Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Five years ago, the top scholar killed his mother: what happened after killing his mother's mummy?

Five years ago, the top scholar killed his mother: what happened after killing his mother's mummy?

There are exceptions to everything, but I didn't expect tragedy to happen to people's closest parents. Some children died at the hands of their parents, and even more parents died at the hands of their children. But most of them are criminals, so it is not surprising that they make mistakes. Just using the impermanence of the world can show that those who can make great achievements in people's eyes will commit heinous crimes. This was a murder case five years ago. The murderer is a prodigy of Peking University. He mummified his mother and was still calm when he was taken away.

A child prodigy, if he studies and does research with peace of mind, his future achievements are bound to be remarkable, but he has chosen a road of self-destruction. The prodigy's name is Wu. The news that he killed his mother was exposed on 20 16. When the news came out, many people couldn't believe it. Wu, a genius, can't do it. His friends even think that everyone in the world will commit crimes except Wu. But when the facts are in front of us, we can't help but believe them.

Wu's mother had been dead for three years when she was found. After Wu killed his mother, he wrapped her in multiple layers of plastic and placed activated carbon in the middle of each layer to absorb the odor emitted by the body. It is no exaggeration to say that Wu's mother is like a mummy at this time. Why did his son do this to his mother? If you want to know the real reason, you must understand it from Wu's growth process.

Wu got the title of genius when he was very young. Since the senior high school entrance examination, his achievements have been very dazzling. Being admitted to high school in the third place and Peking University in the first place is almost like other people's children. Wu, who entered the university, did not let everyone down. He is the monitor of the university, a three-good student, with a soft scholarship and a global gross enrollment rate of 5%.

In addition to having strong strength, Wu is also a person with very high emotional intelligence. He is polite and gentle, and never argues with others. He is almost a perfect man, without any shortcomings. No wonder his friends think that if he commits a crime, he will be the most impossible crime person in the world.

A person who is so polite to his classmates, friends and teachers is naturally considerate to his mother, and Wu has never been stingy with his love for his mother. But it was such a perfect obedient child that killed his only mother. Is there any knot in this that can't be untied?

Wu's mother is a history teacher. Several characteristics can be summarized from her: self-discipline, strength and politeness, which are almost Wu's characteristics. It can be seen that the mother educated Wu according to her own habits. Although these characteristics are almost all advantages, the problem is that mothers have such characteristics, why should they copy them to their children?

Because his mother set too many rules and regulations for Wu, Wu had little room for his own play. He seems to be his mother's body double. This life is to grow into a mother and live in the world instead of her. Before Wu 16 years old, he still had time to breathe, but after 16 years old, because his father died, his mother completely controlled Wu.

From Wu's food, clothing, housing, transportation, learning and making friends, her mother should know everything. You should keep in touch every day, which is almost like what lovers do, except that they are mother and son. Wu didn't like his mother's behavior from the bottom of his heart, but he never had a chance to show it.

The suspense between him and his mother gradually squeezed, but Wu himself didn't realize that he just felt that his life was strange and he didn't have himself like others. He is almost a robot created by human beings. Unlike robots, Wu has feelings. He killed his mother after the problem of inner extrusion broke out. After hiding his mother, he began to change himself. Wu, who was once rational and polite, was deeply hidden. He went to some places where he could give full play to his desires and completely turned into a crazy martial man.

It's just that this madness didn't last long Wu leaked some details of his mother's death to his uncle, but he also started his escape. When he was finally caught, there was not a ripple on his face. It seems that this is just an insignificant matter.


Wu's life could have been brilliant, but he chose death. In fact, choosing psychotherapy can also improve the relationship between mother and child. Why make it a life-and-death situation?