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On the regional activities of the middle class

Regional activities can strengthen communication between students, so how to write its composition? Let's take a look at my essay on the regional activities of the middle class carefully arranged for you. I hope you will learn something.

Essay on Regional Activities of Class One Middle School

There are two groups of children playing in the chess area. I saw Li Xian arrive. He has been waiting for another child to come and see. After a while, Zhang Yuchen came. He plays flying chess with Zhang Yuchen. I saw that both of them didn't get up for a long time at first. They have been talking, as if arguing about what to do. Especially Li seems to talk a lot. But it sounds as if everything is related to playing chess.

They argue about how to throw dice, how to throw numbers, how to throw chess pieces, what to do when throwing 6, what is the route and so on.

When we play regional activities, we often pay attention to the process of playing. For children, generally speaking, it is just fun. When problems are found in the process of playing, they are solved while playing.

It was rarely discussed before playing like this. Moreover, they seldom discuss the methods and rules of playing chess.

This phenomenon is a rare good phenomenon. Because before we play a game, we often need to reach a consensus. When everyone knows the methods and rules of the game, the game can run normally.

In view of this situation, I think this phenomenon can be carried forward. In regional activities, children can be guided to discuss and exchange the rules of the game. This kind of discussion and communication can help children to have a clearer understanding of the game and keep the same understanding, which is very helpful for the smooth completion of the game.

Many regional games need this kind of communication. This is also the embodiment of children's ability to improve their game.

Essays on regional activities of the middle class II

In the middle class last semester, the kindergarten decided to let our class pilot the experimental class, mainly to carry out experiments of regional activities and create a model of informal activities. Because it is an experimental class, the decision-making level of the kindergarten and all the teachers in the experimental class jointly plan and arrange the regional layout of the class. Our middle-class venue is a bit crowded because of the decoration. But because of the need of space, six small square tables were set. When I first put it in, to be honest, it felt very crowded. Because I am used to the traditional group teaching, I feel as if there is no room for large group teaching, and I don't know how to give children a seat. Always in this feeling.

But when it comes, let it go. Since the venue is like this, we should face the reality and arrange activities according to the new venue.

Now our collective activities are basically in the front of the venue. In the following table, we gradually found its benefits. Because children often have different degrees, different learning progress and different speed of completing tasks. Generally, it is difficult for our teachers to manage what is done first and then. If they work fast, they will have nothing to do, but if they work slowly, they will be out of control. But now I find that my troubles have disappeared unconsciously. Because, every time I finish it first, I send them to participate in regional activities. Because they have experience in playing in the region, they can generally develop independently. Some children can also take some independent things, such as what they played last time and hobbies. This time, they will play again. And they play in the back area, which does not affect the learning of the children in front at all. This situation allows me to concentrate on tutoring the rest of the children.

Sometimes most of the children have finished, so I send the remaining children to the back to finish. I continue the next activity of most children by myself. Some children are more careful in their work and do their homework carefully, but they spend a lot of time. Sometimes the teacher can't bear to interrupt him, but because of the relationship between the venue and the environment, he will be very reluctant to interrupt. But now because of this condition, I can allow him to finish. Like doing manual work today? Flower fairy? Some children are slow to do, so I can leave him alone and let him do it in the back. As long as it doesn't affect eating, he insists on finishing one thing in his hand, which is actually a complete process. The experience of this whole process is very important for children. Just like yesterday's backbone teacher demonstration class, a child in the middle class concentrated on making an umbrella until the end, and the teacher did not interrupt him. I think it's good.

Regional small dining table, a facility I didn't recognize at first, is now slowly discovering its benefits. Maybe my practice has changed with the change of environment, but the real thing, in fact, I know, is that my educational concept is changing, and the change of this concept is a kind of progress. Because, I think my new practice makes my educational process easier.

Essay on regional activities in the third grade of middle school

With the concept of quality education deeply rooted in people's hearts, people with independent personality, healthy psychology and independent ability have become the requirements of the times and the needs of society.

