Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the fate of people who belong to the dragon on February 2 1 day, and what is the fate of people born on February 2 1 day in the lunar calendar?

What is the fate of people who belong to the dragon on February 2 1 day, and what is the fate of people born on February 2 1 day in the lunar calendar?

February 2 1 what is the fate of the Japanese dragon? Our reporter Zhu Ying intern Li Ningling.

Kuixing Pavilion collapsed on a rainy night.

No one knows the exact time when it collapsed, no one witnessed the moment when it fell, and no one even knows its exact life.

The old man in the village said that the old attic must be two or three hundred years old. An ancient architecture painter, according to its arch structure, speculated that it was built in the late Qing Dynasty; Another ancient architecture technician, according to the wooden structure, should have been born in Xianfeng period of Qing Dynasty (1851-1861).

Queen of Kuixing Pavilion. All the pictures in this article were taken by our reporter Zhu Ying, except for special marks.

For a hundred years, the old attic stood alone in the southeast corner of the village, watching the land stretching under its feet, corn and wheat gradually broke ground and matured, and farmers harvested in the fields; Children like to play on it, creaking wooden stairs ... The earthen house behind it has gradually turned into a bungalow, and buildings have sprung up; The train roared by, and there were fewer and fewer young faces in the village, leaving only old people and children.

The old attic is getting older and older, and in the wind and rain erosion, the beams begin to distort and become crumbling. It was not until June+10 in 5438 that the rainstorm was destroyed.

Located in Yanjiazhuang Village, Xinjiang County, southern Shanxi Province, Kuixing Pavilion, Zeng Kuixing, is a villager. Unfortunately, the old attic has never been named-it is not on the list of cultural relics protection units, and historical records are nowhere to be found. Accidentally damaged after the collapse, it became an immovable cultural relic damaged by 1783 caused by heavy rain in Shanxi-a special existence beyond this statistic.

The old attic collapsed. Many cultural relics scattered in the countryside like it are still waiting for rescue.

"The attic collapsed."

Liu didn't expect this.

At the age of 63, he is a cultural protector in Yanjiazhuang village, and another village is responsible for taking care of five ancient cultural sites in the village. Brother Kuixing has been standing there for as long as he can remember. He survived the heavy rain.

The rainy season in Shanxi is usually from late July to early August. But this year, from mid-September, it rained like a shower for a month.

According to the data of Shanxi Province, in September, there were five rounds of heavy rainfall in Shanxi, with an average rainfall of 302.2 mm, which was 4. 18 times that of the same period of the year (72.3 mm). Only1from October 2 to 7 10, it rained one-fifth of last year. From September 1 to1October 10 in Xinjiang County, the precipitation reached 486.6 mm.

On September 23rd, the staff of Wenbao in Gujiao Town, where Liu is located, issued a notice to strengthen the inspection of cultural relics in the near future.

After investigation, the roofs of the Empress and the Ancestral Temple in Liu Faxian Village collapsed and leaked rain. The second floor of Kuixing Pavilion is on the top of the mountain, barely supported by four pillars. He quickly took photos and reported it. From that day on, the cultural protection personnel in the group will report the damage of cultural relics in each village every once in a while.

On September 23, the former Kuixingge. Photo courtesy of respondents

Fenhe River runs through Xinjiang. 10 On June 7, the flood peak came and burst its banks, and nearly 20,000 people in coastal villages and the old city were displaced. Yanjiazhuang village, far away from Fenhe River, escaped the flood, but more than 200 acres of corn, oil sunflower and medicinal materials in the low-lying area in the south were all soaked in rain.

As for the old Quexing Pavilion, it collapsed before the flood.

10 June 5th or 6th-village director Yan Yilin can't remember the exact date. When he made a patrol at 8 o'clock in the morning, he found that the second floor of Kuixingge had collapsed, leaving only a third of the abutment on the first floor. The outer wall peeled off, wooden beams and bricks mixed with rammed earth fell to the ground, and a small tree more than one person was "drilled" out of the cracks in the outer wall.

