Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - 16 1004 reading

16 1004 reading

I bought this book in mid-September. Very thin, 100 pages of text, 9 1 page of notes, or the topic discussed is too big. I've read it for nearly a week, and I've read the middle chapters several times. I want to write something after reading it, but I dare not. The general feeling, as my topic said, is that standing halfway up the mountain to see the top of the mountain, Mr. Wang's road is also the way we have to go after all, but Mr. Wang started early, approached the top of the mountain, looked back at the foot of the mountain, thought about the road ahead, and sincerely asked himself and answered those ultimate propositions.

The completion of this book stems from Mr. Wang's thinking about going to the edge of life after he was discharged from hospital in 2005. It took two and a half years and was completed in August 2007. At this time, Mr. Wang is 96 years old, her husband has died 10 years, and her daughter, the masterpiece of her life, has also died for 9 years. The once happy "three of us" has now become a lonely "cleaning the scene". In 2005, Mr. Wang was hospitalized due to illness, or she felt old. She really came to the edge of life. She seriously thought about the ultimate propositions such as life, ghosts and gods, soul, numerology and value. According to Mr. Wang's book, she was an old woman in the late Qing Dynasty, who experienced war, peace at home and abroad and brilliant difficulties. She is almost 100 years old. What she thinks and says is really.

Mr. Wang spent nearly 20 pages discussing ghosts and gods, souls and fortune telling. This part is readable, but controversial. It's the first time I've seen celebrities talk about ghosts and gods, fortune-telling and souls in such a big space in bestsellers. In the book, Mr. Wang told many stories about ghosts hitting the wall, possessed by ghosts, haunted houses, revenge of ghosts, and accurate fortune telling by fortune tellers. It felt a bit like watching a ghost movie. Teacher Wang borrowed a sentence from Shakespeare: There are many inexplicable things in this world. Although the answers are not clear, I feel inclined to believe in ghosts and gods.

? I grew up in the countryside. I have heard all kinds of supernatural stories. There are ghosts around my parents and relatives. I have seen several evocations for children, but I have received a solid materialistic education since I started studying. I have always believed in the saying that ghosts and gods "believe, there is nothing." Or, in a few years, or at the top of the mountain, you will change your mind. However, I still like a passage in the Doctrine of the Mean quoted in this article: the most secret places and the smallest things will reveal your true colors, and gentlemen should be extra cautious when they are alone. Yes, there are gods three feet above the head, and people still have to be awed when they are alive.

Sir, people have souls, that's for sure. People have duality, one is eating (instinct), Mr. is defined as meat, the other is spiritual conscience (cultivation), and Mr. is defined as spirit. There is a contradiction between spirit and body, and there must be a struggle. The struggle can continue, but it must be unified. In the struggle, the soul and the body are a group, calling themselves "I".

Regarding the soul, I feel that Mr. Wang has not made it clear, or that I have not read it thoroughly. Let's talk about the unity of the struggle between spirit and flesh. I still agree with one thing. The more desires, the stronger the animal nature of the body, and every evil will lead to another or more evils. But in this struggle, people are just fallen leaves or hay in the whirlpool. Can they be masters?

? In the next chapter of "Fate and Fate", Mr. Wang used several accurate fortune-telling examples to demonstrate that "fate is fixed, and fate cannot be violated", but he also stressed that fortune-telling compared "fate" to a boat and "luck" to a river, and the fate remained unchanged, but the luck was "winding and constantly turning". At critical moments, ships run aground or capsize, and there are also critical moments. Mr. Wang believes in fortune telling, but his attitude is worth learning. "Whether destiny takes a hand is the same, you don't have to calculate in advance."

Mr. Wang believes that life is really bitter, the poor worry about survival, and the rich worry about stabilizing financial power. God is gone, and the god of wealth is in power. The world is just a vanity fair.

Life is so bitter, is there no pursuit in life? What is the value? Mr. Wang said in the chapter "The Soul of Everything" that under the guidance of spiritual conscience, everyone has higher requirements than material things. People have excellent qualities and many bad qualities. They need to be burned in fire, quenched in water and tempered to obtain steel for sword casting.

After a lot of training, Mr. Wang believes that people are trained by the soul, the body is only an intermediary, and the result of exercise only stays in the soul. A soul without a body is called a ghost.

Regarding the value of life, Mr. Wang believes that only by believing in the immortality of the soul can we have reasonable values of life. If we believe that the soul is immortal, we must be a man of faith. With faith, life is valuable. In this regard, my idea is that we don't have to believe that the soul is immortal. To have faith, you must first have awe. Now, all kinds of incidents that break through the bottom line, such as tainted milk powder and waste oil, are rooted in our lack of fear. No fear, no bottom line. People just pursue the present and the present carnival. The greatness of Jesus Christ lies not in his ability to cure diseases and save the lives of all sentient beings, but in his proof of the greatness of mankind. Although he is a man of flesh and blood, he can bear so much pain for his faith, which proves that life is meaningful and valuable.

Reading this book is like listening to grandparents telling stories. With the passage of time and experience, wisdom and experience still give us many inspirations and reminders. We have a lot of feelings about life, ghosts and gods, soul, cultivation and value. It is enough to get a harvest from a book. In addition, the essays in the notes are really good, and some even steal the limelight from the text, so you can relax and play while watching.