Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - ? [Insomnia Prescription] Notes on Traditional Chinese Medicine II

? [Insomnia Prescription] Notes on Traditional Chinese Medicine II

? Dialogue and Ni

? Insomnia falls into two categories:

? First, insomnia in mental state, such as work pressure, can't stop my head at all. This kind of non-morbid, it is recommended not to drink coffee and tea after seven or eight in the evening. It's best to get into the habit of meditation. Meditation 15 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes will be fine. Its purpose is to train the mind and attention. I usually sleep well after sitting.

Methods: Many, just give one or two examples.

A. calculate interest: you can count from 1 to 10.

B: the spirit is concentrated between the eyebrows, or the spirit enters the abdomen.

C: light a small candle, look at the candle and breathe slowly. The thinner and longer you are, the better you can breathe if you can't hear nasal sounds in your ears.

Solve insomnia caused by work pressure. When doctors have to ask for advice, what causes patients to lose sleep?

Second, pathological insomnia: deficiency and excess.

? A, deficiency: the heart hides the god, which is hidden in the center of the heart. There is always a drop of blood hidden in the center of the heart, and new blood is exchanged for old blood. Like a physical pendulum, new blood enters and old blood exits. There is always a drop of blood in your heart, and God is hidden in this drop of blood. If the blood runs away, God won't hide here and can't sleep well at night. This drop of blood exists peacefully.

How did this drop of blood get away?

For example, one day your wife came home and your son was naughty and hid behind the door. As soon as his mother opened the door, his son suddenly jumped out, "Ah!" Suddenly scared my mother. My son thought it was fun, but my mother was scared, too. The moment I was scared, my mother ran away in an instant.

There are many reasons for fear, such as car accidents.

After this drop of blood slides past, it is always empty in the middle, and the drop of blood that hides God disappears. It is normal for new blood to replace old blood and update at its own pace. Now that this drop of blood is gone, God can't hide here. At this time, we need some medicine. For example, use Huanglian Ejiao soup.

Huanglian Ejiao Decoction: Huanglian? Scutellaria baicalensis? Bai Mudan? Ejiao? domestic chicken

? ① Rhizoma Coptidis and Radix Scutellariae: Bitter taste enters the heart and tonifies the heart. Huanglian Huangqin strengthens the heart. Just like the fire in our hearts is not enough, we add firewood (coptis root and scutellaria root) to make the fire bigger.

② Paeonia lactiflora: Guizhi and Paeonia lactiflora have different medicinal properties. Huangdi Neijing says that the heart diverges into yang, while Gui Zhi is the heart diverges. Peony is bitter and astringent. Ramulus Cinnamomi increases arterial circulation, while Radix Paeoniae Alba increases venous circulation.

So in this prescription, we don't use cassia twig, but white peony root, so that the blood of the body can return to the heart through veins at a faster speed, so that a lot of blood will return to the heart. After returning to the heart, we use Ejiao to make up. Although blood returns to the heart, our blood has not increased, so we should use Ejiao to make the body produce more blood. How do you coagulate the blood to replenish the heart? We need to bring this drop of blood back to the heart. At this time, we need a soup guide assisted by the monarch and the minister. Like a lost person, she needs someone to show her the way. In our food, one thing is always suspended in the air, and that is chicken, that is, egg yolk.

So when this recipe is cooked, put Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Coptidis Rhizoma and Radix Paeoniae Alba into Colla Corii Asini and dissolve it. When the decoction becomes warm, add the egg yolk, just add the egg yolk. If the yolk is too hot, it will turn into egg drop soup, so wait until the soup is warm before putting it in. After drinking this decoction, blood can be suspended in the middle. With such a dose of medicine, the patient can sleep peacefully at night, because God has returned to his heart. God must have a place to stay. When this drop of blood is gone, God has nowhere to go. If a lot of blood-enriching drugs are prescribed, but black-bone chickens are not added, blood will not return to the heart.

Many people don't use black-bone chickens because they think their cholesterol is high. I have seen many cancer patients, such as liver cancer and breast cancer. The patients who come here have low cholesterol. There is a breast cancer patient. Everything is fine, but her cholesterol is low. People with high total cholesterol have no cancer. Low cholesterol will not lead to heart disease, but low cholesterol is easy to get cancer. ?