The outer wall of Kuixing Pavilion peeled off, and wooden beams and bricks mixed with rammed earth fell to the ground.

"The attic collapsed, the attic collapsed", and the news soon spread throughout the village. People ran to see it, but they couldn't see its outline through the rain curtain and trees.

Liu is a little distressed. "It seems that there is something missing at home, and there are memories of my youth in it."

On the afternoon of the 8th, Xinjiang Cultural Relics Protection Center came to the site to reinforce the retaining wall of Kuixingge Dongtai Foundation to prevent the second collapse. Some large pieces of wood-most of which are rotten-have been taken to the village Committee for storage, registered and catalogued, and may still be used if repaired later.

Part of the building timber of Kuixing Pavilion was pulled to the village committee for storage.

"It can last until 2022, which has exceeded the level." Seeing the photos of Brother Kuixing sent by friends, Da Lian felt a little sigh with emotion.

At the age of 43, he is an ancient architecture painter. At the age of 20, he began to paint ancient buildings. He visited Shanxi countryside for more than 20 years and painted thousands of ancient buildings. Once, a friend passed by Xinjiang by train and accidentally caught a glimpse of the Kuixing Pavilion on the roof in the jungle and told him. In April 2022, Da Lian came here.

Gu Lou in front of him is the oldest Kuixing Pavilion he has ever seen: the pillars on the lower floor fell down, the eaves collapsed, and the whole structure was seriously skewed and deformed.

In April, 2022, Da Lian met Kuixingge. WeChat official number "Da Lian painted ancient buildings"

"It's like an old man dying of wind and candle." Linda felt that a push of her hand or a gust of wind could blow it down. But it also reveals a kind of vicissitudes and incomplete beauty, stubbornly refusing to fall, "very touching."

Linda's cat climbed into the grass under the attic, squatted on the slope and drew a picture for Quexing Pavilion. When painting, he felt as if he were talking to it from a distance, like a younger generation visiting and saying goodbye. Later, he included the painting in the book.

Da Lian painted a portrait of Brother Kuixing. WeChat official number "Da Lian painted ancient buildings"

After learning about Kuixingge, Da Lian hesitated to send the news, fearing that the cultural management department would say that she was "looking for trouble". Then I thought about it, but I still want to send it. "The building is gone, and everyone should know under what background it fell."

The response was unexpected. A media and cultural relic lover came to Yanjiazhuang Village to have a look at its remains.

The collapse of Kuixing Pavilion became the epitome of ancient cultural relics in the rainstorm in Shanxi, and behind it was the difficult situation of a large number of low-level or even nameless cultural relics.

In China, immovable cultural relics are divided into four levels: national protection, provincial protection, municipal protection and county protection, as well as unclassified cultural relics that have not been approved for publication as cultural protection units. According to the third national cultural relics survey and the data of Shanxi Province, as of July 2022, there are 53,875 immovable cultural relics in Shanxi, which is known as the "treasure house of ancient buildings in China", including 28,027 ancient buildings, accounting for 52%; 13405 was listed as a fourth-level cultural protection unit, and the remaining 40,000 were not classified.

According to the statistics of Shanxi Province, during this rainstorm, there were 10 and 1 783 immobile cultural relics damaged in Shanxi, resulting in roof leakage, wall cracking and collapse, foundation collapse and other problems. Among them, there are 176 national protected sites, 143 provincial protected sites, 66 city and county protected sites and 803 unclassified cultural relics.

Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Department revealed in an interview with the media that the serious damage in this rainstorm was concentrated in cultural relics protection units at or below the county level, including a large number of unregistered, unclassified and scattered traditional buildings in remote villages.

Tang Dahua, an ancient architecture enthusiast, has similar feelings. After the rainstorm, he rushed to Pingyao and other places in Xinjiang, and found that the national insurance and provincial insurance mainly leaked rain, which was not a big problem, while the ancient rural buildings such as county insurance and undecided grade were seriously damaged, and most of them were left to their own devices.

