Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why do you get what you want instead of what you want?

Why do you get what you want instead of what you want?

Heart, the position in Chinese civilization, can be realized in all kinds of classics, but what is heart? There seems to be no explanation in the western system, heart? Just kidding! Today, I'd better explain the true heart of our ancestors. Otherwise, I think I can't talk about psychology. Hey, volunteer to popularize it. Interested students look back at my last article, and then interested students go to see Wang Yangming. The text begins.

/37d 3d 539 b 6003 af 3 1038 CEA 83 e 2 AC 65 c 1 138 b 673? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85, which is the foundation of human beings.

People were born 2 million years ago and learned to use tools in the Quaternary, but people at that time were just animals because they were unintentional and had no worldly desires. Longma introduced the aura into Kunlun, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and gave birth to many spirits, beasts and, of course, people. Spirit is qi outside, essence inside, keeping in the heart, and lasting affection. People with a heart have independent consciousness, emotion and spirituality.

The heart is the memory place of emotion.

People who have opened up spirituality have all kinds of emotions. Unlike knowledge in the brain, feelings can only exist in the heart. There are many kinds of feelings, but they can be roughly divided into seven kinds: emotion, sadness, fear, love and evil desire. People's obsession with emotions produces six desires, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body.

Lust exists in the heart. When you meet the person you like, your heart beats faster, your feelings flood all over your body, your limbs are numb, and your breathing is tense. This is not the function of our brains. Similarly, if there is a fear experience inside, similar scenes will quickly stimulate the emotional memory inside. Therefore, some memory methods bypass the brain and directly put the memory into the heart by creating emotional stimuli, and remember it deeply and firmly.

/d 1 a 20 cf 43 1 adcbef 37 b 66 ccea 7 af 2 edda 2 cc 9 f 73? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 The mind is the master of human destiny.

Mind determines fate, and mind makes life. When you are born, your spirit enters your heart, or as I said before, bringing heavenly stems and earthly branches's energy into your heart determines your humanity. This determines your future behavior pattern. Changing your mind won't change anything. Knowing and doing are never the same thing. You may be able to make your brain gain a lot of knowledge, but changing your behavior will only work if it really enters your heart. If you don't pay attention to reading, you can't live without knowing more truth. Driven by our hearts, we will make many seemingly imperfect decisions, encounter many coincidences, and push us in our inner direction.

The heart is an omnipotent subconscious.

The essence of innate destiny is that the heart enters our body when we are born. However, our experience the day after tomorrow will make us form some bad habits and make us always feel that there are two people fighting in our bodies. The person who can listen to his heart best is the person who can connect with his subconscious, and the essence of his heart is extremely powerful, and its energy is thousands of times stronger than that of his brain. So many successful people will emphasize acting from the heart.

The heart is an energy.

Everyone's heart emits a frequency, which can be used to feel people or things consistent with this frequency. Just like the law of gravity, things in the universe are originally divided into eight basic frequencies. Once the frequency is close to or even the same as something, it will cause resonance with the same frequency, thus generating a field in the mind and corresponding psychological and physiological reactions. Therefore, what people like is not determined by the brain, but by the heart. Moreover, the heart will attract things with the same frequency. Many westerners have discovered this and written a lot of abstract theoretical books.

/ 1 c 950 a7b 02087 BF 4 FB 02452 1 f9d 3572 c 10 dfcf 08? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85, which can perceive everything.

When the people we love are in danger, we all feel something, and this feeling comes from the energy frequency inside us. Quantum mechanics proves that the mutual information of two entangled quantum Wan Li is instantaneous, and the heart is instantaneous, while the sensed information is field speed propagation, which exceeds the speed of light. We know the principle of divination. Only through the induction at that time and when the people concerned are thinking, the lottery ticket is accurate. The universe is in my heart, and my heart is the universe. Wang Yangming raised his mind to a higher level. The heart is rational, and the conscience can dominate everything. Therefore, Wang Yangming fought, surprised and won every battle, leaving no art of war, only psychology.

Get the secret you want.

People's thoughts come from the brain except emotions, and what the brain sends out is always thoughts, because the energy is too weak to be sensed by the outside world. The core of all one's wishes is that the inner energy resonates with the outside world. When you think about something calmly, the result that suddenly pops up in your heart, which some people call the sixth sense, shows that you resonate with this result. If it doesn't resonate, it means you just use your head instead of your heart.

The human heart is actually a small universe. Only through inner thoughts can we gain energy, be amplified, become powerful and change the world. So this is what you want, and you can't think about things.

So let the brain be in a state of extreme relaxation and nature, and then let the mind send out this idea, which will naturally induce with the outside world. People with strong energy change the status quo in one thought.

Heart needs a quiet environment.

This is what all kinds of spiritual practices are doing repeatedly, seeking to clear emptiness, get rid of distractions, seek justice and get rid of human desires. In order to gain inner energy and spiritual strength. It doesn't extend here anymore. If you are interested, go and see for yourself.

The brain won't be tired, and it won't stop when sleeping, but if you have something on your mind, you will get tired easily. We all know that no matter how long we play the game, we can stick to it. When you meet things and people you don't like, you will soon be exhausted. If you have anxiety that can't be solved, it won't help you sleep or exercise. Only by loosening the knot can we relax. It is not a journey of a thousand miles that makes people fall, but the sand in their shoes. That's the truth.

The above information is the explanation of Chinese civilization on the heart, which is arranged personally and as easy to understand as possible. Welcome to discuss.