? Why is it difficult to get cancer with high cholesterol?

? The American Cancer Center reported the findings of more than 7,000 cases and found that people with low cholesterol are prone to cancer.

Xia Hai also found this problem in his career. Our TCM diagnosis generally uses eight categories of syndrome differentiation, but they use eight categories of syndrome differentiation in their mouths. In fact, they only use six categories: exterior and interior, excess and cold and heat, but not yin and yang. The highest guiding principle of true Chinese medicine is yin and yang. It's a pity that few people in Chinese mainland really understand Yin and Yang. For many years, I have used yin-yang diagnosis, and the patient has yin in his body. I found it immediately when I first got cancer. I am the only person in the United States who can find Chinese medicine to give patients a health check-up, and Americans are willing to let me have a health check-up before the exam.

? How to check? Yin-yang test, a quick method. There are six standards for our health, but Chinese medicine has no standard for our scale disease. Actually, there is, but we don't understand it clearly. Our diagnosis method is very accurate, but this part is very professional.

? Because I know the dialectics of yin and yang, I can immediately know that the patient has yin deficiency syndrome. When I check the patient's medical record, I check it from beginning to end. No matter how I check the patients with high cholesterol, there will be no negative realization. Through years of accumulated experience, I know there is nothing wrong with high cholesterol. Western medicine believes that high cholesterol can lead to heart disease. In fact, there are many reasons for heart disease. You can't say that high cholesterol will lead to heart disease, which will mislead others. A person who only pays attention to cholesterol without paying attention to other factors can easily die of other reasons. So when you are a doctor, you must speak correctly.

? There are four conditions that can lead to heart disease. A, insomnia; B, long-term chest pain, pain to the back, persistent chest pain; C, cold hands and feet, tingling; D: irregular stool. Either or both of the above are precursors of heart disease and reminders of heart problems.

? Why is there no cancer with high cholesterol? Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the official of the monarch, not the disease. If a person has a heart disease, it is definitely not brought to you by his parents, unless your mother took western medicine when she was pregnant with you. Most of them are acquired, taking a lot of antibiotics, abusing antibiotics, or using some vaccines to damage the heart. The heart itself is not sick, and its service life exceeds 100 years.

At the beginning of heart disease, feet are cold, because feet are the farthest place from the heart. When the heart function is good, it will push blood to the end of toes, so your feet are hot. When there is a heart problem, his strength will not be able to pump blood to his limbs, and his hands and feet will be very cold. This is the main phenomenon of heart disease.

? Why don't you get sick when your heart is the official of the monarch? We have all heard of brain cancer, liver cancer and kidney cancer, but we have never heard of cardiac cancer. Because the heart is always hot, cancer cells can't survive there. When you have a heart problem, you can't transfer the heat conduction from your heart to your limbs, and your body will gradually cool down, and some parts of your body will produce yin and solid tumors. If you have a good heart, your limbs, hands and feet will be hot, so that your body will not get cancer. People with high cholesterol will have thicker blood, stronger heart pulsation, and stronger heart vitality when scattered to the periphery. People with high cholesterol will have stronger heart strength, so that the body will not produce yin. But cholesterol cannot be said to be very high. I have seen in clinic that patients with high cholesterol between 207-2 14 are the best, and there is no cancer at all. If it drops to 200 or below, the cholesterol of any breast cancer or liver cancer is very low. I'm talking about total cholesterol, and good and bad cholesterol are added together. Cancer patients are basically like this, and their cholesterol is above 100.

Eggs have high cholesterol, but if you want to be healthy, you should eat more yolk. But not too much. Usually eat at most two.

Chinese medicine says that God has run away. What logic is this?

? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver hides the soul, the lung hides the soul, and the heart hides the spirit, all of which belong to the will and spiritual level. Using God means that the brain can think, think things, think and reason, and have the ability to solve problems. You can project, you can do math, you can study, you can invent new things, thanks to our God. When there is no place where God's painstaking efforts are attached, people are prone to fall. Apart from insomnia, they are inattentive and have poor thinking ability.

? The lung hides the spirit, and the spirit Ke Bai, that is, ghosts during the day. Just seeing everything is suspicious, and this is anger in the lungs. People who really have no lung problems are quiet.