Unformed repair

The villagers and the dragon riding family are facing the Kuixing Pavilion, and you can see it when you go out. For more than 50 years, Brother Kuixing watched him grow up, and he watched Brother Kuixing grow old.

In his memory, when he was a child, he and the boys often climbed the Kuixing Pavilion. In summer, the attic is cool and has a wide view, and you can see the reeds in the distance. When I was a teenager, the wooden stairs leading to the second floor disappeared, and then few people went up gradually.

The villagers call Kuixing Pavilion "the attic". Liu said that many people don't know what it is for. In ancient times, Kuixing Pavilion was built for Kuixing, the god who dominated the rise and fall in the eyes of Confucian scholars. Scholars worshipped Kuixing and prayed to get ahead in the imperial examinations.

However, in Yanjiazhuang village, people are more accustomed to going to the empress and the ancestral temple to worship. In recent years, fewer and fewer young people in the village have been admitted to famous universities. Some people think it may be related to the disrepair of the attic.

And a photo of Qi Long. It was 2 1 years ago, and he took a group photo with eight 36-year-old peers in the village. In the photo, men are wearing festive red sweaters and straight suits, and some are wearing bow ties and sunglasses, smiling at the camera.

In 2000, nine villagers took a group photo in front of Kuixing Pavilion. Photo courtesy of respondents

It is a local custom for peers to chip in for activities, take photos and pray for a smooth crossing of the 36-year-old threshold. Many people's photos have appeared in the Magpie Bridge Pavilion. It was the landmark of the village, and no one took it as the background until it collapsed.

Over the past few decades, the school next to the attic has moved, and the nearby yard has become a processing factory. Many houses have been built behind it, blocking the way to Kuixingge. The reeds also dried up and became fields. The train tracks passed the Kuixing Pavilion, and the roar kept up day and night.

Kuixingge is at 1994. Photo courtesy of respondents

Qi Long, like most people in the village, went out to work, raised a pair of children, took grandchildren, and then went back to the village to farm and take care of the children. Now his son and daughter-in-law are repeating his path. Liu is one of the few people who stayed in the village. He worked in the water pump business, and later he joined the village committee and worked as an accountant, branch secretary and librarian.

The idea of restoring Kuixing Pavilion has been repeated for decades. Liu said that the village had no money to repair it. Some villagers offered to raise money, but no one left. Some villagers have no idea about the protection of cultural relics, and even think that "old things are useless", and village committees dare not come forward for fear of being "taken advantage of".

"Even if it is supported by a shelf, covered by a shed, or the collapsed part of the abutment is supported by a red brick slope protection, it will not be like this." Da Lian regrets that after six years, Kuixingge has not been remedied.

In his view, if this kind of wood structure is never maintained, it will be damaged and eroded year after year, and it is only a matter of time before it falls down.

Another kuixing pavilion

Two kilometers away, Kuixing Pavilion in Longquan Village has a completely different fate.

After the rain, it stands in a cornfield, two stories high, with green bricks, carved beams and painted buildings, wooden arches and colored plastic mud stars in the pavilion. There are "ancestors of mankind" on the gate, couplets on both sides, and red lanterns sent by villagers.

Longquan village kuixing pavilion

If it hadn't been restored 16 years ago, the stone lock would have fallen down.

Meng Shisuo, 79, has been a teacher all his life. At the age of 63, he decided to do something practical for the village-repair the Kuixing Pavilion.

In Meng Shisuo's memory, when I was a child, there were land and the God of Wealth in the Qing Dynasty in the village, which were later demolished, leaving only a Kuixing Pavilion.

The villagers think that Brother Kuixing is the "No.1 scholar", but several generations of dolls want to be admitted to the university.

Different from the coldness of Kuixing Pavilion in Yanjiazhuang Village, Kuixing Pavilion in Longquan Village has been burning incense continuously. Every year, on the first day of the first month, at five or six o'clock in the morning, the villagers take tributes and rush to burn incense, praying for good weather and smooth schooling for their children in the coming year. On the fifteenth day of the ninth lunar month, the village committee will invite people to sing operas, dance yangko, tie stilts, beat gongs and drums, and have fun.

