Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is impatience and impatience innate or acquired?

Is impatience and impatience innate or acquired?

Recently, I read Jiang Yang's collection of essays "Go to the Edge of Life and Ask Yourself and Answer Yourself", and found that such an open-minded and transparent old man actually believed in the theory of fate. This surprised me. Perhaps it is because of this that she is open-minded and transparent!

Jiang Yang said in the book: "A poor life is indeed a kind of life. Fortune telling in some way is also known in real life. There is an old saying in the west:' If you hit someone who should be hanged, you will never drown.' "

Not long ago, when listening to a lecture by Wang Defeng, a professor of philosophy at Fudan University, Wang Defeng also said: If a person is over 40 years old and still doesn't believe in life, he is either too savvy or has not accumulated enough life.

As the saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. Jiang Yang, who is in his eighties, also believes that people's personality is innate and will not change until old age. An educated person can restrain himself. However, natural impatience cannot be constrained into chronic impatience; You can't cultivate a chronic temper into an acute one.

Character determines fate, and if the character remains unchanged, the fate will not change.

She said: everyone is born with a personality, and what is certain is that personality will remain unchanged for life. There are countless people born in heaven and earth. But everyone's fingerprints and handwriting are different, which is also circumstantial evidence of different personalities.

In the book, Jiang Yang also mentioned that Confucius was afraid of fate. She said: Confucius called "destiny" more than once, not only "destiny", but also said that "a gentleman has three fears". The first is "fear of destiny" ... I don't know fate but I'm not afraid of it "(Ji's 16th). This is with awe, admit that fate is decided by heaven.

Jiang Yang said: Confucius once lamented: "Life is a husband! People also have their own diseases! People in Sri Lanka are also sick! " ("Yongye Sixth") is a life, but it is stubborn. So I have to accept my fate. "I don't know my life, I don't think about a gentleman." ("Yao Yue Twenty")

Is it really predestined to be poor and rich all one's life?