Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why do you say "extremes meet, extremes meet"?

Why do you say "extremes meet, extremes meet"?

Words such as "extreme opposites", "extreme opposites" and "extreme opposites" are often used in literature, philosophy and other fields, and are the common language to describe natural phenomena. But "heaven" is a concept with religious belief, which refers to a certain god, fate, moral norms and so on.

As "Heaven" is a concept of religious belief, its meaning and function will be different in different cultures, beliefs and value systems. In history, some people think that "heaven" is a supernatural force, which can control and influence the fate and historical process of mankind. Some people regard "heaven" as a moral norm and lifestyle, which is the norm and benchmark that human beings should follow.

So I don't think the concept of "heaven" is suitable for describing natural phenomena and changes in historical processes. Although there are laws of fluctuation, change and alternation between nature and social development, these laws are the result of the interaction of natural factors, human factors, scientific and technological progress, politics, economy and other factors, and the word "heaven" should not be used to describe them.