Meng Shisuo thinks the villagers have feelings for Brother Kuixing. His uncle went to Henan in his twenties and never came back for 60 years. He went back to Shanxi to find him when he was 80 years old. Arriving at the southeast corner of the village, he recognized Kuixingge at a glance and said excitedly, "This is the village."

As far as he can remember, Kuixing Pavilion was built once in his early years, and no one cares about it for a long time. The roof tiles are broken, a hole leaks and the beams are rotten. "rotten, it's going to collapse."

Over the years, the villagers have been interested in repairing it, and no one has taken the lead.

"If it is not repaired, there will be no cultural relics in our village." Meng Shisuo decided to take over this matter.

The idea of repairing has been supported by most villagers. There are more than 4,000 people in the village, and some people who do business outside have also made a lot of efforts and donated 15,000 yuan. Finally, 50,000 yuan was raised, and there was still a shortage of 1 10,000 yuan, and the village Committee paid for it.

Meng Shisuo and six or seven old people formed the organizing committee for the restoration of Kuixing Pavilion. He was the youngest, aged 63. The old people Qi Xin worked together to find the craftsman's design scheme and build it as it is; Change shifts every day, go to the scene and stare, afraid of losing things. When people go to other villages and can't ride bicycles, they find a village to drive.

The restoration work lasted for a year. I remember that on the day of completion, the villagers invited gongs and drums and singers. "It is so lively that people from other villages come to see it."

This year, 36-year-old peers in the village raised 654.38+million yuan to renovate the roads and stairs entering and leaving Kuixing Pavilion, and hung small light bulbs on the eaves, which sparkled on holidays.

More than ten kilometers away, Kuixingge in Xizhuang Village, Beizhang Town was also lucky to be rescued.

This Kuixing Pavilion, built during the reign of Qing Qianlong, became a "county protection" during the third national cultural relics survey, and began to be repaired in April this year.

Yang Yingjie, director of Xinjiang Cultural Relics Protection Center, said: "If you don't talk, you will have the same fate as Kuixing Pavilion in Yanjiazhuang Village." . Last year, they "begged grandpa to tell grandma", applied for 400,000 yuan from their superiors, and took out 300,000 yuan from the county cultural relics fund, giving Kuixingge a chance to survive.

But these are only a few lucky people.

Yang Yingjie introduced that there are 725 cultural relics at various levels in Xinjiang, including 29 at the national level, 6 13 at the county level and 83 unclassified cultural relics. Among the unclassified cultural relics in Baohe County, "75% are in a state of restoration".

Usually, national security pays, provincial security pays, municipal security pays, and county security and unclassified cultural relics are the responsibility of the county. This means that the largest number of low-level cultural relics are decentralized to the county level with the most financial difficulties.

Taking Xinjiang as an example, the annual cultural relics protection fund is 6.5438+0.5 million, which is in the middle and upper reaches of Shanxi counties. Among them, 500 thousand is archaeological expenses, 600 thousand is used to pay the wages of cultural protection personnel and replace fire fighting equipment, and the remaining 400 thousand is only enough to repair one place. "You can only do some tinkering work, and you can't repair it physically."

Last year, they applied to the province for 300 thousand cultural relics rescue and reinforcement funds and built an attic. I applied for three places this year, but I didn't get it.

In the face of a large number of cultural relics to be restored, Yang Yingjie said that county protection is given priority, and cultural relics funds basically "can't reach unclassified cultural relics". In the county insurance, public welfare cultural relics with endangered and high historical value, such as ancestral halls and attics, must be repaired before they can be used. Other countries are still a long way from total collapse. "I can't reinforce it, anyway (every year) it's only that little money."

Ancient buildings are disappearing silently.

In the past eight years, Tang Dahua visited thousands of ancient buildings, and he specially created the topic of "taking photos at will to save ancient buildings".