As the hope of the country's future, children's autonomous education has become the main theme of education reform. Autonomy is an aspect of personality, which mainly refers to a person's independence and initiative, that is, the personality characteristics of being independent of others and taking the initiative to take responsibility. In a sense, regional activities are children's main activities with the characteristics of freedom, autonomy, autonomy and initiative. Regional activities give children great freedom, enable them to carry out activities independently according to their own wishes, and provide conditions for the development of their independent habits and abilities.

Although the children in the middle class have lived collectively in the kindergarten for one year, in the regional activities, their game behavior is still monotonous, emphasizing imitation, and there is no clear and independent operation purpose and association with things. To this end, we try to make some tentative explorations through the research on the independent development of children in the regional activities of middle classes.

1. Gymnastics (1) creates a suitable environment, provides an open space for regional activities, and promotes children to actively participate in the creation of game environment, including material environment (operating materials) and psychological environment (knowledge and experience). The most important thing in the activity area is to create an environment that encourages children to choose freely, operate boldly and explore boldly, to stimulate their enthusiasm and initiative to participate in activities, and to improve their autonomy in the game. 1. The environment is unique and interesting. Children are always particularly sensitive and interested in the innovative environment. They want to see, listen, touch the mold, touch and ask everything that is innovative. At this time, their thinking activities and exploration spirit are also at their best. If teachers seize the opportunity to inspire and induce children, children can actively and continuously obtain information. For example, middle-class children are very enthusiastic about their work and like to imitate all kinds of jobs of adults, but because they are young, weak in physical strength and lack of knowledge and experience, they can't really work like adults, so we set them up for children? Small plantation? 、? Self-care angle? And so on, let them practice or reproduce the wishes that are difficult to realize in life through specific situations in this novel environment. This kind of education can not only give children a lot of information, but also arouse their initiative and enthusiasm in participating in activities. 2. Safe and convenient space and relative freedom of activity time. Although middle-class children have participated in regional activities and have a certain sense of rules, they are children after all. In addition, regional activities are dynamic, and children often migrate from one area to another. Therefore, when setting up areas, we should first consider whether the arranged space is safe, convenient and free to choose, whether there is a sense of oppression, whether areas will interfere with each other, and whether conditions such as light, color, temperature, humidity and ventilation can be guaranteed. Whether the items are placed correctly and whether the items in the activity are easy to cause harm to children. In response to these ideas, we arranged activities such as observation, art design, entertainment, puzzle, architecture and self-care around the activity room, by the window of the teacher's office, in the corner of the outdoor corridor. Due to the opening of the space, it is not only convenient for children to freely enter and leave these fixed areas, but also conducive to the observation and guidance of teachers. In addition, we don't limit the number of activities children can do every day. As long as it is a non-group activity, children are free to enter and leave the activity area during recess and after meals, and they can play as much as they want. 3. Provide open activity materials for different people. In regional activities, materials are the object of children's activities. Materials suitable for children's age characteristics, experience, abilities and needs can mobilize children's initiative in learning, so that children can actively observe, find problems, think and solve problems independently in a stress-free environment. Therefore, when we choose and provide operating materials, we put them in according to the development law and level of children's movements in this class. First of all, around the same educational goal, provide a variety of materials, such as finding angles. The goal of a month is to understand the characteristics and uses of elastic objects through operation. The materials provided are tensioners, spring scales, rubber bands, balls, sponge blocks, watch belts, socks, elastic clothes, elastic bands, etc. Secondly, according to the needs of children at different stages of development, provide suitable materials at different levels. For example, the puzzle corner, a child with strong ability can choose a tortuous and difficult route. Maze? It is easier and less difficult for children with less ability to choose? Maze? ; In addition, according to the characteristics of children's physiological and psychological development, interesting, operable and multifunctional materials are provided, such as recreational fishing in the entertainment corner, cross-section printing of vegetables and fruits in the art corner, and self-made drinks in the observation corner. These not only give children great freedom to choose and control their own behavior, but also enable children to carry out activities independently according to their own wishes, so that most children can experience the happiness of success in activities and effectively promote the formation of children's autonomy. 4. Accumulation of knowledge and experience. Successful experience comes from gaining experience. Children's manipulation of materials is often closely related to children's existing life experience. The richer life experience, the richer knowledge and skills, the richer children's game skills and skills, and the greater their initiative and creativity in the game. Therefore, we should first enrich children's daily life, exchange and share experiences through conversations, discussions and visits, and expand and deepen children's understanding of life, such as? Slap the ball? Cheer up the ball? Provide life experience for understanding the characteristics of elastic objects; Secondly, encourage children to collect materials needed for games in life, for example, let children collect all kinds of leaves in observation activities themselves. In addition, because children's long-term knowledge impressions are mostly unconscious memories, the unintentional memory effect in the game is higher than the intentional memory of simply completing the task, so children are more likely to remember the specific things they directly perceive. In regional activities, when a new content appears, we don't explain it at all, so that children can play new things driven by novelty and gain their own perception and experience with their original ability level. Due to the influence of migration factors, these findings and experiences from children themselves are the most enlightening and analogical in the new game. In the new operation activities, children can naturally integrate all kinds of operation skills they are already familiar with and master, transform them according to their own wishes, and creatively reflect them in the game. Cognitive activities at this time fully reflect the independence of children.

