Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why does the child have a high fever after being frightened, and going to the hospital several times has no effect, but why can those old people who call the soul be cured?

Why does the child have a high fever after being frightened, and going to the hospital several times has no effect, but why can those old people who call the soul be cured?

Calling the soul is also called "screaming" and "calling the soul". China believed in folk customs in the old society. It is popular in most parts of the country. In ancient times, it was thought that people would die if they were ill, and their souls would be scattered. Only by evoking souls could they restore their spirits and prolong their lives, so there was a custom of "evoking souls".

The phenomenon of soul loss may not be explained by science.

However, one thing is certain: there may be a high fever after being frightened, and the body can reduce the fever without calling the soul. So to supplement protein, protein is easy to digest. Drinking egg soup when it is hot will accelerate the evaporation of water in the body, and sweating when it is hot will take away some water. Therefore, in addition to replenishing energy, it is also necessary to replenish water.

It can be seen that egg soup can reduce fever in a simple sense, but a bowl of egg soup can't solve the fever sometimes caused by viral cold.

It's a bit impossible to call the wind. Of course, what you described is completely your subjective consciousness, and I can completely understand that you are lying.

The formation of wind is the result of air flow, not the interference of external forces.

Whether the picture is true or not, only it knows.