"At least 50% have security risks", and he found that a large number of low-level and unknown cultural relics were scattered in the countryside and could not be maintained. According to the data of the third national cultural relics survey, 44,000 immovable cultural relics have disappeared in China in the past 35 years, with an average of 4 pieces per day, most of which are unclassified cultural relics.

In Da Lian's impression, Taigu County has a stone archway in the Qing Dynasty. The genetic farmland was loosened by irrigation, and then directly pushed down by the local people with a ditcher, becoming a pile of rubble.

This gives him a sense of urgency. "Cultural relics will only become less and less, and one will be destroyed." "If you don't draw today, you may fall down tomorrow." Over the years, he saved some money and went to Shanxi, trying to draw the last appearance of those ancient buildings before they died.

Da Lian believes that Queqiao Pavilion is also the epitome of rural decline. In many rural areas in Shanxi where he went, especially in the southeast and northwest, some large villages with three or four thousand people have only two or three hundred permanent residents, mainly elderly people over 60. It is difficult to find a person who can ride a motorcycle as a driver.

He recalled that when he went to Yanjiazhuang Village, he was "very quiet" and didn't meet anyone. "This village is in decline," Linda said. "Who will build the broken building?"

When painting, villagers often watch. Some people ask, can you make a lot of money by selling it? He will tell them, "the meaning of cultural relics is not money, but the preservation here, which is the history of your village."

Lian Danone feels that the emotional connection between villagers and ancient buildings is "getting weaker and weaker".

In the 1950s and 1960s, many of them were thought to have been destroyed. Da Lian has been to a village with more than 40 in its heyday. Now there is only one left, and it is also because the yard has been changed into a school that it survived. The murals, statues and stone tablets in the building have been overturned, leaving only an empty wooden frame.

Linda said that the elders were afraid to talk about traditional cultural activities that were rarely witnessed by that generation, so that they had no concept of roles and artistic values and no feelings. "They won't pass this on to their sons and grandchildren", and the cultural heritage has been destroyed.

He has been to the jade emperor of a jade emperor, and the old man couldn't tell the difference, so he posted it.

By this generation of young people, they have rarely lived in the village, and they are even more "indifferent" to rural cultural relics. A teenage girl in Longquan village said that she would go to Kuixingge to burn incense with her mother on the first day of every year, but she didn't remember its name, let alone its history.

Da Lian said that the quality of those few low-level ancient buildings that have been repaired is also difficult to guarantee, and some are "neither fish nor fowl": wooden doors and windows are replaced with glass windows; The roof is covered with colored steel tiles; Two layers of reinforced concrete were laid on the first floor of Gu Lou, and then glazed tiles were attached. A couple spent 830 thousand to rebuild an ancient building, and the colored paintings on the beam frame were like northeast cotton trousers; Shouyang is ancient, and the rebuilt murals are warriors; This stone bridge, except for a few old components, has become a brand-new stone bridge. ...

"It's not ruining it," Linda said angrily. In the process of restoration, some internal color paintings or ancient inscriptions were slightly neglected and "all gone".

In addition, many renovation projects are monopolized by large-scale ancient construction companies, and small companies and traditional artists are difficult to get jobs because of the qualification threshold, and traditional crafts are facing loss. In the process of repairing some ancient buildings with local cultural characteristics, the local characteristics have been "repaired": Da Lian saw an ancient building in Shaanxi and invited the famous Forbidden City cultural relics repair team to become the style of the Forbidden City after repair; There are also some ancient buildings in southwest Shanxi, which are used to repair buildings in Jinzhong with different styles.

Ancient cultural relics need long-term relay maintenance and repair, which is never done once and for all. Da Lian believes that we should not rush to overhaul the structure and try our best to preserve its original features without endangering the safety of the structure.

The daily maintenance of cultural relics of ancient buildings mainly depends on cultural protection personnel, most of whom are old people in the village, some of whom live in the mountains all the year round and have difficult conditions. The monthly salary of national insurance and provincial insurance clerks is only 100 yuan in 300 yuan, even less in municipal insurance, and only in 200 yuan and county insurance.