(2) Timely help and guidance to promote children's independence and creativity. It is emphasized that the performance of children's main activities in independent games is not a laissez-faire for children's games. Therefore, it is not excluded that teachers in games can help and guide children to acquire certain knowledge or skills in a timely and appropriate manner. The purpose of teacher guidance is not to interfere with children's games, but to guide children to exert their imagination, enrich their behavior and play games better. 1. Fully observe and understand children's games. Through observation, we can accurately understand the needs and performance of children in activities, such as whether the game space provided for children is appropriate, whether the game behavior has developed, what experiences should be enriched, whether the newly released game materials have been used, how they are used, what are the reasons for not using them, and so on; After observation and analysis, the object and method of guidance are determined. 2. Adopt the open guidance method. According to the different links of regional activities, different learning contents and different behaviors of children, the principle of full respect and trust for children should be adopted, so that children can play games independently and actively as far as possible; Observe more and interfere less; Let go more and do less; Encourage more and blame less. When the child needs help, the teacher, as a partner in the game, plays with the child on an equal footing, gives inspiration and inspiration in the tone of advice and consultation, and relies on the child's active activities to help the child learn, but the language guided by the teacher should be open, for example? what do you think? What did you find? Please give it a try and see what happens. By analogy, don't make positive or negative comments on the results that most children didn't participate in, leave space for children to explore, spread children's thinking, arouse children's associations, give children more opportunities to discover and summarize, patiently listen to children's findings, and praise children with appreciation, so as to stimulate children's self-confidence, which is more conducive to children's independent learning. But under special circumstances, teachers need specific guidance. For example, when there are unsafe tendencies, excessive behaviors, asking for help, and trying to give up when encountering difficulties, teachers must intervene in time to stop or guide them. 3. Positive evaluation and spontaneous communication. Evaluation is an important means to cultivate children's self-confidence. Children often know themselves through the eyes of others. In regional activities, we always actively adopt longitudinal evaluation, so that children can feel successful after each activity. Spontaneous communication is the communication between game partners about their own games, and it is the communication in which teachers and children participate together. Through spontaneous communication, children can share the experience of the game, discuss the problems in the game and improve the level of the game.

When communicating, we often talk, brainstorm to solve problems or recommend creative methods; Asking questions is often used as an extension of activities to pave the way for the next activity and stimulate children's interest in observing things around them. For example, when we know fruits and dried fruits, children feel it while playing. When they gain some knowledge and experience about fruits, we will let the children exchange observations and discoveries with each other. Is there any good way to introduce what can be done to solve this problem? Wait, can we talk about this later? How did you find out? what do you think? And so on, let children understand other people's perspectives and ways of thinking, enhance their learning ability, and then guide children to summarize the characteristics of fruits and dried fruits, so that children can actively distinguish between fruits and dried fruits when they see strange fruits. Finally? What are you going to observe next time? How else do you want to play? Ask questions to stimulate children's enthusiasm and initiative to participate in the next game.

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