Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is the address of Shanghai Lijie cross-border transit warehouse @S8GX3NB, No.65 Tengxin Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai reliable?

Is the address of Shanghai Lijie cross-border transit warehouse @S8GX3NB, No.65 Tengxin Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai reliable?

I met a liar, and through this transshipment, the order was automatically received. The buyer also applied for a refund, and then Taobao asked you to open the red stamp certificate of express delivery and the certificate of transshipment warehouse. However, the transshipment warehouse is also a group of swindlers, and the tasks that cannot be completed can only be automatically returned to him in vain. Don't send the goods of these swindlers in the future.