Liu has been a librarian for five or six years. His duty is to check and keep fire-fighting equipment to prevent fire and theft. He said that after each report, the cultural relics department only came to check it when the situation was critical, but most of them did not take measures after reading it. "They all say that there is no money."

In his impression, wages are "not paid yet", and some county wages cannot be paid. "(Wenbao staff) are conscientious and conscientious."

Grass-roots cultural protection, "survival in the cracks"

Yang Yingjie, 55, often feels a sword hanging from his head.

Two years ago, he was transferred to the director of Xinjiang Cultural Relics Protection Center. In the rainy season, there will be telephone calls reflecting the damage of cultural relics. "Seeing that everything here and there has collapsed", the annual expenses are only enough to repair one place, and he is worried.

In mid-September this year, some villagers reported that the back wall of an ancient residential building in the village blocked the road. Their owner said they had no money to repair it. "If you want to fix it, fix it. If you don't fix it, let it collapse." Finally, we had to send technicians to nail the rafters for reinforcement.

Beginning on September 25th, fearing rain erosion, the Cultural Protection Center urgently covered several national and provincial protected sites with statues and murals in the county with plastic sheets, including Longxing Daxiong Hall, Jiyi and Longxiang Guandi, to prevent rain.

In the next few days, Yang Yingjie visited various villages to investigate the disaster situation and make statistics. In this rainstorm, 50 cultural relics buildings in Xinjiang suffered from roof leakage, collapse, walls and other disasters, among which 39 in Baohe County were unclassified cultural relics, which were "not particularly serious" in Shanxi counties.

Yuncheng allocated 50,000 yuan for emergency rescue. Provincial and municipal cultural relics experts also came to investigate and evaluate the reported disaster. Yang Yingjie is busy applying for renovation project. For him, one more project passed the examination, which means that one more cultural relic was preserved.

When it comes to cultural protection work at the grassroots level, he can't help but complain: if you want to repair "no money", you have to be accountable if something goes wrong. The people still do not cooperate, "it is difficult to survive in the cracks." Speaking of this, Yang Yingjie was a little excited. Last year, in another county of Yuncheng, some ancient residential components were dismantled and transported to Dongyang, Zhejiang Province through the underground market. After the media exposure, 27 people were held accountable. "The director of the Cultural Tourism Bureau couldn't stand the pressure and resigned."

"I don't think this job can be done." Yang Yingjie just wants to retire safely, but he doesn't think so. He was caught in this rainstorm.

At present, the biggest headache for him is how to protect and utilize a large number of ancient houses with private property rights. More than two-thirds of all kinds of cultural relics in Xinjiang are ancient dwellings, of which 80% are in a state of restoration.

According to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics, as an ancient building, the property owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of residential buildings, and those who are unable to repair will be given help. Most ancient houses are privately owned. If it is a repair, you must first apply to the cultural relics department, submit the repair design plan after approval, and then find a qualified ancient building company to repair it. After the repair, please ask the experts in the city for acceptance.

Due to the high cost of wood, blue bricks, white ash and other materials used for repair, most property owners are unwilling to repair the old houses and want to tear down and rebuild the new ones.

Yang Yingjie heard too many incomprehensible voices: some property owners asked, "The house is my own, so I can't make decisions?" Some complained, "You have no money to repair it. Why did you put a sign on my door? " Others called the TV station, accusing the cultural relics department of inaction and refusing to help repair the house when it collapsed. What's more, it needs no help.

After some collapsed, everyone refused to report it and wanted to build a new house privately. They can only tell the cultural security personnel, "Even if it collapses, there are walls that cannot be moved." As for when, they have no idea and can only "cajole and cheat".

Yang Yingjie found that the few ancient houses restored by the seabed were mostly located in scenic spots. Take Pingyao as an example, there are usually two ways: one is to repair the old house after purchase; The other is that the property owner doesn't want to sell, so he takes the house as collateral, shares in the travel company, helps to repair it, holds a part of the shares and shares it with the property owner. Those ancient houses outside the scenic spots can't see the return on investment. "Nobody cares."

