Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Looking for the Guangzhou version of the thick three-character classic

Looking for the Guangzhou version of the thick three-character classic

Guangzhou version of thick three-character warp

At the beginning of life is full of jokes, riding a poisonous snake, but it is easy to learn bad when it is out of stock.

Dress up as busy, with wet eyes and melancholy, and play with your mouth less.

If I had known, I would have known that I was a beggar. If I had known, I would have laughed at the ticket.

If you don't bury your hands everywhere and leave early in the morning, you can get training without help.

I don't feel much on the side, and I don't wash it in the fog. I have an impractical and unreliable posture.

In 789, I drank hard bones and ate dirt, but I was short of money and couldn't peck anyone.

It is certain that panic will harm the neighborhood if money is lost, and anger is better than begging.

The shrimp bachelor in Tengteng Town was lucky to return to the store, but Er Zi had no choice but to use it as a cheat.

Win a candy factory and win a car. Early learning with sinus is not that important.

It is irresponsible to spend a lot of time around PINKRAY and make a long gift of coffee to play with girls.