Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to learn footwork in misty and rainy rivers and lakes

How to learn footwork in misty and rainy rivers and lakes

There are two ways to learn footwork in misty rain:

1. During the temple fair, find an activity ambassador to enter the temple fair site, and then go to the 7.7 coordinate point of the temple fair site to talk with Zhu, choose the temple fair shop option, choose the Tianluobu cheats on the shelf of the temple fair shop and buy them. For 300 Yu Yan dollars, you can get the secret book of Tianluobu. After that, you need to practice Luo Tian's footwork until you reach 45.

2. Buy Luo Tian's footwork cheats directly from Hua Yuanbao in the mall, Hua Yuanbao 300, and then you can learn Luo Tian's footwork.