Even with the repair funds, how to invest the funds, where to choose to repair, how to repair, and how to use them after repair are all difficult problems. At present, there are no clear laws and regulations, which can only be explored by local governments.

On the other hand, the owners of ancient houses are unable to repair, and urban residents who are able to repair are limited to "one house for one household" and cannot buy.

Yang Yingjie hopes to "make grass-roots units operate well" according to the guidance of ancient houses. In addition, provide some maintenance services for the owners.

He also has ideas on "revitalizing" ancient dwellings: first, contiguous protection, building a museum of ancient dwellings, and relocating valuable ancient dwellings as a whole for centralized protection; The second is to classify ancient dwellings according to the four-level classification of cultural relics, so that "the local pressure is not so great."

In Yang Yingjie's view, the difficulties faced by grassroots cultural relics protection at present, as well as the confusion of cultural relics management system, the merger of grassroots cultural relics institutions, the lack of cultural relics technicians, and the shortage of waterproof equipment reserves are also related to the importance attached to cultural relics and the awareness of protection.

Xinjiang County Cultural Relics Protection Center was established two years ago, from the official level to the deputy level and back to the official level. The official seal has been engraved three times. When applying for the cultural relics emergency report project, the province only recognizes the cultural relics administrative department, not the cultural relics protection center, but also the official seal of the Cultural Bureau.

Tang Dahua visited and found that some counties have not repaired cultural relics for twenty or thirty years, and relevant mechanisms are urgently needed.

According to Da Lian's analysis, the restoration of cultural relics in non-scenic spots is a "pit" that needs continuous investment. Some places are "not responsible for collapse."

Where is the way out?

Where is the way out for those ancient rural buildings scattered in the countryside?

Yang Yingjie believes that "utilization is better protection", and if left unchecked, it will soon break down. But how to use it is a difficult problem.

He deeply felt that the responsibility was arduous. "It can't be said that cultural relics have been passed down for hundreds of years and there is a problem in our hands."

In 2022, Shanxi launched the "Civilization Watch Project" to encourage forces to participate in cultural relics. At present, there are 238 cultural relics projects in the province, attracting about 300 million yuan. However, these projects have also seen chaos such as "recognizing but not raising" and arbitrarily rebuilding.

Yang Yingjie believes that corporate cultural relics are utilitarian and the effect is not obvious. They can't solve the problem fundamentally. They can only be used as an aid and supplement. County protection funds can be set up, and special protection funds can also be set up by the county.

In 2022, Changzhi, Shanxi Province explored the "Umbrella Rescue Action for Ancient Buildings" to build a canopy for cultural relics in danger of collapse and temporarily without money, so as to protect them from the rain and delay the collapse process. But it can shine on very few people.

In an interview with China Newsweek, the person in charge of Shanxi cultural relics protection and utilization department said that low-grade cultural relics are the focus of the next work and will be transferred to this aspect.

Although the collapsed Kuixing Pavilion can be repaired with the approval of the cultural relics department at a higher level, Yang Yingjie still plays drums in his heart. Do not belong to the cultural protection unit. Can it be repaired with special funds for cultural relics? "Bidding is a problem. Where is your basis? "

Yang Yingjie guessed that Kuixingge was not included in the cultural protection list, which may be "missing". It is roughly estimated that the Kuixingge has been completely restored to 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, and the ontology restoration alone is at least 300,000 yuan. Most parts have to be replaced with new ones, and the value of cultural relics will be "greatly discounted".

In the middle of June, 5438+10, after the rain cleared, the flood receded, and the villagers in Yanjiazhuang were busy grabbing corn. The front door and yard are golden, and the children are chasing and playing on the road.

Imitation, it has never rained.

Kuixingge at sunset

Editor in Charge: Huang Fang

Proofreading: Luan Meng

The above is about the life of the dragon on February 2 1 day, and it is about the sharing of cultural relics. I saw the fate of people born on February 2 1 of the lunar calendar. I hope this can help everyone!