Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How do couples with different views live? What are the three views?

How do couples with different views live? What are the three views?

According to the data report after China 1995, we made the following data chart. Among the most important conditions for a partner, the three viewpoints unanimously beat personality, appearance and economy and jumped to the first place. How do couples with different views live their lives?

Many people are surprised by this result, but if you think about it carefully, the consistency of these three views is really important. In the future, this difference in three views will also become an important killer of the breakdown of husband-wife relationship.

What are the real differences?

You like reading books and he likes playing games, which is not a disagreement;

But what's the use of reading? Isn't it just pretending to be literary? This is called three views disagreement.

You like to go to a western restaurant to eat steak, and he likes to roll kebabs in food stalls, which is not a disagreement;

But he said it was expensive and not delicious, and that you were really artificial and inconsistent.

You like to travel around, and he likes to stay at home, which is not a disagreement;

But he said that the fun of traveling lies not in spending money and suffering, but in how comfortable it is to lie at home. This is a three-view disagreement.

In fact, these three views are consistent. It doesn't need your interests or preferences. You have exactly the same way of thinking, but you can seek common ground while reserving differences and know how to tolerate, understand and appreciate.

Otherwise, if you share your happiness with him, he will think you are showing off; If you talk to him about sadness, he will think you are hypocritical. Getting along with people with different views is more tiring than moving bricks, because he doesn't understand you at all.

You tell him the sea is beautiful, and he says you don't know how many people drowned here;

You said you would spend 480 yuan to go to the theatre, but he said that the money was enough to see 10 movies.

You wear makeup every day, and he says you stink; You insist on going to the gym, and he says you spend money indiscriminately;

You like buying flowers to decorate your home. He said that you lost a few days and it was still so expensive. Why buy it?

This is a natural thing in your eyes, but it becomes incredible in his eyes.

It's hard for you to change his cognition, and he won't understand your thoughts. You will never be on the same frequency, so it is natural to get along very tired.

Especially in the matter of spending money, it often becomes the most concentrated point of contradiction.

For example, I have a good friend who traveled with her husband on May Day. At that time, the travel agency offered two packages, one was 1800, but shopping was included, and the other was 3500.

She wants to choose 3500 pure play, but her husband thinks that since they are all destinations, they are of course cheap and cost-effective, and even if they take them shopping, they will not buy them.

But a good friend thinks that a cheap set meal is definitely not good for food and accommodation, and it is meaningless to waste a lot of time being led by a tour guide to go shopping. The couple finally have time to come out to play. Of course, they should have fun.

In the end, the two had a quarrel. Not only did they not travel, but they broke up in discord.

There are many such examples in life.

From tens of dollars of coffee to hundreds of thousands of cars, too many marriages make a scene because of different consumption concepts.

In the noise, we forgot our original wish. In fact, our initial wish was very positive. It may want to find a place to relax the pressure of life and work, or find a place to play a romantic couple trip.

But at the beginning, my heart met three different views, and the tragedy ended. Over time, no one remembers the original intention of this trip, even the original intention of getting married!

Ruby Lin told the story of her mother:

Mother Lin is an elegant person. Even if she goes downstairs to take out the garbage, she should clean up and dress neatly. Father Lin is very handsome and will make money.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are a match made in heaven, but in Ruby Lin 12, they divorced.

Lin's mother said: others are very nice, but they can't be together. After all, life is too long.

It turns out that mother Lin likes to grow flowers, but father Lin always plays cigarette ash and throws cigarette butts in flower pots. Mother Lin likes to be clean, and father Lin doesn't like to take a shower and throw clothes. Father Lin earns a lot of money, but he seldom spends time with mother Lin.

Later, mother Lin met her stepfather. He will buy a beautiful flowerpot for mother Lin's flowers and plants, and take the initiative to wash clothes and clean the house. In addition, you can walk with mother Lin to watch the sunrise and learn recipes together.

Although it is a trivial matter, it becomes very tired in front of people with different views and very comfortable in the eyes of people with the same views.

So, from the beginning, we should find a person with the same three views.

He likes playing games, but he also supports your study.

◆ He likes to stay at home, but he is also willing to listen to you share interesting things on the trip;

He likes to go to food stalls, but he can also accompany you into western restaurants.

It is said that love is the second, and not being tired is the most important.

Life is really long. Money and looks may only determine whether you can be together, but these three views determine whether you are suitable to continue.

Mr. Kun Wang said: The same frequency between husband and wife can generate ringtones, and communication can communicate with each other. The core of the three views is understanding, tolerance and communication, which is lacking in most marriages. We all want to control each other, even each other, but often forget that everyone is an independent individual. The more you control, the farther away you are from each other, and the problems such as quarreling, satire and cold war between husband and wife will become more and more serious, which will eventually lead to the breakdown of feelings.

If you have the same outlook on life, you won't turn your home into a battlefield because of different lifestyles;

If the concept of money is consistent, there will not be many contradictions because of the problem of money;

The values of life are consistent, and there will be nothing to say because of language barriers;

If the educational concept is consistent, parents and children will not be unhappy because of the differences in educating their children!

If you are not married, please find someone as close as possible to yourself;

If you get married, how can couples with different views live their lives? However, the other party disagrees with your three points. Please make efforts to communicate, understand and tolerate, participate in the same study, grow together, and bring the three of us closer together.