? The liver hides the soul. When the liver is out of order, the soul will wander around, for example, 1:00~3:00. The liver hides the soul. If you eat too much western medicine, the soul can't stay in the liver, because your space is occupied by the toxicity of drugs, and the soul can't stay with people and get up and sleepwalk.

? B, solid disease, cancer patient, he can't sleep, it has nothing to do with hard work. People can sleep because the soul of God can belong to viscera. What about cancer patients? The inner strength is squeezed. Yang does not enter yin, and there is a tumor in the body. For example, if there is a tumor in the liver, the normal liver will metabolize toxins and its blood will enter the heart. However, after the tumor grows, the detoxification ability of the liver is not strong. You can't sleep at this time because the blood is poisonous. The liver is flowing from 1 pm to 3: 00 pm. People with liver problems, such as people with liver cancer, started two years ago. In the past two years, you couldn't sleep every night 1: 00 to 3: 00, but you didn't know it was liver disease.

? Some people lose sleep because the blood in other organs is not enough to support their brains. For example, liver problems lead to liver blood can not go back. Therefore, when it comes to meridian flow, our body has its physiological clock, which will affect the process of qi and blood operation. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi and blood flow into 12 viscera within 12 hours.

Our blood flow has its secular melody:

Chen Gong of lung yin and stomach: lung opening yin, large intestine opening hair and stomach opening Chen.

At noon, the spleen is not in the center of the heart: when the spleen is open, when the heart is open at noon, when the small intestine is not open.

Apply kidney and pericardial defense: open bladder meridian when applying, open kidney meridian when applying, and be happy when defending.

Hai Jiao Zi Dan Ugly Gan Tong: The sea opens the triple energizer, the son opens the gallbladder meridian, and the ugly opens the liver meridian.

This is a cycle of the human body. From a scientific point of view, if it exists, we will verify it, and you will find that lung cancer patients will wake up at three or five o'clock on time in the past two years. Chinese medicine can be traced back to the earliest stage of your lung cancer. At this time, you will know that there is something wrong with your lungs. At this time, we will begin. This is called nip in the bud. There are many ways to start, such as Rongxue, which is specially designed for time calibration. For example, if the patient can't fall asleep at the beginning of 3-5 o'clock, we can use acupuncture to puncture Rong point of lung meridian, that is, Fishbone point. If it is at the time of the liver meridian 1:00~3:00, we will tie up the point of the Rong point of the liver meridian, that is, the second point of 5 points. This is the earliest time that acupuncture can be solved. If you wake up at one to three o'clock every day, Yin qi is forming at this time. At the beginning, when the patient is in good health, we will use drugs to clean up the toxin yin. After we clean up his toxins or tumors, he can sleep well, which means his tumors or toxins are discharged.

? Therefore, if the theory of TCM is correct, he can't sleep at 1~3 o'clock, but after taking your medicine, he can sleep at 1 ~ 3 o'clock. This symptom proves that his illness was cured by Chinese medicine.

If it is found to be liver cancer, I can't sleep from one to three. If you have an operation, you can't sleep from one to three after the operation, and you can't sleep from three to five. You will know that your disease has metastasized to your lungs.

If we encounter the third kind of insomnia, we will judge what the problem is. For example, a patient with gallstones starts gallbladder pain around 12:00 every day on time, and will roll in bed with pain. This is called an emergency.

There are three kinds of insomnia, which are caused by mental factors, those with a guilty conscience that does not hide the spirit, and those with yin deficiency of viscera. So 1/3 insomnia needs no treatment.

? (Personal supplement: ① Eating too much at night, disharmony between spleen and stomach, and too much stomach gas make people easily excited and unable to sleep; ② When using a mobile phone, it is difficult for people to fall asleep due to the radiation of the mobile phone. Therefore, to ensure a stable sleep, you don't need to use your mobile phone one hour in advance. You can play light music, read books and sit still. To prepare an efficient sleep quality, it is best to sleep at 9: 30 in the evening to nourish the liver and replenish blood. ③ Adjusting the heart meridian, pericardium meridian or three meridians and one pulse with acupressure therapy or national second-class medical equipment can also adjust insomnia, which varies from person to person. )