fortune of palm prints and ignore our own efforts. Without redoubled efforts and struggles, there would be no success today. Although people who break their palms have a strong economic concept and don't waste money, as long as they have money, they won't shrink back when they should spend money. As far as health is concerned, people with broken palms are prone to gastrointestinal diseases. Although many palm readers are geniuses, many imbeciles have broken their palms, which is really interesting.

Second, the character of broken palm prints on both hands.

The characteristics of broken palm: (1) egoism, greed for small profits and love for power; (2) Extremely subjective, refusing to listen to others' opinions; (3) Poor adaptability and adaptability; (4) Love and evil are distinct; (5) Do things with a sense of responsibility, and don't stop until you succeed.

A man with a small palm reader has a strong personality and a strong sense of good and evil. He is a man who doesn't cry when he sees a coffin. If he goes astray, he will become the mastermind of the underworld, and if he walks on the right path, he will be a great entrepreneur. It is difficult for a woman to ask her to be feminine, outspoken, rational, business-minded, not biased at all and not good at flirting, so once in love, most marriages are unhappy.

According to the palmistry theory, people with broken palmprint are spontaneous, positive, competitive, impatient, and not single-minded, and their brains are easily stimulated, which leads to their paranoid personality and emotional difficulties. However, this is not absolute. As long as they can cooperate with the educational environment to guide their mentality and make more efforts in self-cultivation, they can correct their bad character.

Generally speaking, people with broken palm prints are more active and easy to succeed, but their shortcomings are impatience and easy to make mistakes. If both hands have broken palm prints, it means that although this person has a strong personality, he will have more balance ability; However, if only one palm print is broken, we should adjust ourselves in personality development to avoid being too paranoid, so that there will be no bad influence.

Is it good for men to break palm prints on their hands? First, palm print fortune telling.

The emotional lines in ancient palm reading are called love lines and spiritual lines by modern people. Among the three main lines of China's traditional palm reading, the antenna is located at the upper end of the rational line, which refers to a horizontal line from the small horizontal index finger. Some are very simple, and some are formed by overlapping two or three lines. Among the three main lines, it is the most complicated and irregular, and it records the original model of a person's inner feelings.

The emotional line in palm reading represents a person's emotion (not just the feelings of men and women), the way of expressing love, the emotional state, the degree of concern for the opposite sex, the heartless, love-hate thoughts, and the passion for love between men and women and the desire to get along. Of course, it can also be said that the emotional line represents love, friendship, affection, jealousy, sympathy, pity, possessiveness and sensibility. The emotional line is too simple, which means that it will be rational when dealing with feelings. But if the feelings are chained, delicate, considerate and sentimental, it will hurt the spring and grieve the autumn. Because you know and look good, you may have to bear the shackles of feelings all your life. Look at the emotional line with Jinxing Mountain, because Jinxing Mountain looks at lust. If a girl's emotional line is chained and Venus Hill is full, it shows that this person has too many emotional needs and even a tendency to narcissism. It is very suitable for psychological counseling and similar work, because she has love and will reel off cocoons.

Second, look at palm print fortune telling.

The so-called marriage line, also known as marriage line and love line, is called family pattern in China traditional palm reading. Located above the emotional line, the root of the little finger is a horizontal line extending from the mercury dome outside the palm edge. The marriage line represents the love view of the opposite sex. Early marriage or late marriage or even no marriage also represents whether family life is happy, whether sexual life is happy after marriage, and various relationships between men and women.

Third, palm print fortune telling.

We can find that if a person is lucky, his skin color will be good and the color of his hands will look healthier. Similarly, his palm print looks clear, and intuitively he is a clear and rational person; If a person's palm print is complicated, he is intuitively a person with complicated thoughts, and in fact it is. This shows that judging people by their appearances is in line with natural phenomena, which is the basic principle of palm reading prediction.

The so-called "left hand is congenital, right hand is acquired" means that the right hand has a higher proportion of influence and the left hand has a smaller influence. Perhaps it can be said that the right hand has 80% influence on the judgment of good luck and the left hand has 20% influence on the judgment of good luck. Therefore, when reading palms, you mainly judge with your right hand, and then add and subtract points on good or bad luck with your left hand.